10.29.09 Requirements for Apprenticeship Flashcards
This chapter sets forth specific criteria which an apprentice shall meet before becoming a licensed mortician or funeral director in Maryland. Scope
An individual licensed by the Board who assists and is employed at the same licensed Maryland establishment as the sponsor of the apprentice, and is under the direct supervision of a licensed Maryland mortician or funeral director.
A mortician or funeral director who:
- Has completed at least 20 services or embalmings;
- Has been practicing mortuary science as a licensed mortician or funeral director in Maryland at least 1 year immediately beore accepting the apprentice;
- Manages, owns, or is employed in one or more licensed funeral establishments in Maryland; and
- May be employed by the sponsor or delegated by the sponsor to provide instruction to the sponsor’s apprentice.
Apprentice Sponsor
The State board of Morticians and Funeral Directors
A ritual conducted at the graveside or crematory following a funeral held at a location other than a cemetery or crematory.
Committal Services
Any program or rituals conducted at the cemetery or crematory on behalf of a decedent instead of one conducted at a funeral home or place of worship.
Graveside Services
An apprentice who is licensed by the Board to assist a licensed mortician or funeral director in the practice of mortuary science.
Licensed Apprentice
A funeral director who is licensed by the Board to practice all aspects of mortuary science except embalming.
Licensed Funeral Director
A mortician who is licensed by the Board to practice mortuary science.
Licensed Mortician
To meet the apprentice requirements set forth in Health Occupations Article 7-306, Annotated Code of Maryland, an applicant for a mortician’s or funeral director’s license shall be employed in the same Maryland establishment as the applicant’s sponsor and serve under the direct supervision of the applicant’s sponsor. Requirements of Apprenticeship- Funeral Service Arrangement
Applicants shall meet the educational requirements set forth in Health Occupations Article 7-306, Annotated Code of Maryland, provided that the required two-thirds of the academic credits include successful completion of:
- Embalming theory;
- The embalming practical experience; and
- An Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) course. Requirements of Apprenticeship- Funeral Service Arrangement
Applicants shall obtain practical experience in funeral service arrangements consisting of:
- Assisting the mortician or funeral director in:
- Preparing a car list;
- Seating arrangements;
- Counseling the family; and
- The use and care of physical equipment;
- Handling floral pieces, including:
- Receipt and proper arrangement;
- The proper listing of senders and kinds of flowers; and
- The proper care of floral pieces at the cemetery;
- Securing necessary certificates from physicians and medical examiners, and records incident to disposition;
- Removing the deceased to the funeral establishment;
- Making clothing arrangements;
- Assisting in the selection of the following:
- Casket
- Outer burial container; or
- Urn
- Assisting in the arrangement of the interment;
- Arranging the military or fraternal organization services; and
- Assisting in the arrangement of a cremation, including filling out and securing proper signatures on the:
- Authorization for Cremation form; and
- Identification form. Requirements of Apprenticeship- Funeral Service Arrangement
- Certified transcripts of completion of educational requirements as set forth in Health Occupations Aticle 7-306, Annotated Code of Maryland;
- On the mortician application form provided by the Board, evidence of participation in:
- 20 embalming assists with corresponding copies of the filed death certificates for the embalmed human remains; and
- 20 funeral assists with a corresponding published notice of the service for each of the 20 decedents;
- A notarized statement signed by the apprentice and the apprentice sponsor verifying the completion of 1,000 hours worked under the direct supervision of the apprentice sponsor; and
- Embalming reports signed by the apprentice and apprentice sponsor to document the apprentice’s participation in 20 embalmings. Documentation
A. An apprentice shall submit documentation to the Board of completion of the following requirements to be considered for a mortician’s license:
- Certified transcripts of completion of educational requirements as set forth in Health Occupations Article 7-306, Annotated Code of Maryland;
- On the funeral director application form provided by the Board, evidence of participation in 20 funeral assists; and
- A notarized statement signed by the apprentice and the apprentice sponsor verifying the completion of 1,000 hours worked under the direct supervision of the apprentice sponsor. Documentation
B. An apprentice shall submit documentation to the Board of completion of the following requirements to be considered for a funeral director’s license:
- Theoretical and practical aspects of the following:
- Anatomy
- Sanitation
- Disinfection; and
- Embalming
- Methods for the care and preparation of dead human bodies for final disposition; and
