1099 Flashcards
Long I sound. A blue what, a what aisle, what joy in what – here in lies what?
Sky… Bridal… Heightened… Trial… Gods smile
It is know what that a pretty what will build cheerfulness and what
Myth… Grin… cheerfulness… Pierce gloom
To form the what’s person what present tense verbs ending in S SH CH or x add what
Third… Singular… ES
When a word ends in a what with a what vowel before it, the accent falls on the last syllable, what before adding ED or Ing
Consonant… Single… Double the consonant
When a word ends in what drop the what before adding a what that begins with a vowel
E… e… a suffix
What are homophones
Words that sound like but have different meaning and spelling
Scribe or script
To write
Forms an adverb from an adjective
Away from
Belonging to
A part; a section
A- Ac- ad- as-
Two; toward; for
In; not
One who