100 Questions from Jewish History Flashcards
Where was Abraham born?
Ur of the Chaldees (Ur Kasdim), in Mesopotamia
What was the first appeal from G-d to Abraham?
G‑d tells him to leave his homeland to be a stranger in the land of Canaan. Lech Lecha
What do you know about the creation of the Dead Sea?
From the Torah, we can identify that civilization as Sodom and its sister cities. The Torah also relates to the fate of that civilization. As described in Bereshit the people there were irredeemably evil. Abraham’s prayers on their behalf were ineffective, and “G‑d overturned these cities and the entire plain.”
The formerly verdant area became a barren, salt-encrusted desert and toxic substances were released from the bowels of the earth.
How old were Abraham and Sarah when they had Isaac?
Sarah was 90 and Abraham was 100
Who was Hagar?
Pharaon gave Hagar (Keturah) to Sarah after releasing her from Harem, he also mentioned that “It is better that my daughter should be a servant in the house of such a woman than mistress in another house”. Later Hagar became Abraham’s concubine because God told him that his offspring will be begging for a new nation and she gave birth to Ishmael. Who was circumcised when he was 13 and Abraham 99.
Who were Ishmael, Eliezer and Lavan?
Ishmael was Abraham’s firstborn from Hagar, Eliezer was head of the patriarch Abraham’s household, who later helped Isaac to find his wife Rifka, and Lavan was the brother of Rifka and the father of Leah and Rachel.
What was the greatest task of Abraham?
First of all, Abraham had 10 tasks given by G-d:
- G‑d tells him to leave his homeland to be a stranger in the land of Canaan. Lech Lechaלֶךְ־לְךָ֛ מֵֽאַרְצְךָ֥
- Immediately after his arrival in the Promised Land, he encounters a famine. (hunger)
- The Egyptians seize his beloved wife, Sarah, and bring her to Pharaoh. (harem)
- Abraham faces incredible odds in the battle of the four and five kings.(Lot)
- He marries Hagar after not being able to have children with Sarah.(Ishmael)
- G‑d tells him to circumcise himself at an advanced age.(Birth of Isaac)
- The king of Gerar captures Sarah, intending to take her for himself.
- G‑d tells him to send Hagar away after having a child with her. (Argument between Sarah and Hagar)
- His son, Ishmael, becomes estranged.
- G‑d tells him to sacrifice his dear son Isaac upon an altar.
But the most important was 10. G‑d tells him to sacrifice his dear son Isaac upon an altar.
How old was Abraham when he died?
He died at age 175, and was buried in the cave of Machpelah by his sons Isaac and Ishmael. Hebron,Caanan
Who were the sons of Isaac and Rifka?
Eisaf and Jaacob, twins
Who was the first patriarch buried in the cave Machpelah?
Abraham and his wife Sarah were also buried in the same cave at the age of 127.
Continue: “the voice is the voice of Jacob
, yet the hands are the hands of Esau”
How Jacob appeared at Lavan’s?
Eisaf wanted to kill Jaacob and Rifka observed Eisaf and understood that his gloomy scheming boded ill for Jacob. She, therefore, spoke to Isaac and asked him to send Jacob to her brother Laban in Haran for some time, to seek out a wife for himself from Laban’s daughters, Jacob’s cousins.
Where Jacob had spent his last years?
Late in his life, a famine prompted Jacob and his sons to migrate to Egypt, where he was reunited with his son Joseph, who had disappeared some years before.
WereShechem Rifka and Jacob buried in the same place?
No, Jacob is buried in the cave of Machpelah and Rachel by the will of G-d is buried in Bethlehem.
Who from the patriarchs had never left the land of Canaan?
Who was Joseph and how he did end up in Egypt?
Joseph was the son of Jacob and Rebecca. His father loved him more than any of the others and gave him a colored cloak. His brothers were jealous of him and sold him into slavery.
Why did Joseph’s brothers weren’t friendly with him?
Joseph was a favorite child of Jacob and his brothers were very jealous of this relationship. Joseph was also seeing dreams where his brothers were bowing down to him, and eventually these all made brothers angry and jealous.
who said this words ,”you will bring my gray hair down to Sheol in sorrow”
Jacob, after Reuben, told him that Shimon was captured by Joseph and he also wanted to imprison Benjamin.
How many people went to Egpyt?
Where did in Egypt Israelites live?
They settled in the country of Goshen. Goshen is described as the best land in Egypt, suitable for both crops and livestock.
What was Joseph’s wife’s name?
What were the names of Joseph’s sons?
Menashe and Ephraim
Where was Joseph buried?
Who was Eisaf?
Jacob’s twin brother
Have all Israelities slaved?