- The laws and regulations on infectious diseases. Embalming Requirements for Mortuary Science Apprenticeship
A. Applicants for an apprenticeship who are studying to be a mortician shall obtain experience in the embalming of dead human bodies which include training in:
An apprentice shall submit documentation signed by the sponsor on the form required by the Board of the apprentice’s participation of at least 20 embalmings. Embalming Requirements for Mortuary Science Apprenticeship
If the apprentice sponsor has more than one apprentice, unless otherwise approved by the Board, only one apprentice may receive credit on the same body if more than one apprentice assisted the apprentice sponsor. Embalming Requirements for Mortuary Science Apprenticeship
Applicants for an apprenticeship who are studying to be funeral directors are exempt from the practical aspects of embalming. Embalming Requirements for Mortuary Science Apprenticeship
The apprentice and the apprentice sponsor shall appear before the Board and receive the Board’s approval if the apprenticeship before the apprenticeship commences. Commencement of Apprenticeship
The apprentice and the apprentice sponsor shall sign an agreement with the Board to adhere to the conditions and requirements of apprenticeship before the apprenticeship commences. Commencement of Apprenticeship
The apprentice sponsor shall submit proof of completion of 20 embalmings or services. Commencement of Apprenticeship
- Name of each decedent for whom a funeral arrangement was conducted in which the apprentice assisted;
- Date of each assisted funeral arrangement;
- Name of each decedent for whom an embalming was conducted in which the apprentice who is studying to be a mortician assisted; and
- Date of each assisted embalming. Termination of Apprenticeship
A. The sponsor and the apprentice shall submit a notarized statement indicating the:
In order for an apprentice to receive credit for the required funeral assists and embalmings, the apprentice shall submit a notarized statement to the Board which reflects the number of assisted funeral arrangements and assisted embalmings completed within 30 days of termination of the apprenticeship to the Board. Termination of Apprenticeship
In order for the apprentice studying to be a funeral director to receive credit for the required funeral assists, the apprentice shall submit a notarized statement to the Board which reflects the number of assisted funeral arrangements completed within 30 days of termination of the apprenticeship. Termination of Apprenticeship
Documentation by the apprentice and apprentice sponsor shall be independently submitted to the Board within 30 days of the date of termination of the apprentice sponsor and apprentice relationship as noted in Health Occupations Article 7-306(c)(4), Annotated Code of Maryland. Termination of Apprenticeship
The Board shall maintain the documentation of apprenticeship requirements for 3 years after the date of termination as noted in B of this regulation and apply the apprenticeship requirements to the individual seeking a mortician’s license. Termination of Apprenticeship
After 3 years from the date of submission of the documentation by the apprentice to the Board, the Board may not apply credit for the apprenticeship unless an individual petitions the Board to do so citing unusual circumstances which the Board may decide on a case-by-case basis. Termination of Apprenticeship
All licensed apprentices shall become competent in the knowledge of Maryland and federal laws and regulations as they apply to the funeral profession. Laws and Regulations
A mortician or funeral director who is licensed by another state and who is in good standing with teh state of licensure may apply in writing to the Board for a waiver of the examination and apprenticeship requirements under Health Occupations Article 7-303, Annotated Code of Maryland. Waiver of Apprenticeship Requirements
- Is a licensed mortician, funeral director, or other equivalent health care occupation in good standing and has practices continuously in the state of licensure as a mortician for at least 5 years preceding the waiver request;
- Serves an apprenticeship consisting of at least 1,000 hours in Maryland and documents that apprenticeship to the Board, or has served an apprenticeship of at least 1,000 hours in the applicant’s state of initial licensure;
- Passes the Maryland law portion of the written examination administered by the Board; and
- Pays the fees required as specified in COMAR 10.29.04 Waiver of Apprenticeship Requirements
B. The Board may issue a mortician or funeral director license to an applicant who is licensed to practice mortuary science or funeral direction in any other state if the applicant:
- Grants a similar waiver to Maryland licensees; and
- Has standards for a mortician or funeral director license that are not lower than those of this state. Waiver of Apprenticeship Requirements
C. The Board may grant a waiver only if the state in which the applicant is licensed:
If the apprentice sponsor and apprentice relationship changes, both the apprentice and the apprentice sponsor shall notify the Board of the termination of the apprenticeship in writing and document to the Board in affidavit from the number of hours worked and the funeral arrangements and embalming assists participated in by the apprentice as the date of termination as noted in Regulation .07 of this chapter. Change in Apprenticeship
