103 - Interagency Cooperation Policy Flashcards
The owner of Order 103 - Interagency Cooperation Policy is ___________
The purpose of Interagency Cooperation Policy is to encourage, promote, and maintain cooperation between the Sheriff’s Office, and _______ and _______
various criminal justice and social service agencies;
The purpose of Interagency Cooperation Policy is to Delineate the _______ of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO);
geographical jurisdictional boundaries
The purpose of Interagency Cooperation Policy is to Establish policy and procedure regarding _________;
concurrent jurisdiction
The purpose of Interagency Cooperation Policy is to _______ between the JSO and other law enforcement agencies including United States (U.S.) government entities.
maintain liaison
(Interagency Cooperation Policy)
_______, _______ and _______ are indispensable assets.
Interagency cooperation, coordination, and planning
(Interagency Cooperation Policy)
_______ results in a safe, competent, and cost effective service to the public.
Effective liaison
(Interagency Cooperation Policy)
It is also important for Sheriff’s Office personnel to be cognizant of the _______ and _______ at their disposal.
various resources and services
It shall be the policy of the Sheriff’s Office to cooperate with _______engaged in the administration of criminal justice, fire department, medical services, civil defense, and other agencies involved in service to the public.
all agencies
The Sheriff’s Office will utilize and give aid and/or provide timely and accurate information to _______
members of the community in need.
Sheriff’s Office personnel formally assigned liaison duties with civil defense, local courts, State Attorney’s Office (SAO), Probation and Parole, or other law enforcement agencies shall maintain a written record of _______, _______ or _______.
suggestions, criticisms, or relevant information deemed of value to the Sheriff’s Office
Personnel permanently or temporarily assigned liaison duties shall forward, via the chain of command, a report to _______ outlining any deficiencies or suggestions.
the Sheriff
Sheriff’s Office personnel shall maintain _______ with other agencies to ensure information exchange and coordination.
a collaborative working relationship
(Interagency Cooperation Policy)
The _______ shall meet, at least _______, with a representative of the SAO
Sheriff’s Office Legal Advisor; quarterly
The Sheriff’s Office Legal Advisor shall meet, at least quarterly, with a representative of the SAO for the purpose of: (1) Ensuring the exchange of information as it applies to _______ and _______ errors;
courtroom procedure and investigative
The Sheriff’s Office Legal Advisor shall meet, at least quarterly, with a representative of the SAO for the purpose of: (2) Exchanging information which would allow for a greater understanding of the difficulties and complexities encountered by _______
law enforcement personnel;
The Sheriff’s Office Legal Advisor shall meet, at least quarterly, with a representative of the SAO for the purpose of: (3) Reporting the results and suggested corrective actions of these meeting _______
in periodic legal bulletins.
(Interagency Cooperation Policy)
The _______ or their designee shall meet, at least, _______ with a representative of Probation and Parole
Felony Registration Unit Supervisor; annually
The Commanding Officer of Felony Registration or their designee shall meet, at least, annually with a representative of Probation and Parole for the purpose of: (1) Exchanging information as it applies to the _______
tracking of habitual serious offenders
The Commanding Officer of Felony Registration or their designee shall meet, at least, annually with a representative of Probation and Parole for the purpose of: (2) ____________
Assisting Probation and Parole personnel, (i.e., supplying information about the defendant during probation/parole investigations, assisting with violators, etc.).
(Interagency Cooperation Policy)
Juvenile and Adult Correctional Agencies - the _______ or a designee shall meet _______ with a representative of the adult and juvenile correctional facilities:
Chief of Jails, chief of prisons; quarterly
(Interagency Cooperation Policy - Juvenile and Adult Correctional Agencies) Officers shall maintain a _______ with juvenile and adult correctional agencies:
cooperative working relationship
(Interagency Cooperation Policy - Juvenile and Adult Correctional Agencies) Problems, concerns and suggestions shall be brought to the attention of _______. The information will be reported in writing to the attention of _______, via chain of command.
the Officer’s supervisor; the Chief of Jails or Prisons Division
(Interagency Cooperation Policy)
The Supervisor of Gang Investigations Unit or a designee shall:
(a) Meet at least _______ with juvenile authorities and detention facility representatives to ensure an exchange of information;
The Supervisor of Gang Investigations Unit or a designee shall:
(b) Maintain liaison with _______ and _______
juvenile courts and prosecutors.
Sheriff’s Office personnel shall assist other local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies _______ in the apprehension and arrest of fugitives:
on a case by case basis
Officers (may/may not) stop and detain persons meeting a detailed description of subjects wanted by other law enforcement agencies;
When the person detained matches the information contained in a warrant, the _______ shall be contacted to confirm the existence of the warrant and whether they wish a “HOLD” placed on the individual;
initiating agency
If a warrant from another jurisdiction is confirmed and the initiating agency wishes to have a hold, the individual will be arrested and placed in the Pretrial Detention Facility until _______.
transfer is effected
The Sheriff’s Office will supply reports and aid to law enforcement agencies as requested. _______ shall provide information to other agencies as requested:
The Intelligence Unit
Officers are encouraged to _______ or _______ other law enforcement agencies of investigations or crimes, which affect that particular jurisdiction, or agency;
cooperate and notify
The Sheriff’s Office encourages attendance at the _______ for an exchange of criminal information;
investigators intelligence meeting
_______ shall meet _______ with representatives of other agencies having concurrent and adjoining jurisdictions to plan and discuss special events, joint enforcement efforts, problems, concerns, and mutual aid agreements.
