10. Preoperative medical evaluation Flashcards
Describe HX: Preoperative medical evaluation (4)
- A careful Hx is needed to identify cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, pulmonary, renal, or endocrine disease.
- Prior surgeries should also be noted along with tobacco, alcohol, and drug consumption.
- Personal or familial Hx of adverse reaction to anesthetic should be noted.
- All prescribed and over-the-counter medications, including herbal supplements, should be listed.
Describe physical exam: Preoperative medical evaluation (2)
- A complete systems-based exam is required to identify signs of disease.
- Signs of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, or pulmonary compromise should be further investigated with appropriate tests.
Describe investigations: Preoperative medical evaluation (11)
- CBC: any patient with a Hx of anemia or blood loss or any procedure where > 500 mL blood loss is expected
- Group and screen/type and cross: not needed in low-risk procedures (e.g., breast lumpectomy) where minimal blood loss (< 500 mL) is expected
Electrolytes, creatinine, and liver function tests:
- Any patient with a Hx of renal or hepatopancreatic disease.
- Any diabetic patient.
- Any procedure with a significant amount of blood loss (> 500 mL) or where the use of contrast dye is projected (e.g., angiography).
- Blood sugar: any patient with Hx of diabetes
Coagulation profile:
- Any patient with a Hx of bleeding or hepatic disease.
- If patient is on anticoagulation therapy (e.g., patient with a Hx of deep vein thrombosis) and had been instructed to discontinue the therapy, then recheck coagulation profile on morning of surgery
- Urinalysis: Any patient with dysuria. All operations with planned prosthesis.
- Pregnancy test: All menstruating female patients
- Chest x-ray: Any Hx of cardiovascular or pulmonary disease should have a chest x-ray arranged within 2 wk of surgery, both to assess preoperative function and to provide a reference should the patient’s postoperative course deteriorate
- Electrocardiogram: Needed for preoperative patients > 50 y.o. and selected patients with known Hx of cardiac disease < 50 y.o.
- Echocardiogram: patients with a Hx of heart failure and patients scheduled to undergo heart or major vessel vascular surgery
- Pulmonary function tests: patients with a Hx of pulmonary disease and any patients scheduled to undergo thoracic surgery
Describe: Cardiac evaluation (Figure)
Before surgery, what to do with patients with newly diagnosed pathology? (1)
Any newly diagnosed pathology should be promptly managed and optimized prior to surgery.
Before surgery, what to do with patients with uncontrolled conditions such as hypertension, congestive heart failure, sleep apnea, or diabetes? (1)
should be medically optimized prior to surgery.
Before surgery, what to do with patients with medications? (3)
Patients should continue preoperative medications up to the day of the operation, with the exception of
- anticoagulants (e.g., warfarin)
- antiplatelets (e.g., aspirin)
- antihyperglycemics (e.g., metformin)
which should be stopped in coordination with anesthesia.
Before surgery, what to do with patients on oral steroids? (1)
should be transitioned to an intravenous dose for the im- mediate pre- and postoperative period.