10 - Renal Case Study Flashcards
Describe the patient presentation
- 32 y/o African-American female seen for bilateral ankle and leg swelling of one month duration
- Concerned about a 10 lb weight gain
Describe what you find in the review of systems
- Nocturia (urinating at night)
- “Foamy” urine (bubbly)
- Denies cold intolerance
- Normal menstrual cycle w/o edema
- 2 uneventful full-term pregnancies
Describe the medical history of this patient
- Excellent health
- No medications
- No allergies
- Family history non-contributory
Describe the social history of this patient
- Denies tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs
- Normal appetite with no change in diet
- Regular exercise without fatigue or dyspnea
Describe the vitals of this patient
- BP: 110/70
- Pulse: 80
- Respirations: 12
- Temp: 36.6°C
Describe the physical exam
- Cardiopulmonary exam: normal
- Abdominal exam: normal
- Neurovascular exam: normal
- Musculoskeletal exam: normal
Describe the dermatological exam
- No jaundice or pallor
- 2+ pitting edema of anterior tibial crest
- Whitish lines on toenails and fingernails parallel to the lunula
What does pitting edema suggest to you?
Pitting edema
- No excess of pitting in the soft tissue
- Excess of protein in the soft tissue
What does the H&P suggest?
You are evaluating swelling… So, thinking of the system you are now in, what could cause this?
- CHF (backup of fluid, increased pressure driving fluid out of vessels)
- Kidney failure (glomeruli failure)
- Liver failure (Nothing palpable on abdomen and no jaundice, but if it had liver failure possible - cirrhosis leading to edema from decreased protein production)
- NO pallor (whitish) indicates that the patient probably does NOT have anemia
- Anemia would be due to kidney failure (produces erythropoetin)
What are the three major etiologies of peripheral edema?
Three major
- Cirrhosis of liver
- Nephrotic syndreme
- Hypothyroidism
- Idiopathic cyclic edema (edema during menstruation)
- Pregnancy
Together, these are the main 6 systemic, metabolic causes of peripheral edema
The MOST common cause of peripheral edema is venous insufficiency, but that is localized, not systemic
How do the main 3 cause edema?
Mechanism of edema
- All three lead to DECREASED RENAL PERFUSION, leading to activation of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
- This leads to increased sodium and water retention to maintain effective blood volume
- Renal = direct damage to glomeruli
- Liver = cirrhosis leads to increased production of vasodilators which increase splanchnic circulation and “steals” blood flow from the kidney
- Cardiac = increased cardiac output
In CHF, what would you see?
In CHF, edema also caused by increased capillovenous pressure
In cirrhosis, what would you see?
- In cirrhosis, edema caused by **hypoalbuminemia, **portal hypertension, intrahepatic lymphatic obstruction, and inability to destroy antidiuretic hormone and aldosterone contribute to ascites
So, do you think it is CHF?
- Cardio exam is normal
- No history of heart disease
- Able to exercise with no impairment
- No family history
Is it cirrhosis?
- No jaundice
- No abdominal mass
- No liver enlargement
- Denies alcohol and other drug use
- Not on any medications that cause liver problems