10 Oscillations Flashcards
Define Simple harmonic motion. State its defining equation and explain what the equation tells us. State two examples of oscillators undergoing SHM.
SHM is defined as the motion of a particle about a fixed point such that its acceleration is proportional to its displacement from the fixed point and is always directed towards the point. (The fixed point is the equilibrium)
Its defining equation is a = -w^2 x and it tells us that the MAGNITUDE of acceleration a is directly proportional to the magnitude of the displacement x and the direction of acceleration (negative sign) is always in the opposite direction to that of the displacement.
Examples of SHM include the mass-spring system and pendulum systems where the mass or the pendulum that is displaced from its equilibrium position will experience a net force/restoring force that tries to restore it to its equilibrium position.
Define a periodic motion.
A periodic motion is one in which an object continually retraces its path at equal time intervals.
Explain how to show that a motion is simple harmonic.
Since acceleration acts towards equilibrium position, resultant force also acts towards equilibrium position. The resultant force is the restoring force that brings the body back to equilibrium position and acts in the opposite direction to displacement hence by Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion,
Fr = ma = mrw^2
Define angular frequency and state its units. Distinguish between w in circular motion and oscillations.
Angular frequency is defined as the rate of change of phase angle of the oscillation and is equal to the product of 2pi and its frequency. Its units are radian per second.
In circular motion, w represents angular velocity which is the rate of change of angular displacement. However, in oscillations, w represents angular frequency which is the rate of change of phase angle of the oscillation
Define frequency, period, displacement and amplitude.
Frequency f is the number of oscillations per unit time (hertz Hz s^-1).
Period T is the time taken to complete one oscillation.
Displacement X is the distance in a specified direction from the equilibrium position.
Amplitude Xo is the magnitude of the maximum displacement of the particle from its equilibrium position.
Relate T with w, T with f and w with f.
T = 2pi/w T = 1/f w = 2pif
State the equations for the (I) displacement-time, (ii) velocity-time and (iii) acceleration-time graph of a particle that begins its oscillation at the (a) maximum displacement X = Xo and a particle that begins its oscillation at (b) equilibrium where displacement X = 0 and the particle is moving towards the right (+ve).
(a) Beginning at maximum displacement
(i) X = Xocoswt
(ii) V = -wXosinwt
(iii) a = -w^2Xocoswt
(b) Beginning at equilibrium
(i) X = Xosinwt (Note: There should be a negative sign if the particle is first moving towards the left and right is taken to be the positive direction)
(ii) V = wXocoswt
(iii) a = -w^2sinwt
Show how velocity varies with displacement. Draw the graph and state the important features.
v = +/-w √(Xo^2 - X^2)
Elliptical shape
V = 0 at x = Xo
Vmax at x = 0
Show how acceleration varies with displacement. Draw the graph.
a = -w^2x
Straight-line that passes through the origin with a constant negative gradient of magnitude w^2.
State the two equations that govern the motion of an oscillating mass-spring system (both horizontal and vertical) and explain what they mean.
w = √(k/m)
T = 2π√m/k
The motion of an oscillating mass-spring system (both horizontal and vertical) depends only on the mass m and spring constant k.
State the two equations that govern the motion of a simple pendulum system and explain what they mean.
w = √(g/L)
T =2π√(L/g)
The motion of a simple pendulum system depends only on the length L and gravitational acceleration g.
Explain what a free oscillation is.
If an object is displaced from its equilibrium position and then released, it oscillates at its natural frequency about the equilibrium position. A free oscillation occurs when an object oscillates with no resistive and driving forces acting on it and its total energy and amplitude remains constant with time.
For a simple harmonic oscillator, where the system does no work against dissipative forces, its total energy remains constant with time and there is a continual change of kinetic energy to potential energy and vice-versa during the cycle, state the formula to calculate the total energy of the system at any instant during the motion.
Assuming that there are no dissipative forces and total energy remains constant with constant amplitude,
Total energy = Kinetic energy + Potential energy
Kinetic energy
= 1/2 mv^2
= 1/2 m(+/-√(Xo^2 - X^2))^2
= 1/2 mw^2(Xo^2 - X^2)
When X = 0, Total energy = Maximum kinetic energy = 1/2 mw^2Xo^2 where Xo is the amplitude of the motion
Potential energy
= 1/2 kx^2 (since w = √(k/m), k = mw^2)
= 1/2 mw^2x^2
When X = Xo, Total energy = Maximum potential energy = 1/2 mw^2Xo^2
State the equations to show how kinetic energy and potential energy vary with time. Show that Total energy E is constant with time.
