10. Partnerships Flashcards
What is a ‘partnership’?
Where 2 or more people are ‘carrying on a BUSINESS with a view of making PROFIT’
Is a partnership:
(a) A separate legal entity?
(b) Limited liability?
(a) No
(b) No
In the absence of Partnership Agreement (PA), what default provision applies?
Partnership Act 1890
What are the 3 ways a Partnership can be formed?
(1) Orally
(2) Writing (Partnership Agreement)
(3) Conduct
A Partnership can be formed by conduct. What are 2 ‘prima facie’ pieces of evidence of a partnership formed by conduct?
(1) Profit sharing
(2) Everyone takes part in decision making
(1) Who can be a partner?
(2) Can a company be a partner?
(3) Is there a maximum number of partners?
(1) Any legally capable person (including minors)
(2) Yes
(3) No
When will the CA 2006 govern the rules around the name of a ‘Partnership’?
Any partnership name UNLESS it’s only the forenames and /or surnames of the partners
Under the Partnership Act 1890, what is required to add a new partner?
Consent of ALL current partners
Under the Partnership Act 1890, what is required to change the nature of the business?
Consent of ALL current partners
What are the 2 types of partnerships?
(1) Fixed term partnership
(2) Partnership at will
What is a ‘fixed term partnership’?
A partnership that terminates on a certain date / on completion of a project
What is a ‘partnership at will’?
A partnership that continues indefinitely
(1) Who can bring a partnership to an end?
(2) How can they bring the partnership to an end?
(3) In what form must the method in (2) be done?
(4) What is the exception to (3)?
(1) Any partner
(2) By giving notice
(3) Any form
(4) UNLESS Partnership Agreement made by deed - WRITING
What is the rule about when a partnership will end following notice by a partner and what is the exception to this?
IF none - when notice communicated
Under the Partnership Act 1890, how is CAPITAL profit and loss shared in the partnership?