No, if we count a period when Josep was still alive Israelities were free but after his death the new pharaoh becomes concerned by the number and strength of Israelites in Egypt and enslaves them, commanding them to build at two “supply” or “store cities” called Pithom and Rameses .
Where Moshe was born? Who was his family?
Moshe was from the dynasty of Levis, son of Amram, he was born in the Land of Goshen, Egypt.
How long did slavery last?
Israelites were in Egypt fro 430 years from which 210 years they were enslaved.
Where and how did G-d appear to Moshe for the first time?
Mountain Horeb, appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush.
What can you tell about The Ten Plagues of Egypt?
The punishments included all elements such as water, fire, earth and air.
1. Dam - Blood
2. Tzefardeia - Frogs
3. Kinim - Bugs
4. Arov - Wild Animals
5. Dever - Pestilence
6. Shechin - Boils
7. Barad - Hail
8. Arbeh - Locust
9. Choshech - Darkness
10. Makkat Bechorot - Death of the Firstborns
What do you know about Moshe’s brother?
Aaron First Cohen, Cohen Ha Gadol,עֵגֶל הַזָּהָב ‘ēgel hazzāhāv,Nadav and Abihu,.Aaron married Elisheba, daughter of Amminadab and sister of Nahshon of the tribe of Judah.The sons of Aaron were Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Itamar
What was the name of Moses’s sister?
Aaron and Miriam complained about Moses’ exclusive claim to be the LORD’s prophet.Their presumption was rebuffed by God who affirmed Moses’ uniqueness as the one with whom the LORD spoke face-to-face. Miriam was punished with a skin disease (tzaraath) that turned her skin white. Aaron pleaded with Moses to intercede for her, and Miriam, after seven days’ quarantine, was healed.
date of the exodus from Egypt?
Nissan 15
What were Moshe’s wife’s and kid’s names?
Tziporah,Greshom and Elizar
How many sons did Aaron have?
The sons of Aaron were Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Itamar.
What was Moshe’s father-in-law’s name ? What we know about him?
After describing the miraculous defeat of Amalek soon after the Exodus from Egypt, the verses tell us that Moses’ father-in-law heard of all the miracles G‑d did for the Jews, and was moved to join the children of Israel in the desert with his daughter and grandchildren (the wife and sons of Moses). There he exclaimed to Moses, “Now I know G‑d is greater than all other gods.”
At that time Jethro also suggested that Moses implement a judicial system so that he wouldn’t have to address all of the nation’s needs on his own. G‑d approved of this idea, and a judicial system was established. Later, Jethro returned to Midian.3 The verses then go on to tell us about the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai.
Later on in the Torah, we read that Jethro wished to leave the desert and return home. Moses pleaded with him to remain with the Jews.4 The verses don’t state clearly if he agreed to stay. This is the last time Jethro is mentioned in the Pentateuch.
How many Israelites did leave Egypt?
600 000
What kind of miracles happened on the seventh day and after?
The miracle of the pillar of cloud and fire.
The parting of the Yam Suph and God’s victory over the Egyptian army.
The sweetening of the bitter water at Marah.
The miracle of the quails.
The miracle of the manna, bread from heaven.
The miracle of the life-giving water from the rock.
The defeat of the Amalekites at Rephidim.
Who were Amalekites?
descendants through the genealogy of Esau, a nation that despised Israelites.
When and where Torah was given?
At Mountain Sinai, 6th of Sivan
Dekalog-asarah dibrot ? what is that
Luchot ha brit 10 commandments
1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2. You shall make no idols.
3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
4. Keep the Sabbath day holy.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10. You shall not covet.
which commandments are 1 4 5 10?
- You shall have no other gods before Me.
- Keep the Sabbath day holy.
- Honor your father and your mother.
- You shall not covet.
The story about egel zahav?
Moshe was on the mountain for forty days. The people became alarmed that he had not returned and assumed that he would not come back. They turned to Aharon and pleaded with him to create a deity that would lead them. Aharon created the Egel and the nation immediately initiated worship of this figure. Hashem tells Moshe that He will destroy Bnai Yisrael and create a new nation from Moshe’s descendants. Moshe prays on behalf of Bnai Yisrael and succeeds in saving the nation.
Who didn’t participate in Egel Hazahav?
Shevet Leyve
How many times did Moshe went to mountain ?
Twice for 40 days
Who built Mishkan?
Betzalel, son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah.
Who was the first Cohen?
Aaron Ha Cohen
What do you know about Cohen’s blessing?
How long people were standing next to Sinai?
the names of 2 Spies from the Twelve that did not loose believe in God?
Yoshua Ben Nun tribe of Epharim. and Calev tribe of Judag