106 Study Flashcards
Provides guidance, advocacy & oversight of the AF’s nuclear enterprise and the countering weapons of mass destruction
Personnel Reliability Assurance Program
(True/False) You may assign up to 4 detail fields to each appointment slot.
This detail code means “Flight Physical Exam”
(True/False) Detail field/code “BPAD “ means “National Guard Only”
(True/False) Verifiying eligibilty is a three-step process.
(True/False) Front desk is required to collect Other Health Ins information from patients who are Active Duty.
The two types of convalescent leave are:
Directed & Recommended
The patient’s inpatient record will remain ___ while the patient is on ____ convalescent leave.
open; directed
Which report calculates the time between appointment request and when patient is seen by the provider?
Access to Care report
This program is not intended to provide life-long medical care.
(True/False) The RO is the final approving authority for Secretarial Designee Program.
(True/False) A “Letter of Designation” is given to beneficiaries that are approved for the Special Needs program.
Carries out the administrative aspects of the EFMP-Medical Office.
The gaining EFMP-MO has __ days to review the FDI package & provide a travel recommendation based on service availabilty
(True/False) The FMRCC must be a 4A0 AFSC or civilian equivalent.
Individuals w/family members identified as having special needs must have an ___ sent to the gaining EFMP-MO for review.
The Exceptional Family Member Program is a/an ___-wide program that provides special assignment considerations.
(True/False) The mission of the EFMP is to identify the medical and educational service requirements of family members…
What are the two referral priority standards?
Routine & Emergent/Urgent
This is a request to evaluate, treat and assume care for the patient for a condition.
Who is responsible for receiving results from the specialist within 10 calendar days?
Referral Mgmt Center
Referral Mgmt Center is responsible for tracking _____ referrals.
all referrals
Who reviews and signs the results (from network/specialist), then foward results to outpatient records for filing?
Referring Provider
“Must be reliable” is a listed requirement for the ____ program.
(True/False) The gaining MTF Commader will review the individual’s personnel file for suitabilty factors.
Referrals are faxed to the ___ for review & for an authorization number to be assigned.
Managed Care Support Contractor (MCSC)
This PRP position has access but no technical knowledge.
Which form is a Sensitive Duties Record Identifier?
AF Form 745
What is used to write the SDP date on the data box on the front of health record?
The 2-inch “PRP or PSD” block letters are in ___.
(True/False) Technical knowledge is the opportunity to tamper with or modify a nuclear weapon.
Who reviews health records of SDP personnel for quality and control purposes?
PRAP Monitor
Who appoints the CMAs & PRAP Monitor?
(True/False) The CO can make the decision to Return to Duty, Suspend, or Decertify a member based on the CMA’s recommendation.
The AQC is made up of ____ personnel and ___ personnel.
line; medical
They keep track of AQ packages from start to finish.
Gatekeepers & Administrators
(True/False) Individuals that are “interim” certified perform PRP duties without restrictions.
Ensure STRs are available for CMA review (at the AQC).
Health Service Managers
(True/False) MTF PRAP Monitors serve as the daily channel between the AQC and the MTF.
What can be revoked on a CO’s determination and RO’s approval?
PRP Certification
A _______ is a contract between the individual and the member’s unit commander.
Who may request reinstatement of a member’s SDP certification (from suspension)?
Unit Commander (CO)
The _____ monitors military personnel performing sensitives duties that could cause severe/grave damage to our nation
Sensitive Duties Program
The program for Security Forces personnel who safeguard our nation’s nuclear weapons is..?
Arming and Use of Force
Ensures personnel trusted with U.S nuclear weapons, NC2 systems, & equipment meet the highest level of reliability
Personnel Reliability Program
Which is NOT part of the minimum criteria for the Personnel Reliability Program?
Negative attitude towards nuclear weapon duty.
Which is NOT part of the minimum criteria for the Presidential Support Duty?
Global citizen
Responsibilties of resource mgmt revolve around the ___
Fiscal Year
Which is NOT part of the minimum criteria for Arming and Use of Force?
Secret clearance eligibility which has been unfavorably adjudicated
The ____ provides support to the the MTF CC and assists CMA (healthcare provider) in making health notifications
PRAP Monitor
The ___ oversees the PRP within the MTF and Geographically Separated Units (GSUs).
Military Treatment Facility Commander
The ____ acts as the MTF’s link to the patient’s unit commander for all health related recommendations.
