102 microbiology Flashcards
What are the three types of COCCI bacteria?
Staphylococci, Streptococci, and Diplococci(they are round)
What are the two types of bacteria?
Non-pathogenic and pathogenic
What percent of bacteria is non-pathogenic
Are bacteria or viruses bigger?
Bacteria are bigger
What two kinds of cocci bacteria form pus?
Staphylococci and Streptococci
Grape like bunches and clusters (presents in a abscesses, pustules and boils)
What do STREPTOCOCCI look like?
Long chains(causes strep throat and septicemia{blood poisoning})
What do DIPLOCOCCI look like?
The grow in Pairs(cause pneumonia)
What do BACILLI look like?
Bars (cause tetanus or tuberculosis, most common bacteria)
What do SPIRILLA look like?
Spirals (cause highly contagious diseases e.g. STDS and Lyme disease)
Bacteria travel through the…
Bacilli and spirilla travel though…
What are the two stages for bacteria?
Active and inactive (active is when the bacteria is growing in a dark, damp and dirty place. Inactive is when the bacteria is dying or a spore)
They move with flagella (flah-JEL-ah) or cilia (SIL-ee-a) propelling them through liquid
How do viruses survive?
They need a host(they are not treatable by antibiotics)
What are examples of external parasites
Mites, lice, leaches, mosquitos?
What is Bacteriology the study of?
Bacteriology is the study of bacteria
Bacteria that are harmless and can even be beneficial are called what?
Nonpathogenic bacteria.
What are Pathogenic bacteria responsible for?
causing disease, producing toxins and, causing infection
What is a communicable disease?
A disease that is spread from one person to another via contact is referred to as contagious or communicable.
What does Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) causes the immune system to do?
Break down
What are organisms that live on or obtain their nutrients from another organism called?
External parasites
What are disease-causing bacteria or viruses that are carried through the blood or body fluids are known as?
Bloodborne pathogens
What is a universal precaution?
Disinfecting salon equipment
What is it called when the circulatory system carries bacteria and their toxins to all parts of the body?
General infection
What type of immunity is provided when a person is given antibodies to a disease rather than producing them through his or her own immune system?
Passive immunity
What is bacterial reproduction called?
Binary fission
What are common ways of spreading infection in a salon?
Open sores Unclean hands and implements Coughing or sneezing Common use of drinking cups and towels Use of same implements on infected areas and noninfected areas Unsanitary salon conditions