10 Words Per Day Flashcards
\: being roughened : CHAPPED 2 : rough with small waves 3a : interrupted by ups and downs choppy terrain a choppy career b : JERKY Synonym
aperiodic, casual, catchy, discontinuous, episodic (also episodical), erratic, fitful, intermittent, irregular, occasional, spasmodic, spastic, sporadic, spotty, unsteady
SHADY. “сомнительный”, “мутный”, “низкосортный”, “подозрительный”, “упоротый
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- to provide with fuel
Relief spendings fueled historic consumer spendings
a report or indication of the status, condition, success
to cause to become less harsh or hostile / MOLLIFY
to make less severe or painful: ALLEVIATE
Aggressiveness may be mitigated or channeled
- to hang down so as to drag along or sweep the ground
- to move flow or extend slowly in thin streams/ smoke trailing from the chimneys
- to extend in an erratic or uneven course or line : STRAGGLE, DWINDLE
- trailing in most national opinion polls - behind
- to remove from a surface with or as if with a broom or brush / swept the crumbs from the table
- … away - to destroy completely : WIPE OUT/ everything she cherished, might be swept away overnight
President will probably seize on stunning rebound in GDP as a sign of recovery
- seise \ ˈsēz \ : to vest ownership of a freehold estate in
boften seise : to put in possession of something
the biographer will be seized of all pertinent papers - to take possession of : CONFISCATE
- to take possession of by legal process
- to possess or take by force : CAPTURE
- to take prisoner : ARREST
- to take hold of : CLUTCH
- to possess oneself of : GRASP
- to understand fully and distinctly : APPREHEND
5a: to attack or overwhelm physically : AFFLICT
seized with chest pains
- causing astonishment or disbelief
stunning news - strikingly impressive especially in beauty or excellence
a stunning view
to spring back on or as if on collision or impact with another body
b: to recover from setback or frustration
- the act of having or taking into control
- control or occupancy of property without regard to ownership
- control of the ball or puck
- something owned, occupied, or controlled : PROPERTY
a sudden gush : JET
to gush forth : SPOUT
: to expel in a stream or jet : SQUIRT
the faucet spurts water
1: to issue copiously or violently
2: to emit a sudden copious flow
3: to make an effusive display of affection or enthusiasm
an aunt gushing over the baby
- to force out : EJECT
expelled the smoke from her lungs - to force to leave (a place, an organization, etc.) by official action : take away rights or privileges of membership / was expelled from college
peter out
The growth spurt is fast petering out
to gradually become smaller, weaker, or less before stopping or ending
Their romantic relationship petered out after the summer.
Interest in the sport is beginning to peter out.
struggling with dwindling savings after the stimulus wears off
to become steadily less : SHRINK
Their savings dwindled to nothing.
a dwindling population
wear off
to gradually decrease, disappear, or stop
The painkillers wore off after a couple of hours.
The shine on the leather will wear off pretty quickly.
After you drive a new car for a while, the novelty wears off.
- rate of movement / the runner’s pace
- rate of progress
specifically : parallel rate of growth or development
supplies kept pace with demand
- to rise and fall actively : TOSS
a ship surging in heavy seas - to rise and move in waves or billows : SWELL
the sea was surging - to slip around a windlass, capstan, or bitts —used especially of a rope
- to rise suddenly to an excessive or abnormal value
- to get an equivalent for (losses) : make up for
recoup a person for losses
an attempt to recoup his fortune
intransitive verb
would recoup a little over half of the 10% plunge in output
to cause to penetrate or enter quickly and forcibly into something
plunged the dagger
2: to cause to enter a state or course of action usually suddenly, unexpectedly, or violently
plunged the nation into economic depression
juice up
to give life, energy, or spirit to
juicing up consumer spending
made up
fully manufactured
- to empty of a principal substance
The lake was depleted of water.
