100's Flashcards
What is a corrective action plan?
A written plan that alerts and employee about a performance problem and provides a period of time for correction. It outlines supervisors expectations, steps to be completed by employee, and warns of the possible consequences of failing to complete the plan.
What is a grievance?
A grievance is an allegation by a classified employee that the personnel rules or the written rules and procedures of the city have been misinterpreted or misapplied, or that the employee has been discriminated against or inappropriately denied a merit increase
What is a pre-deprivation hearing?
A hearing conducted by the department manager or designee where classified employee is given an opportunity to present reasons as to why a proposed disciplinary action of suspension, demotion, or termination is not warranted.
What is an RC center?
The smallest unit of a budgetary accountability and control area where the people reside and the appropriate dollars are spent. It may be at the department, division, section, or subsection level.
Each employee’s official personnel file shall contain the following:
Application and new hire form Fingerprints Loyalty oath Personnel changes Notices of promotion Disciplinary forms PAF's Corrective action plans Written counseling
When can disciplinary and non-disciplinary corrective actions be removed from a personal file?
Employee request if the following conditions are met:
No other discipline in the last three years
All terms of discipline such as probation have been met
The request is reviewed and approved by the department manager and the city manager
When can a former employee be reinstated?
When the employee resigned or was separated in good standing, submits a written application within one year may be placed on the reinstatement list for the class they are qualified (or lower)
Employee relatives in the same department rules are as follows:
No employee may directly supervise a relative
No employee may recommend for appointment in relative to the same chain of command
Relative may not have the same supervisor unless it is a training activity for a short duration
Firefighters receive how much holiday pay?
11.2 hours for those working on the 24 hour shift.
All regular full-time employees show accrue vacation in accordance with the following schedules
Fewer than two years, 11.2 hours\month
More than two years, 16.8 hours\month
This is different for all other city employees
What is the maximum accumulation of vacation time for firefighters and how much do you have to take each year to get the balance paid?
The maximum for firefighters is 336 hours. Must take 112 hours to get paid the balance over the maximum hours.
What is the maximum accrued sick hours for firefighters and when does it start automatic conversion?
The maximum accrued sick hours is 1456 hours. Any hours accrued above the maximum Shelby automatically converted to vacation leave on the basis of 1:1 hrs.
Explain what happens when you are placed on industrial injury due to a job related disability.
You are placed on the industrial insurance program which is an additional benefit I will supplement work comp wages for you. Not to exceed 1456 hours for firefighters. During this period vacation and sick leave accrual may be frozen. Merit increases may not be granted. If employee must leave again for same injury at a later date, The pay rate is based on the original injury date.
And employee who refuses industrial injury compensation shall not be:
Allowed to use sick leave.
When injured on the job, how are the hours charged? (the first hours in particular)
The first 22 hours she’ll be charged to sickleave industrial injury ash pay code 49
The remaining hours are charged to pay code 62, industrial doc time
What is incentive leave? How much do firefighters get?
It is an additional leave provided for full-time employees. 11.2 hours for firefighters, for good performance such as, perfect attendance for previous calendar year, participation in the cities trip reduction program.
Eligible employees shall be reimbursed for the following types of training or education (tuition reimbursement)
Coursework that is directly job-related
coursework that will make them Floyd more promotable within the city
Course work that is A required part of a degree program that is job related or career field related.
You must have approval by when for tuition reimbursement?
14 calendar days from the start of the course.
Causes for dismissal are:
Incompetence or in inefficiency
Abusive attitude, language, or conduct to the public, or fellow employees.
Violation of policy\procedure\or law of failure to obey any lawful and reasonable direction given by their superior.
They use\possession of drugs (non -Rx)
They use\position alcohol
Using undue influence\blackmail
Accepting a bribe
Conduct bringing discredit to city
Conviction of a felony or misdemeanor or with moral turpitude
Falsification of city documents
Causing bodily injury, that, or damage
Being absent from duty without authority
Engaging in outside business activities on city time\using city property for this
Failure to maintain license\qualifications
Operating a city vehicle unsafely\unlawfully
When will an employee receive an evaluation? (PAF)
Two weeks prior to the completion of any probation.
Two weeks prior to any schedule merit increase.
Regarding P a and who is the rating authority? Who is the reviewing authority?
The rating of 40 is the supervisor of the employee. The reviewing authority is the head of each department.
What types of probation are there?
Initial regular employment probation – 12 months for fire.
Promotional probation
Voluntary demotion probation
Disciplinary probation
Note – probation can be extended one time with department manager approval not to exceed original probation time.
When can the city test for substance abuse?
Reasonable suspicion
Random testing for employees who work in connection with federal/state programs, CDL, or in safety sensitive positions
Post accident testing
Return to work – post substance abuse program
What happens if an employee on probation test positive for substance-abuse?
She’ll be dismissed after the first offense unless there are compelling circumstances to the contrary