10.4-11.2 Flashcards
Is the process by which rocks are broken into smaller fragments or particles
What are the two types of weathering?
●Physical weathering
●Chemical weathering
It is the disintegration of rocks and minerals by physical or mechanical means
physical weathering
It is the chemical alteration of decomposition of rocks and minerals
Chemical weathering
It occurs entirely on Earth’s surface
Physical weathering
It occurs on Earth’s surface as a result of ________, ______, or ________
●exposure to temperature
●wedging action
Are cracks or brittle fractures in rocks
lt causes rocks to break
contraction and expansion
It may cause expansion and eventually causes rocks to break
sudden exposure to high temperature
These are a usual occurrence brought about by the growth of roots of big trees
Cracked pavement or sidewalks
What are the common types of chemical weathering
●Complete dissolution or carbonation
It is when rocks react with the hydrogen in water
Hydrolosis is most common in _______ and ________ rocks
It is caused by the abundance of free oxygen at the surface, which may react with minerals
Are examples of rocks that result from oxidation
It occurs when minerals in rocks are dissolved by water
complete dissolution
Is a weak acid that forms when carbon dioxide mixes with water
carbonic acid
It is formed by the weathering of rocks by various factors
what are the various factors of weathering to form soil
●thawing of water
How many years does it take to form an inch of topsoil
500 years
soil is made up of?
●organic materials
●living organisms
It is produced when a layer parallel to the soil surface shares similar characteristics
soil horizon
what are the similar characteristics needed to produce soil horizon
●physical characteristics
●chemical characteristics
●biological characteristics
it remains as an environmental concern
soil erosion
It resulted in severe loss of topsoil
improper land use
it is a barrier made of trees
soil erosion may be prevented by using:
●filling and cropping practices
●use of windbreaks
●application cropping techniques
most living creatures interact with the atmosphere for their ________, _______, and ___________
it transports energy and water over the face of Earth
the atmosphere shields us from?
●harmful ultraviolet radiation
●bombardment of meteors
it prevents extreme temperature
the atmosphere has made the earth _______ warmer than the moon’s
is the product of several influences, including the ______
(2 ans.)
earth’s atmosphere
nebular cloud
volcanoes spewed large amounts of?
●water vapor
●carbon dioxide
they comprise the bigger portion of the earth’s present atmosphere
nitrogen and oxygen
it comes from the breakdown of radioactive potassium
these gases shate common properties such as
●low density
●low solubility in water at high temperature
it is the force per unit area exerted on you
air pressure
atmospheric pressure is important for two reasons
●it counterbalances the pressure inside an organism
●air pressure also controls the temperature
it is when vapor pressure of the liquid equals the atmospheric pressure
liquid boil
it can tell us the kind of weather to expect
air pressure
changes in atmospheric pressure causes
it measures air pressure
atmospheric pressure is expressed in
millibars (mb)
one atmospheric pressure is equivalent to
760 mm Hg or 30 inches of mercury
an avarage peron inhales how mucn L
20 000 L
the atmosphere is divided into four distinct layers
which layer do we live in?
troposphere extends about how much km
14-18 km
in this layer air is denser
what occurs in the troposphere
clouds and storms
fast-moving river of air called
jet stream
the jet stream was discovered by
world war II pilots
it serves as the boundary between the troposphere and the next layer
how many km above earth is the stratosphere?
50 km