100 Top Used Words Flashcards
的 dik1
grammatical particle marking genitive as well as simple and composed adjectives
一 yat1
one~ a little
是 si6 (hi)
to be
不 bat1 (um)
了 liu5
verb particle marking a new situation or a completed action
人 yan4
我 ngo5
I~ me~ my
在 joi6
at~ located at
有 yau5
have~ there is
他 ta1 (koi)
he~ him~ his
这 je5
中 jung1
middle~ in
大 daii6
来 loi4
上 seung6
above~ on~ over~ top~ (go) up~ last~ previous
国 qwok3
country~ state~ nation~
个 go3
(General and non-specific classifier)
到 dou3
to~ towards~ until~ arrive~ reach
说 syut3
explain~ scold~ refer to~ (= shu hu…) speak~ say
们 mun4 (day)
Pluralize for pronouns
为 wai6
for~ for the sake of~ in order to~ in this connection
子 ji2
child~ son
和 wo4
together~ with
你 nei5
you~ your
地 dei6
earth~ ground~ soil~ place~ position~ distance
出 cheut1
go out~ come out~ in direction out from something~ emit~ issue~ prouce
道 dou6
way~ path~ channel~ way~ say~ a streak (of light)~ doctrine~
也 ya5
also~ as well
时 si4
period~ season
年 nin4
得 dak1
就 jau6
just~ simply~ right away
那 na5
要 yiu3
want~ will~ shall~ need~ important~ essential
下 ha6
below~ under~ (go) down~ next (as opposed to previous~last)
以 yi5
use~ take~ according to~ because of~ in order to
生 saang1
give birth~ life
会 wui5
can~ able~ meet~ meeting~ society~ union~ party
自 ji6
from~ since
着 jeuk6
verb particle marking a continuing progress~state
去 heui3
go~ leave~ depart
之 ji1
subordinator similar to de
过 gwo3
pass~ cross~ go by~ exceed~
家 ga1
home~ house~ family
学 hok6
study~ learn
对 deui3
correct~ answer~ treat~ agree~ mutual~ pair
可 ho2
~able~ (= k y ) may~ can
她 ta1 (koi)
she~ her
里 lei5
neighbourhood~ half kilometer~
后 hau6
小 siu2
么 mo1
(interrogative suffix)
心 sam1
多 do1
many~ much~ more
天 tin1
sky~ heaven~ god~ day
而 yi4
and~ furthermore
能 nang4
can~ be able
好 hou2
good~ good to ~ easy to
都 dou1
然 yin4
right~ correct~ so~ like that
没 mut6
(= m‚iy u) haven t~ there isn t
日 yat6
于 yu1
in~ at~ for~ to~ from~ by~ than
起 hei2
rise~ start
还 waan4
still~ yet
发 faat3
deliver~ utter~ express~ shoot~ emit~ develop~ expand~ (= ch‚ngw‚i~ = bi…nch‚ng) become~ ;
成 sing4
ch‚ngg ng succeed; wnch‚ng accomplish~ complete~ fulfill; ch‚ngyidiom
事 si6
matter~ affair~ thing~ event~ accident~ job~ responsibility
只 ji2
only~ just~ merely
作 jok3
do~ make
当 dong1/dong3
serve as
想 seung2
think~ feel~ consider~ want~ remember
看 hon3
see~ look at~ read~ think~ consider
文 man4
language~ literature
无 mou3
without~ nothingness~ have not
开 hoi1
手 sau2
hand~ a person skilled in something
十 sap6
用 yung6
主 jyu2
lord~ master~ host~ god~
行 hang4
go~ OK
方 fong1
side~ square
又 yau6
again~ bothand
如 yu4
like~ as~ as if
前 chin4
in front~ previous~ ago~ former~ first
所 so2
本 bun2
basis~ origin~ edition; classifier for books~ periodicals~ files~ etc.
见 gin3
appear to be~ meet with~ call on
经 ging1
longitude (both geographic and in Chinese medecin)~ scripture~ constant~ regular~ ~ deal with
头 tau4
head~ top~ first
面 min6
face~ surface~
公 gung1
public~ official
同 tung4
same~ with
三 saam1
已 yi5
stop~ cease~ end
老 lou5
old~ venerable~ outdated
从 chung4
from~ through~ join~ follower~ secondary
动 dung6
move~ change~ arouse
两 leung5
two (before classifier)~ 50 grams
长 cheung4
long~ lasting~ length