101 -loops Flashcards
What is another way to write this loop condition?
say_hello = true counter = 0
while say_hello puts 'Hello!' counter += 1 say_hello = false if counter == 5 end
say_hello = true counter = 0
while say_hello puts 'Hello!' counter += 1 if counter == 5 say_hello = false end end
Using a while loop, print 5 random numbers between 0 and 99.
numbers = []
# …
numbers = [ ]
while numbers.size
Modify the code so that it counts from 1 to 10 instead.
count = 10
until count == 0
puts count
count -= 1
count = 1
until count > 10
puts count
count += 1
puts count
Given the array of several numbers below, use an until loop to print each number.
numbers = [7, 9, 13, 25, 18]
numbers = [7, 9, 13, 25, 18] count = 0
until count == 5 (or) until count == numbers.size numbers[count] count += 1 end puts numbers
use a for loop to greet each friend individually.
friends = [‘Sarah’, ‘John’, ‘Hannah’, ‘Dave’]
friends = [‘Sarah’, ‘John’, ‘Hannah’, ‘Dave’]
for friend in friends
puts “ Hello #{friend}”
Write a loop that prints numbers 0-5 and whether the number is even or odd.
count = 1
loop do
count += 1
count = 1
loop do if count.odd? puts "number #{count} is odd" else puts "number #{count} is even" end
break if count == 5
count += 1