10 Matching Questions: People and Places Flashcards
Maine was once a part of Massachusetts. Check for boundary changes.
People live longer here than in Carolina
Records: town records vital records, tax records, land grants, town meetings, other meetings, county records: including probate records and court records
Don’t have nuclear family pattern
Settled the lower south (as well as the Barbados planters)
Find out where Chesapeake lived. Maryland and Virginia
New England
Not about families like New England. Mostly male indentured servants
Servants were property being traded and sold
West Indies
British settlements at one point. isles in the West Indies south, south east of Florida.
Rhode Island
Where dissenters and nonconformist flocked including Quaker’s and baptist
18th century: Jewish community. Built a synagogue that’s still standing
Baptist rejected much of Calvinist idealogy
Baptist records can substitute birth records only mentions their entrance into the church
Pennsylvania facts:
Most things happen at a county level: provincial courts county courts and orphan courts
Founded by quakers
No established church
Court or state structure:
King and parliament are at the top
Next governor and council
Next counties
Next towns
Provincial court
Est 1682
Appeals court
Supreme Court:
Est 1722
Appeals court
Court of equity
County courts:
Est 1682
Civil criminal and probate cases (the latter in orphans courts)
In 1722 divided into 3 jurisdictions:
Court of common pleas
Court of quarter sessions
Orphan’s court
New Brunswick
1755, British bien expulsion of Acadians
1763 Frances Cedes Canada and Acadia to British.
1784 New Brunswick separated from Nova Scotia.
Mid Atlantic Colonies
No state Religion.
New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania
Nova Scotia
New York
New Netherlands becomes New York after taken over by new English. There’s a king of the English
Then english take over New York in 1660s
New York is very complete in 18th century. Is messy to dig through records but most have survived
North Carolina
South Carolina
Records are sparse partly because of war: 7years war, st Anna war and more.
Two periods: trusteee period where there’s no counties, there’s individual towns.
Royal colony period: 1753-1777 American Revolutionary War- divided into 12 parishes. Hardly keep any records look at church records.
All civil records handled at the colony level.
The Lower South
North Carolina South Carolina and Georgia
Barbados : chief source of enslaved labor for the Carolina’s 1/3-1/2 of slaves. Didn’t just come from Africa
New Jersey timeline and churches:
1664-1702 no established church
1702-1776 Church of England, religious toleration
New Jersey state structure:
From king and parliament
Down to governor and council
Down to counties
Down to town
New Jersey records timeline:
Delaware is similar to Pennsylvanian is doesn’t become a colony until later. Early Delaware records can be found in New York and Pennsylvania
Pre 1738:
Maintained courts and colony wide counts of chancery and judicatura, but shared prerogative court with NY.
Probate matters transferred to Court
No established church
Court breakdown:
King and parliament
Governor and council
Levy court:
County level
Tax records
Some probate records
Court of common pleas
County level
Minor civil suits, minor criminal cases
Court of quarter sessions:
County level
Criminal cases
Orphans court
County level
Property, guardianship, some
probate records
Supreme Court:
Appeals court
What do Carolina’s and West Indies share in common?
They share economic and political culture
18th century a majority were black and enslaved
By 1770 60-70 percent of total population is black South Carolinians
In some counties 90 percent were enslaved
More than any region in North America
West Indies was the only area that matched Carolinas racial demographic
When did Carolina divide into two parts?
1712 north and South Carolina
Ogleforth opposed to slavery and alcohol
What did lose South grow?
Crops for export and money