1.00 Flashcards
A department publication that introduces training topics, defines subject matter, explains and discusses accepted practices, procedures, and philosophies is a 1.01 III E
training bulletin
a department order is a written directive requiring compliance by all affected members of the department for a period of ? 1.01 III A
two years
Department orders are appropriately used to? 3 answers 1.01 VI B
initiate new directives that are immediately effective, reiterate and emphasize existing requirements and temporarily modify instructions expressed in previously published directive.
a written expression of a guiding principle requiring compliance by all affected members of the department until rescinded or superseded. 1.01 III B
Department policy
a written description of procedural steps that must be followed by all affected members of the department until reminded or superseded 1.01 III D
department procedure
a department publication that introduces training topics, defines subject matter, explains and discusses accepted practices, procedures, and philosophies.
training bulletin
_____ will obtain approval from the the Assistant Chief of neighborhood policing and the executive assistant chief of police before publishing new or revised department policies and procedures. 1.01 IV
The RAP unit
The ____ shall maintain a master copy of department orders. 1.01 VI G
the research, analysis and planing unit.
The ____ shall maintain a master copy of department procedures. 1.01 VII E
the research, analysis and planing unit.
A ______ shall be superseded only by a new or revised Department Procedure. 1.01 VIII E
Department Procedure
All Department members must access and read their department e-mail ____, except while on approved leave. 1.01 X E
Members with MPS devices must connect to the LAN system to receive ______ updates, except while on approved leave. Update information includes, but is not limited to, Investigative Supplemental information, Outlook E-mail, software upgrades, new or revised Department Orders, Policies, Procedures, Training Bulletins, etc. 1.01 x F
_______ are responsible for abiding by the information contained in Department Orders, Department Policies, Department Procedures, and Training Bulletins. 1.01 X G
all members of the department
Each commanding officer is authorized to print one paper copy for inclusion in the Policy and Procedures Manual maintained in accordance with this Department Procedure. Additional printing or copying is _______. 1.01 X H
generally prohibited
Department directives shall only be released outside of the Department with the specific approval of the ____________1.01 XI
Executive Assistant Chief of police or designers of the Officer of support operations
_________ is responsible and accountable for drafting, editing, revising, and publishing all Department Policies, Procedures, and Orders. 1.01 IV
the Research, Analysis, and Planning (RAP) Unit
Officers may be subject to ______ for negligent emergency vehicle operation and the City may be found liable in___ actions. 1.03 III A
administrative action, civil
The officer must have _____ to believe the driver, or occupants of the vehicle have committed an infraction or misdemeanor in his/her presence, or have _____ to believe a felony has been, or is being, committed. 1.03 V A 1
probable cause
Only _____ shall be actively involved in a pursuit unless a field supervisor, Field Lieutenant, or the Watch Commander approves additional units.1.03 V B 3
two units
Only two shall be actively involved in a pursuit unless a _______ approves additional units.1.03 V B 3
field supervisor, field lieutenant or the watch commander
Officers with prisoners or non-law enforcement passengers should not engage in a pursuit unless ________ .1.03 V B6
the offender poses an immediate life treating risk to public safety
Communications Dispatch will announce “Emergency Traffic Only”, which will be repeated every ____ (or as often as reasonably needed), and assign a ______ as the supervisor of record to assume control and monitor the pursuit. 1.03 V c1
30-60 seconds, field supervisor
Communications Lead Dispatcher will notify the______; each will monitor every pursuit. 1.03 V C2
field lieutenant and the watch commander
(pursuit) ________ may order termination, if warranted.1.03 V C2
the field lieutenant and watch commander