Competent Medical Authority
Who has the ultimate responsibility for determining reliability of his/her personnel under the PRP?
Certifying Official
Who has overall responsibility for the PRP and reviews permanent disqualifications & reinstatements?
Reviewing Official
(True/False) Once an individual is identified & acknowledges assignment, the AQC will initiate the Administrative Qualification (AQ).
The gaining __________ will return the Administrative Qualification (AQ) abck to the AQC within 14 days of receipt.
Certifying Official
AQC will verify the completion of the AQ then electronically send the forms to the gaining base _____.
PRAP Monitor
The gaining base will forward the AQ to ____ for filing in the member’s automated record once certification is complete.
What is the tool in CHCS that has the capability to efficiently manage a provider’s schedule?
Who is responsible for determining eligibility status of patients?
The Military Personnel Office
The goal of __ is to implement and sustain a proactive and responsive MTF access plan for all clinics and services.
Access To Care
The MHS Standard Appointment Type “24HR” matches with the ___ ATC Category
The MHS Standard Appointment Type “WELL” matches with the ____ ATC Category
The MHS Standard Appointment Type “SPEC” matches with the ___ ATC Category
The MHS Standard Appointment Type “FTR” matches with the __ ATC Category
This MHS Standard Appointment Type is used for patient care conditions requiring care within 24hrs.
Which MHS Standard Appointment Type is used for “non-urgent patient conditions to include follow-up appointments”?
Which MHS Standard Appointment Type is used for an initial consult/referral appointment?
Which MHS Standard Appointment Type is used for patients in need of medical procedures?
Which MHS Standard Appointment Type is used for patients requesting “non-urgent services beyond 24 hours”?
Which MHS Standard Appointment Type is used for patients requiring a service that will be done in a group setting?
The address and _____ are examples of patient demographics we verify.
Phone number
Who is authorized to recover the cost of providing health services to covered DoD beneficiaries from third party payers?
(True/False) Timecards must be submitted no later than (NLT) the third duty day of the beginning of the month.
Who can be placed on convalescent leave once released from the hospital?
Military Members
Who will coordinate with legal office (quaterly) to ensure MAC case status is being tracked and is the same?
MAC Clerk
Fiscal Year begins ___ and ends ____.
1 Oct; 30 Sep
Which office is responsible for the financial management and budgeting aspect of the MTF?
Resource Management Office
Who implemented the Medical Expense and Performance Reporting system to track and manage health care resources?
Department of Defense
The MAC Clerk will complete the AF Form 438 and send it to legal office within ___ duty days.
(True/False) The Medical Service Account (MSA) function consists of billing and collecting funds for medical and dental services…..
Who publishes the master listing of all MEPRS account codes/functional cost codes?
Department of Defense
The functional account is the ______ level of accounting in the MEPRS account code.
What is the second highest level of accounting in the MEPRS account code?
What is the lowest level of MEPRS accounting?
Sub Account
Established to collect operating expenses when two or more work centers share physical space, personnel & supplies.
Cost Pool
DMHRSi is the system that provides leadership on demand visibility of all personnel working in the ____.
The MEPRS ____ is a web-based cost allocation tool.
Expense Assignment System (EAS)
Which system identifies the total cost of providing health care to TRICARE patients annually?
Expense Assignment System (EAS)
The ___ and ____ will develop a local policy that dictates the preparation, tracking, and follow-up for the AF Form 438.
MTF Commander & Staff Judge Advocate
Spending plan is developed during the ____ quarter.
Higher HQ begin seeking the MTF’s financial plans for ther upcoming FY during the ___ quarter.
Each MTF facility will transmit monthly MEPRS data files to the EAS IV Repository within ___ days.
The ___ is used as an injury report to track all patients treated by the MTF or network.
AF Form 1488
The AF Form 1488 is normally documented using CHCS. The ___ will review the AF Form 1488s.
Base Legal Office
RMC will provide the patient with the referral instructions that include (but are not limited to):
all of the above
MTF requests for the SECDES program must be made no later than __ days before the expiration of medical benefits.
Referral Mgmt Center is responsible for receiving results from the network/specialist within ___ calendar days.
A member in the SDP will go from “Suspension” to _____ once the problem is resolved.
Decertification & Return to Duty
The Military Health System’s accounting system is known as ___.