The Assistant Chief of the Narcotics andVice Section; periodically meet
_______ meets _______ with the heads of other agencies having concurrent and adjoining jurisdictions;
The Sheriff; periodically
_______ or a designee shall meet, _______ with fire service personnel to resolve and coordinate problems and develop plans;
The AC of Zone 5; at least, annually
The AC of Zone Five shall periodically meet with representatives from other agencies concerning _______;
civil defense issues
________ or a designee shall meet _______ with a representative of Traffic Engineering to resolve and coordinate problems.
The Chief of Patrol Support; as needed
Traffic Engineering and the Sheriff’s Office provide reports to each other to keep abreast of enforcement problems and concerns. How Often?
_______ or a designee shall meet _______ with representatives of other agencies concerned with traffic safety, to objectively, intelligently, and analytically provide a united approach to traffic safety and efficient highway use.
The Chief of Patrol Support; periodically
Chief of Patrol Support’s Traffic Safety meeting’s topics include : (a) Traffic engineering to discuss and plan _______;
school zones
Chief of Patrol Support’s Traffic Safety meeting’s topics include : (b) _______ to discuss traffic enforcement activities;
The Highway Patrol
Chief of Patrol Support’s Traffic Safety meeting’s topics include : (c) Reports or studies from _______
national agencies.
_______ or a designee shall maintain liaison with judges in Duval County, Florida by meeting with them _______.
The Chief of Investigations; monthly
regarding meetings and exchange of information with other agencies, Copies of meeting minutes, agendas, and reports shall be forwarded to _______
the Accreditation Unit.
Sheriff’s Office personnel shall refer persons in need of assistance _______, or when not related to criminal matters, to the agency best able to provide the requisite aid.
to the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction;
When referring a person to other agencies for assistance, JSO personnel should give consideration to, but not limited to:
(1) The ______ of the individuals in need of assistance;
(2) The _______of the problem;
(3) The _______ available;
(4) The _______ of the individuals involved;
(5) The _______ of children involved;
(6) Whether the problem is of _______ or _______
(7) _______ needs.
1) age
2) root
3) agencies
4) financial status
5) welfare
6) immediate concern or an emergency
7) Transportation
Sheriff’s Office personnel shall be knowledgeable as to the _______ that are available.
social service organizations
A list of available social service organizations can be located in the _______;
Victim/Witness Service Guide (P-0390)
Officers may refer individuals to the_______, when unsure or unable to refer them to a particular agency;
Victim/Witness Services Unit
All Sheriff’s Office personnel shall provide _______, _______ and _______ service to members of the community.
timely, accurate, and courteous
The legally authorized geographical area under the Sheriff of Duval County, Florida, is _______.
Duval County
The enforcement of Florida State Statutes (F.S.S.) and Duval County ordinances are authorized in Duval County, Florida, unless specifically prohibited or allowed elsewhere by _______.
State Statute
The boundaries of Duval County, Florida, are described in _______
Chapter 7, F.S.S.
A detailed official map, which includes the boundaries of the jurisdiction of Duval County, Florida, is maintained___________.
by the Communications Section
_______ by law, is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in Duval County with the full authority and responsibility to uphold the law and preserve the peace.
The Sheriff,
The Sheriff’s Office will assist and cooperate with law enforcement agencies, military security personnel, and concurrent jurisdictions for the purpose of providing _______.
mutual law enforcement services
The JSO possesses concurrent jurisdiction with: (6)
1) Atlantic Beach
2) Jacksonville Beach
3) Neptune Beach
4) Airport Police Department
5) Duval County Public School Police Department
6) University of North Florida Police Department.
The JSO will respond and assist the Beaches’ Police Departments on police service calls _______.
when requested
Officers who on-view calls within the Beaches’ jurisdiction (may/may not) handle the situation as in any other area of the county.
regarding on view activity in the Beaches’ jurisdiction: Officers will contact _______ when on-viewing a call where a report is needed.
the appropriate agency
The JSO will respond and assist the Airport Police and the University of North Florida Campus Police _______ and (may/may not) handle on-view calls within these jurisdictions.
when requested; may
The Sheriff’s Office will coordinate with other agencies when jointly investigating crimes committed in their jurisdiction and may request or render law enforcement assistance to other agencies in dealing with _______
any violation of Florida Statutes.
Citizens requesting service which normally fall within the concurrent jurisdiction of the JSO _______
shall be referred to the respective jurisdiction.
