100 Qstn part-1 Flashcards
28) How many types of constructors are used in Java?
Based on the parameters passed in the constructors, there are two types of constructors in Java.
Default Constructor: default constructor is the one which does not accept any value. The default constructor is mainly used to initialize the instance variable with the default values. It can also be used for performing some useful task on object creation. A default constructor is invoked implicitly by the compiler if there is no constructor defined in the class.
Parameterized Constructor: The parameterized constructor is the one which can initialize the instance variables with the given values. In other words, we can say that the constructors which can accept the arguments are called parameterized constructors.
features of Java ?
Simple: Java is easy to learn. The syntax of Java is based on C++ which makes easier to write the program in it.
Object-Oriented: Java follows the object-oriented paradigm which allows us to maintain our code as the combination of different type of objects that incorporates both data and behavior.
Portable: Java supports read-once-write-anywhere approach. We can execute the Java program on every machine. Java program (.java) is converted to bytecode (.class) which can be easily run on every machine.
Platform Independent: Java is a platform independent programming language. It is different from other programming languages like C and C++ which needs a platform to be executed. Java comes with its platform on which its code is executed. Java doesn’t depend upon the operating system to be executed.
Secured: Java is secured because it doesn’t use explicit pointers. Java also provides the concept of ByteCode and Exception handling which makes it secured.
Robust: Java is a strong programming language as it uses strong memory management. The concepts like Automatic garbage collection, Exception handling, etc. make it robust.
Architecture Neutral: Java is architectural neutral as it is not dependent on the architecture. In C, the size of data types may vary according to the architecture (32 bit or 64 bit) which doesn’t exist in Java.
Interpreted: Java uses the Just-in-time (JIT) interpreter along with the compiler for the program execution.
High Performance: Java is faster than other traditional interpreted programming languages because Java bytecode is “close” to native code. It is still a little bit slower than a compiled language (e.g., C++).
Multithreaded: We can write Java programs that deal with many tasks at once by defining multiple threads. The main advantage of multi-threading is that it doesn’t occupy memory for each thread. It shares a common memory area. Threads are important for multi-media, Web applications, etc.
Distributed: Java is distributed because it facilitates users to create distributed applications in Java. RMI and EJB are used for creating distributed applications. This feature of Java makes us able to access files by calling the methods from any machine on the internet.
Dynamic: Java is a dynamic language. It supports dynamic loading of classes. It means classes are loaded on demand. It also supports functions from its native languages, i.e., C and C++.
4) What do you understand by Java virtual machine?
Java Virtual Machine is a virtual machine that enables the computer to run the Java program. The JVM compiles java code to be a Bytecode which is machine independent and close to the native code.
5) What is the difference between JDK, JRE, and JVM?
5) What is the difference between JDK, JRE, and JVM?
JVM is an acronym for Java Virtual Machine; it is an abstract machine which provides the runtime environment in which Java bytecode can be executed. It is a specification which specifies the working of Java Virtual Machine. Its implementation has been provided by Oracle and other companies. Its implementation is known as JRE.
JVMs are available for many hardware and software platforms (so JVM is platform dependent). It is a runtime instance which is created when we run the Java class. There are three notions of the JVM: specification, implementation, and instance.
JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment. It is the implementation of JVM. The Java Runtime Environment is a set of software tools which are used for developing Java applications. It is used to provide the runtime environment. It is the implementation of JVM. It physically exists. It contains a set of libraries + other files that JVM uses at runtime.
JDK is an acronym for Java Development Kit. It is a software development environment which is used to develop Java applications and applets. It physically exists. It contains JRE + development tools. JDK is an implementation of any one of the below given Java Platforms released by Oracle Corporation:
JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment. It is the implementation of JVM. The Java Runtime Environment is a set of software tools which are used for developing Java applications. It is used to provide the runtime environment. It is the implementation of JVM. It physically exists. It contains a set of libraries + other files that JVM uses at runtime.
JDK is an acronym for Java Development Kit. It is a software development environment which is used to develop Java applications and applets. It physically exists. It contains JRE + development tools. JDK is an implementation of any one of the below given Java Platforms released by Oracle Corporation:
JVM is an acronym for Java Virtual Machine; it is an abstract machine which provides the runtime environment in which Java bytecode can be executed. It is a specification which specifies the working of Java Virtual Machine. Its implementation has been provided by Oracle and other companies. Its implementation is known as JRE.
JVMs are available for many hardware and software platforms (so JVM is platform dependent). It is a runtime instance which is created when we run the Java class. There are three notions of the JVM: specification, implementation, and instance.
28) How many types of constructors are used in Java?
- Default Constructor: default constructor is the one which does not accept any value. The default constructor is mainly used to initialize the instance variable with the default values. It can also be used for performing some useful task on object creation. A default constructor is invoked implicitly by the compiler if there is no constructor defined in the class.
- Parameterized Constructor: The parameterized constructor is the one which can initialize the instance variables with the given values. In other words, we can say that the constructors which can accept the arguments are called parameterized constructors.
19) What are the advantages of Packages in Java?
There are various advantages of defining packages in Java.
1. Packages avoid the name clashes.
2. The Package provides easier access control.
3. We can also have the hidden classes that are not visible outside and used by the package.
4. It is easier to locate the related classes.
29) What is the purpose of a default constructor?
The purpose of the default constructor is to assign the default value to the objects. The java compiler creates a default constructor implicitly if there is no constructor in the class.
30) Does constructor return any value?
yes, The constructor implicitly returns the current instance of the class (You can’t use an explicit return type with the constructor).
31) Is constructor inherited?
No, The constructor is not inherited.
32) Can you make a constructor final?
No, the constructor can’t be final.
33) Can we overload the constructors?
Yes, the constructors can be overloaded by changing the number of arguments accepted by the constructor or by changing the data type of the parameters.
34) What do you understand by copy constructor in Java?
There is no copy constructor in java. However, we can copy the values from one object to another like copy constructor in C++.
There are many ways to copy the values of one object into another in java. They are:
By constructor
By assigning the values of one object into another
By clone() method of Object class