If the apprentice obtains a new sponsor, both the apprentice and the new sponsor shall appear before the Board to obtain approval of the apprenticeship before the apprenticeship commences. Change in Apprenticeship
The applicant shall submit to the Board a certified copy of a high school diploma, GED, or a certified transcript of any post high school degree recieved. General Requirements
A. Education
Before an applicant appears before the Board for approval of an apprentice license, the applicant shall complete 2/3 of the academic credits for a mortuary science program at a school accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service or approved by the Board, with a 2.0 or higher grade point average that is verified with a certified copy of the college transcript. General Requirements
A. Education
The applicant shall appear before the Board with a sponsor who:
- Holds a current valid motician or funeral director license in Maryland; and
- Is employed by the same funeral home that employs the apprentice. General Requirements
A. Education
Except as otherwise provided for in Regulation .12 of this chapter, the mortician’s apprentice shall obtain an Associate of Arts (AA) Degree in Mortuary Science or its equivalent from a school recognized by the Board within 3 years of commencing the apprenticeship. General Requirements
Except as otherwise provided for in Regulation .12 of this chapter, the funeral director’s apprentice shall obtain an Associate of Arts (AA) degree in funeral service or its equivalent from a school recognized by the Board within 3 years of commencing the apprenticeship. General Requirements
The 3 years of apprenticeship shall consist of:
- The initial year of apprenticeship licensure, and
- Two consecutive apprenticeship licensure renewals. General Requirements
The applicant shall:
- Apply for apprenticeship on the form required by the Board;
- Pays the fee as specified in COMAR 10.29.04; and
- Be of good moral character and may not have committed any of the grounds for discipline specified in Health Occupations Article 7-316, Annotated Code of Maryland General Requirements
An apprentice may renew the apprenticeship license by submitting a renewal application on the form required by the Board. Renewals and Extensions
An apprentice may renew the apprenticeship license annually for not more than 2 consecutive years. Renewals and Extensions
If after 4 years, consisting of the initial license as an apprentice and two consecutive renewals, the apprentice has not completed the requirements of that apprenticeship, the apprentice may submit to the Board a written request for an extension which the Board may grant upon good cause shown. Renewals and Extensions
If the apprentice fails to obtain the AA degree in mortuary science or an AA degree in funeral service from a school recognized by the Board or fails to meet any other apprenticeship requirements specified in this chapter within 3 years of the commencement of the apprenticeship, the apprentice may apply for an extension of the apprenticeship which the Board may grant for good cause shown. Renewals and Extensions
The Board may not grant more than two extensions to an apprentice. Renewals and Extensions
An apprentice requesting a renewal or extension of the apprenticeship shall pay the fee specified in COMAR 10.29.04 to the Board. Renewals and Extensions
An apprentice requesting an extension shall submit a copy of the transcript from the mortuary science course, funeral service course, or school of higher education to verify pursuit of the educational requirement. Renewals and Extensions
An apprentice who has allowed the apprentice’s license to lapse or more than 6 months from the expiration date on the license and who desires to resume the apprenticeship shall appear before the Board with the sponsor and provide documentation of the:
- Reasons for allowing the apprenticeship license to lapse; and
- Requirements of apprenticeship which have been met to date. Renewals and Extensions
The Board may approve a new period of apprenticeship crediting the number of hours worked and the funeral or embalming assists earned under the prior apprenticeship to the new apprenticeship. Renewals and Extensions
An apprentice may take the examination administered by the Board at any time during the apprenticeship. Examinations
An apprentice may not assist a mortician or funeral director unless both individuals have current licenses. Prohibitions
An apprentice may not make funeral arrangements, embalm a dead human body, or conduct funerals, including graveside or committal services, unless the sponsor is on the premises or at the site of final disposition. Prohibitions
An apprentice may not make preneed funeral arrangements or sign a preneed funeral contract. Prohibitions
An apprentice may not advertise as a provider of funeral services in Maryland. Prohibitions
An apprentice may not sign at-need contracts Prohibitions
A sponsor may not sponsor more than two apprentices at the same time. Prohibitions