#101-150 Flashcards
A perfect score for a cow according to the Dairy Cow Unified Score Card is:
What is a TMR to a dairy person?
Total Mixed Ration
Brucellosis is also known as:
Dry cows need 0.8 percent K in their diet. What element is K?
Alfalfa is an example of_____in a dairy ration.
A rolling herd average (RHA) is based on how many months?
What does the term freshen mean in relation to dairy production?
To give birth
Protein is a combination of amino acids. The amino acids are unique among compounds involved in nutrition because they contain what element?
Body condition scores from 1 to 5 are used to track herd health and nutrition. Dry cows should have a body score from:
Which part of the digestive tract is responsible for absorbing excess water?
Large intestines
The first feeding of colostrum should equal about______percent of the calf’s body weight?
All U.S. dairy are inspected by state inspectors through a program coordinated by the Food and Drug Administration. Inspectors follow a publication called PMO. What does PMO stand for?
Pasteurized milk ordinance
After insemination, how long do sperm live in cow’s reproductive tract?
24 hours
What describes the fraction of the ration proteins, which is broken down by digestive enzymes and utilized by rumen bacteria?
% Degradable proteins
What are the two types of ovarian cysts?
Follicular and luteal
Colostrum has approximately______calcium, as does regular milk.
Two times
Which reproductive condition results when the fetal membranes remain within the uterus for an extended period following parturition?
Retained placenta
What percent of the cows feed intake is consumed during the daylight hours?
When is the best time to feed anionic salts to dairy cows?
Two weeks prior to calving
What are the four composite indexes calculated by the Holstein Association?
Udder, feet and legs, body form, & dairy character
Approximately how many gallons of blood pass through the udder for each gallon of milk produced?
400-500 gallons
The standard length of the dry period in dairy cattle is______?
60 days
What machine is used to determine if water has been added to milk?
The two main problems that effect reproduction are:
Heat detection and conception rates
Name the three common places Coliforms are found.
Mud, water, and manure
What type of mastitis is the easiest to cure?
Streptococus agalactae
When can a heifer calf born twin to a bull be registered?
When it is proven that she will breed
When does the greatest mammary tissue growth occur during a cow’s life?
During the first pregnancy
Each animal inherits certain genes from both parents. What percentage of genes does a calf receive from it’s sire?
50 percent
What is the hormone that causes Uterine contractions to assist in parturition?
Coccidia infection can occur when calves are 4 to 8 weeks old. Coccidia causes:
Which major dairy breed association was the first to use computers to maintain breed registry records?
Reduced gestation length and retained placenta typically are the first symptoms of_____vitamin deficiency
Vitamin A
Generally, high-producing Holsteins eat______pounds of dry matter per day?
What is the most essential nutrient in animal feeding animals and maintaining health?
Why is fat added to dairy rations?
To add a concentrated form of energy
A milking herd’s TMR should be available to cows how many hours throughout the day?
20 to 24
The most common pathogen found in raw milk is:
Escherichia coli
In what year did the Holstein Association start it’s program of recording carriers of Undesirable Recessive Traits?
A free martin is considered a
Sterile heifer born twin to a bull
A mutation where a calf is born with a single toe on one or more feet is called
A mutation where calves have little of no control over the movement of their legs is called
Limber leg
Limber leg is found most often in the______dairy breed?
Mule-foot is found most often in____dairy breed?
Bovine Progressive Degenerative Myeloencephalopathy (BPDME) is better known as Weaver Syndrome@ because of
The weaving gait of affected cattle
“Weaver Syndrome” is most often found in the______dairy breed?
Brown Swiss
What is lactogenesis?
The initiation of milk secretion
Fear can disrupt milk letdown in a cow. The hormone released that causes this disruption is:
Lactation is unique to_____.
Endocrinology is the science dealing with______.