101 First Aid/Safety Fundamentals Flashcards
Discuss the concept of ORM
Operational Risk Management - decision making too used to make informed risk decisions and increase operational readiness by anticipating hazards.
5 Steps of ORM
Identify hazards Assessing Hazards Making Risk Decisions Implement controls Supervising
Instruction that governs safety and mishap reporting
4 Categories of Hazard severity are:
Category I - Hazard may cause death, loss of facility/asset or result in grave damage to national interests.
Category II - The hazard may cause severe injury, illness, property damage , damage to national or service interests or degradation to efficient use of assets.
Category III - The hazard may cause minor injury, illness, property damage, damage to national service or command interests or degradation to efficient use of assets.
Category IV The hazard presents a minimal threat to personnel safety or health property, national, service or command interests or efficient use of assets.
Define Mishap Probability
An assessment of the likelihood that, given exposure to a hazard, an accident will result.
4 Sub Categories of Mishap Probability
Sub-category A - Likely to occur immediately or within a short period of time.
Sub-category B - Probably will occur in time.
Sub-category C - May occur in time.
Sub-category D - Unlikely to occur
Define RAC
Risk Assessment Code - risk associated with a hazard that combines the hazard severity and mishap probability
5 RAC’s
- Critical Risk
- Serious Risk
- Moderate Risk
- Minor Risk
- Negligible Risk
All mishap reports must be submitted within how many days?
30 days of mishap occurrence
State the three objectives of first aid
- Save Lives
- Prevent Further Injury
- Prevent Infection
State the three methods of controlling bleeding
- Direct Pressure
- Pressure Points
- Tourniquet
Identify the 11 pressure points
- ankle
- Pelvic area
- Wrist
- Below bicep
- Base of neck x 2 one on the common carotid, one inside the collar bone
- jaw line
- In front of the top of the ear
- inside of elbow
- Inner thigh
- Behind knee
Describe the differences of open and closed fractures
Open is when the bone protrudes from the skin
Closed fracture is one in which the skin remains intact
Describe the symptoms and treatment for shock
Shock is disruption of the circulatory system. poor supply of oxygen to the brain. Symptoms: -vacant or lackluster eyes -shallow or irregular breathing -cold pale skin -nausea -a weak or absent pulse
Lay victim down with feet elevated 6-12 inches. Cover them to maintain body heat. Reassure and calm the victim, if conscious.
Describe methods for clearing an onstucted airway.
- Standing abdominal thrust
- Reclining abdominal thrust
- Standing chest thrust
- Reclining chest thrust
What is Hypothermia
A general cooling of the whole body caused by rapid falling temperature, or cold moisture. Symptoms: May appear pale and unconscious breathing is slow and shallow faint pulse or even undetectable
What is frostbite? (2 types)
Superficial - Ice cristals forming in the upper skin layers after exposure to a temperature of 32 degrees or lower.
Deep Frostbite - Ice Cristals forming in the deeper tissues after exposure to 32 < degrees.
What is Heat Stress?
When body is unable to cool itself by sweating
Heat Exhaustion
(heat prostration or heat collapse) Produces a serious disruption of blood flow to the brain, heart, and lungs.
Symptoms: Victim will appearl ashen gray skin is cold, moist and clammy dialated pupils may have weak pulse w/rapid and shallow breathing. body temp below normal
Treatment: Loosen clothing apply cool, wet cloths move victim to cool area DO NOT allow person to become chilled if victim is conscious, administer a solution of 1 teaspoon of salt dissolved in a quart of cool water.
Heat Stroke
More serious than heat exhaustion
20% mortality rate
extremely high body temperature (105_F)
Symptoms: Headache nausea dizziness weakness rapid breathing flushed, very dry and very hot constricted pupils
Douse body in cold water or apply wet cold towels on whole body
move to coolest possible place and maintain open airways
cold packs under arms
Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personnel
Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Fuel
Hazardous material is any item or agent w/potential to cause harm to humans animals or environment.
Information a MSDS provides
Identity Hazardous ingredients Physical and chemical characteristics Physical Hazards Reactivity Health Hazards Precautions for safe handling and use Control measures routes of entry into the body Emergency and first-aid procedures or exposure
Information an MSDS provides
Identity Hazardous ingredients Physical and chemical characteristics Physical Hazards Reactivity Health Hazards Precautions for safe handling and use Control measures routes of entry into the body Emergency and first-aid procedures or exposure