depleting the country of its natural resources - to lessen markedly in quantity, content, power, or value
deplete our life savings
their depleted resources
of or relating to the advancement to higher levels through a series of cyclical movements
the cases are spiraling across the country
- a period of inactivity or idleness
- the act of laying off an employee or a workforce
to go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of opposition, importunity, or warning
to continue to exist especially past a usual, expected, or normal time
the quality or state of being eligible : fitness or suitability to be chosen, selected, or allowed to do something
/ many have exhausted theit eligibility for state aid
to place over against something : BALANCE
credits offset debits
b: to serve as a counterbalance for : COMPENSATE
his speed offset his opponent’s greater weigh
The accumulation of inventory likely offset the trade hit to GDP growth
- to beat severely
- to berate critically
- to defeat decisively
/ after the second quarter drubbing
weigh on
to make (someone or something) sad, depressed, or worried The bad news is really weighing on me. Weighing on spendings on nonresidential structures
- a financial incentive offered to an employee in exchange for an early retirement or voluntary resignation
a reduction in numbers usually as a result of resignation, retirement, or death
a company with a high rate of attrition
to draw or pull slowly or heavily : HAUL dragging a box down the hall (2): to cause to move with slowness or difficulty dragged myself up the stairs dragging his feet
- to establish or apply by authority / impose a tax
impose new restrictios / penalties - to establish or bring about as if by force
a state characterized by absence of motion or of progress : STOP
brought traffic to a standstill
to picture to oneself
envisions a career dedicated to promoting peace
The baseline forecast envisions a 5.2 percent contraction in global GDP in 2020
- a tax or fee paid for some liberty or privilege (as of passing over a highway or bridge)
- compensation for services rendered: such as a charge for transportation/ telephone call
- a grievous or ruinous price
inflation has taken its toll
especially : cost in life or health
tending to overwhelm or intimidate/
For emerging market and developing countries, many of which face daunting vulnerabilities
- to cause or allow especially accidentally or unintentionally to fall, flow, or run out so as to be lost or wasted
- to cause (blood) to be lost by wounding/
That weakness will spill over to the outlook for emerging market and developing economies
to deal with and attempt to overcome problems and difficulties —often used with with
learning to cope with the demands of her schedule
b: to maintain a contest or combat usually on even terms or with success —used with with
/ they cope with their own domestic outbreaks of the virus
The crisis highlights the need for urgent action to cushion the pandemic’s health and economic consequences
- to suppress by ignoring / to furnish with a cushion a cushioned seat - to mitigate the effects of trying to cushion the blow - to protect against force or shock cushion the ride
- mounting or falling precipitously
the stairs were very steep - being or characterized by a rapid and intensive decline or increase
- extremely or excessively high
steep prices
The COVID-19 recession has seen the fastest, steepest downgrades
will grow by a scant 0.5%
- to provide an incomplete supply of
- to make small, narrow, or meager
- barely or scarcely sufficient
to lower in quality, value, status, or extent
limited in size, amount, or scop/
This scenario would envision global growth reviving, albeit modestly, to 4.2% in 2021.
- to restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state : bring back
- to renew in the mind or memory
looks beyond the near-term outlook to what may be lingering repercussions of the deep global recession
- to be slow in parting or in quitting something : TARRY
fans lingered outside the door - to remain existent although often waning in strength, importance, or influence
lingering doubts
lingering odors
b: to remain alive although gradually dying
was seriously ill, but lingered on for several months
3: to be slow to act : PROCRASTINATE
to sink or fall to the bottom : SETTLE 2: to tend downward : DESCEND especially : to flatten out so as to form a depression 3: to let oneself settle down : SINK subsided into a chair
- to raise from a lower to a higher position : ELEVATE
- to put an end to (a blockade or siege) by withdrawing or causing the withdrawal of investing forces
lift an embargo - STEAL
had her purse lifted
to keep within limits: such as a: RESTRAIN, CONTROL could hardly contain her enthusiasm b: CHECK, HALT contain the spread of a deadly disease Firefighters contained the wildfire.
to impose, involve, or imply as a necessary accompaniment or result
the project will entail considerable expense
to take upon oneself : set about : ATTEMPT
undertake a task
undertake to learn to swim
2: to put oneself under obligation to perform
also : to accept as a charge or responsibility
the lawyer who undertook the case
to make (something, such as pain or suffering) more bearable/ economic actions needed to alleviate the economic damage
having or exhibiting strength or vigorous health
b: having or showing vigor, strength, or firmness
a robust debate /a robust faith
c: strongly formed or constructed : STURDY
a robust plastic
it seems apparent —used to describe something that appears to be true based on what is known
an apparently happy marriage
to learn the ropes
it takes time to learn the ropes
clamp down
Hong Kong clamped down on the pandemic and protests
- in or into the middle of : surrounded by : AMONG amid the crowd - DURING/ amid the fighting - with the accompaniment of resigned amid rumors of misconduct
grappling hook
a hook usually with multiple prongs that is typically attached to a rope and is used for grabbing, grappling, or gripping
— called also grappling iron
The US is also grappling with rising new infections
The former VP garnered 52% of support
to gather into storage b: to deposit as if in a granary volumes in which he has garnered the fruits of his lifetime labors — Reinhold Niebuhr 2a: to acquire by effort : EARN garnered much praise for his fundraising
a determining factor : TURNING POINT
to be contingent on a single consideration or point —used with on or upon
the prosecution’s case hinges on the DNA evidence
- a jointed or flexible device on which a door, lid, or other swinging part turns ( loop, петля)
shares slumped following earnings reports
to fall or sink suddenly
b: to drop or slide down suddenly : COLLAPSE
2: to assume a drooping posture or carriage : SLOUCH
3: to go into a slump
embaressment^ famine - голод, в ирландии картошка 1815-130
to loose smth^ if you’ll loose you’ll forfeite all you winnings
to dabble
to try
? to sell smth on the street
peddle your wear - to sell your goods
one who ttys evrth to win or to sell
38 hot / slang
someone being pissed off to the point of pulling
Man, I was 38 hot about that bitch scratchin up my car
wiggled down
wind down
We witnessed
I just wanna start with the acknowledgment of that
call the shots
allowing beijin to call the shots on important trading terms
be in the driving seat
Collate - documenting the data that you have collated
a direct or sure in movement
constant, not easily disturbed or upset
steady friends, steady prices
despite - notwithstanding their experience, they were an immediate success
Shallow person