Suppose X = Xocoswt and V = -wXosinwt
Kinetic energy = 1/2 mv^2 = 1/2 mW^2Xo^2(sinwt)^2
Potential energy = 1/2 kx^2 = 1/2 kXo^2(coswt)^2 = 1/2 mw^2Xo^2(coswt)^2
Total energy = 1/2 mW^2Xo^2(sinwt)^2 + 1/2 mw^2Xo^2(coswt)^2 = 1/2 mW^2Xo^2
Recall that cos^2X + sin^2X = 1
What is the relationship between the Displacement-time and Energy-time graphs?
The frequency of the energy variation graph is twice that of the motion.
Define damping. Explain the differences in frequency, period, amplitude and energy for a damped motion and an undamped motion.
Damping is the process whereby energy is removed from an oscillating system.
A real oscillating system is opposed by dissipative forces such as friction and viscous forces, which cause the amplitude of the motion to decrease with time. The system does positive work: energy to do this work is taken from the energy of the oscillation and the frequency of oscillation decreases. The period of the damped motion will increase.
State and describe the three categories of damping, drawing the graphs of displacement against time and energy against time for each type of damping.
Light damping results in oscillations whereby the amplitude decays exponentially with time. The frequency of oscillations is slightly smaller than the undamped frequency.
Critical damping results in no oscillations and the system returns to an equilibrium position in the shortest time (amplitude decays exponentially to zero in a short time).
Heavy damping results in no oscillation and the system takes a long time to return to the equilibrium position (amplitude decays to zero in a long time).
Pg 25 of notes
Explain the importance of critical damping in a car suspension system by addressing (i) what happens when there is no suspension system, (ii) how does the suspension system work and (iii) why is this important.
Without the car suspension system, the wheels’ vertical motion due to road imperfections is transferred to the car frame, which moves upwards and the tires can lose contact with the road completely. Then, under the downward force of gravity, the tires can slam back onto the road surface. Without the shock absorber, a car spring will extend and release the energy it absorbs from the rise of a bump at an uncontrolled rate and will continue to bounce at its natural frequency until all of the energy originally put into it is used up, resulting in an uncomfortable ride.
The suspension system in the car will absorb the energy of the vertically accelerated wheel allowing the frame and body to ride nearly undisturbed while the wheels and tires follow the bump in the road. A good suspension system is one in which the damping is critical or slightly under critical as this results in a comfortable ride and also leaves the car ready to respond to further bumps in the road quickly as it regains equilibrium smoothly.
A heavily damped shock-absorbing system would still have a compressed spring by the time P is reached hence it would not be able to respond to the sudden drop in the road surface. The shock-absorbing system can only reduce the forces applied, it cannot eliminate them because the passenger must rise and drop eventually by the height of the bump.
Define forced oscillations. Explain why there is a need to apply a force to oscillating systems.
Forced oscillations are produced when a body is subjected to a periodic external driving force.
In damped oscillations, energy is continually lost from the system. In order to maintain the vibrations at constant amplitude, energy must be supplied at the rate at which energy is being dissipated to the surroundings and within the system. A force must be applied to oppose the damping forces.
Define resonance. State the instances where resonance is useful and instances when it should be avoided.
Resonance occurs when a system responds at maximum amplitude to an external driving force. This occurs when the frequency of the driving force is equal to the natural frequency of the driven system.
Resonance is useful when
(i) Tuning a radio receiver (Electrical resonance)
(ii) Musical instruments (Acoustic resonance)
When a structure is subjected to a strong external driving force that matches one of these frequencies, resonance is said to occur and the resulting oscillations of the structure may rupture it. As such, there is a need to carry out vibration tests on model structures of bridges, buildings and aeroplanes before they are satisfied that the deisgn features will prvent extremely large amplitudes from building up in the system.
Explain how the graph of amplitude against driving frequency of a forced oscillation shifts when the system is damped at different degrees.
The frequency response graph shows how the ampltiude of the forced oscillations depends on the driving frequency f when the system is damped at different degrees. As the driving frequency increases, the amplitude of the oscillating system increases. When the driving frequency increases until it is equal to the natural frequency of the driven system, amplitude peaks and resonance occurs. When frequency continues to increase, the amplitude starts to decrease.
When the degree of damping increases, the natural frequency of the system begins to decrease so resonance occurs at a lower frequency and the peak shifts left. The amplitude of oscillation would also be smaller at all frequencies and the graph will shift downwards. Overall, as the dgree of damping increases, the graph shifts left and downwards.