100 Words Every Middle Schooler Should Know Flashcards
What is the definition of adversary?
Someone who offers opposition.
What is the definition of aplomb?
Great coolness and composure under strain
What is the definition of apprehensive?
In fear or dread of possible evil or harm
What is the definition of aptitude?
Inherent ability.
What is the definition of attentive?
Taking heed.
What is the definition of banish?
Send away from a place of residence, as for punishment.
What is the definition of barricade?
Block off with barriers.
What is the definition of bluff?
Frighten someone by pretending to be stronger than one is.
What is the definition of brackish?
Slightly salty.
What is the definition of brandish?
Move or swing back and forth.
What is the definition of circumference?
The size of something as given by the distance around it
What is the definition of commotion?
Confused movement.
What is the definition of concoction?
Any food like stuff made by combining different ingredients.
What is the definition of conspicuous?
Obvious to the eye or mind.
What is the definition of contortion?
A tortuous and twisted shape or position.
What is the definition of counter?
Speak in response.
What is the definition of cunning?
Shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception.
What is the definition of debris?
The remains of something that has been destroyed.