The Sheriff’s Office and all concurrent jurisdictions will coordinate their investigations with the State Attorney’s Office in the _______
Fourth Judicial Circuit.
_______ establishes an agreement that covers law enforcement intensive or emergency situations.
The Florida Sheriff’s Statewide Mutual Aid Operational Assistance Agreement
Regarding mutual Aid: _______ will be notified of all requests for outside assistance.
The Mutual Aid Bureau of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE)
Regarding mutual aid: _______or his designee whose assistance is sought shall evaluate the situation and the agencies resources and will respond in a manner the Sheriff deems appropriate.
The Sheriff
Mutual Aid; The agency _______ the equipment and manpower shall bear the loss or damages to such equipment and compensate the employees.
Mutual Aid: All costs relating to equipment and manpower shall be borne by the _______ agency.
The JSO unusual occurrence/operations plans include Mutual Aid participants and it addresses the use of outside personnel in: (3)
a. Mass processing of arrestees;
b. Transporting prisoners; and
c. Operating temporary detention facilities.
When emergency assistance is required from any Federal Law Enforcement agency (i.e., Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI]; United States Department of the Treasury; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, etc.), _______ or his designee shall contact the _______ and request the necessary assistance.
The Sheriff; appropriate Jacksonville agency
For the purposes of obtaining assistance from the Florida National Guard, _______ has the authority to declare a state of emergency.
the Mayor
Once the mayor has declared a state of emergency:
a. _______ will request the assistance of the National Guard by contacting the _______ who will in turn contact the _______; and
b. _______ may then order the Florida National Guard to assist, if they feel the assistance is warranted.
The Sheriff; Mutual Aid Director with FDLE; Governor; Governor;
In the event the JSO is in need of assistance from another municipality or Sheriff’s Office, _______ will contact _______ of the agency or agencies from whom such assistance is required and request assistance.
the Sheriff; the Chief Executive Officer
Naval Air Station (NAS) Jacksonville and NAS Mayport consist of property that is subject to federal jurisdiction and property that is subject to both _______ and _______ jurisdiction.
state and federal
If there is a question of jurisdiction on the Naval bases, _______ or _______ will advise officers of jurisdictional boundaries.
Naval Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS) or base security
Naval Bases: _______ will generally handle calls for service on the base.
Base security personnel
Naval Bases: Officers may be called inside the base for law enforcement service, in an area of concurrent jurisdiction, and will have _______ in the area of the call.
full enforcement authority
Naval Bases: Officers shall still keep base security informed of and coordinate with base security on any action taken beyond _______.
taking information for a report
Naval Bases: Arrest of military personnel on base shall require the consent of _______ or his designee.
the base commanding officer
Naval Bases: _____ has jurisdiction at off base housing.
The Sheriff’s Office
Naval Base Off Base Housing: _______will send assistance if requested.
Base security personnel
Officers will, to the extent permitted by their written directives and Florida law, respond and give any assistance needed when requested by _______ to assist in the arrest and transportation of persons they have detained on criminal charges.
Base security personnel
Regarding cases initiated by base security: Evidence recovered in such cases, will be secured by _______ and placed in _______.
the JSO officer; the Sheriff’s Office Property Room
Naval Bases: Investigations of offenses occurring on base will be coordinated with _____ or _____
NCIS or base security.
Officers serving an arrest warrant or capias on base shall coordinate the arrest with _______
base security.
If officers are in fresh pursuit of a suspect who enters a naval base, the officers (will/will not) be allowed to continue the pursuit onto the base.
An officer involved in fresh pursuit onto a naval base shall promptly notify _______ of the pursuit, and request _______ and _______.
base security; cooperation and assistance
Regarding radio communications with other law enforcement agencies: The two simplex networks used to communicate with agencies on Very High Frequency (VHF) legacy systems are the _____ and _____
Intersystem and the Florida Sheriff’s Net.
Regarding radio communications with other law enforcement agencies: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____ and _____ are maintained for communications with agencies on 800 MHz radio systems including _____ and _____
Mutual Aid Florida, National Mutual Aid, MA-TAC 1, MA-TAC 2, MA-TAC 3, and MA-TAC 4; Clay County and the State of Florida.
MA-TAC 1 and MA-CALL are maintained by _______ and are incorporated into _______
the State of Florida locally; the State Law Enforcement Radio System (SLERS).
_______ and _______ are used for regional communications that could include the surrounding counties (Nassau, Baker, St. Johns, and Clay).
Mutual Aid Florida (MA-FL) and MA-TAC 2
_____ and _____ are used for communication primarily within Duval County.
MA-TAC 3 and MA-TAC 4
The Sheriff’s Office shall participate in the _______through electronic submission of fingerprints via LiveScan.
FDLE Centralized Fingerprint System
The Sheriff’s Office shall participate in a state wide criminal information system _______ and nationwide _______
Florida Crime Information Center (FCIC) and the National Crime Information Center (NCIC).
The Sheriff’s Office shall participate in the Uniform Crime Reporting System maintained by the _______