10: Non-Parametric Analyses Flashcards
Tests the null hypothesis that sampled data is drawn from a normally distributed population.
Spearman’s rho
Most common alternative to Pearson’s r.
Kendall’s Tau
Alternative for Pearson’s r. Better for fewer than 20 cases, or tied ranks.
Mann-Whitney U
Alternative to the independent t-test.
Alternative to paired t-test.
How is effect size calculated for t-test alternatives?
z / sqrt(N)
Alternative to independent one-way ANOVA.
How is effect size calculated for Kruskal-Wallis?
x^2 / (N - 1)
Alternative to repeated measures one-way ANOVA.
One-variable Chi square
Goodness-of-fit test. Deals with categorical (not percentage) data. Difference between expected and obtained frequency.
Chi-square test for independence
Measures association between two categorical variables. Calculates the difference between expected and observed frequency.
2 x 2 Chi-square
Expected frequency should be >5.
What is Fisher’s exact probability test for?
When the expected frequency assumption of 2x2 Chi-square is broken. Less sensitive to small expected frequencies.