10 Marker - 1905 Revolution Flashcards
What are the main Factors (groups) of the 1905 revolution
- alienated intelligentsia
- revolutionaries
- national minorities
- peasants
- workers
what are the main factors (problems) of the 1905 revolution
- Tsarist regime
- Wittes economic policy
what are the catalyst events of the revolution
- Russo - Japanese war
- Bloody Sunday
When did the Russo-Japanese war start
- 1904
what were the main reasons for the Russo Japanese war of 1904
- Russian expansion into China - Manchuria (400,000 Sqr Miles 1858-60)
- curb British expansion - allied to Japan
- wanted warm water port (Arthur) - better than Vladivostok
- wanted to expand into Korea - Japanese wanted
Why did Russia want to go to war
- economic and political interests
- Gentry believed it would have tided over the revolution back home
Why did Japan want to go to war
wanted to succeed in gaining its territorial gains in China and Korea - excluded from China - economic / strategic move
Main battles of RJW
- Mukden Feb 1905 = Russian Defeat
- Tsushima May 1905 = whole Russian fleet destroyed
who won the RJW
Where was the RJW treaty signed
Treaty of Portsmouth US - 1905
What was the outcome of the treaty P
- Japan get Port Arthur / southern Manchuria
- Korea recognised to be within Japanese influence
What was the Significance of the Russo - Japanese war
- first time east defeated west
- humiliating
- spent loads of fuel - food and resources on a failed venture
- huge upsurge of discontent in the Empire
What impact did the RJW have on Russia
- divided Nicholas from his people - didn’t divert from revolution
- SRs committed acts of terror - SDs triggered strikes - 28th June 1904 - Plehve assassinated - Minister for the interior
who replaced Plehve when he was assassinated
what mistake did Mirsky make
promised reform - people expect it - Gov not willing to give it.
When was Bloody Sunday
9th Jan 1905
Who was the main influence / leader of the demonstration
Father Gapon
Who was Father Gapon
- Russian Orthodox priest
- Est. assembly of Russian factory and Plant workers of St Petersburg
As an individual was Father Gapon significant
- no, some even believed he was an Okhrana double agent
- genuine sympathy for workers
- no real political motivation - not an advocate for revolution
- true significance = response to event
What motivated Bloody Sunday / demands
- worker led
- unemployment - better working conditions - improved work rate - abolition of overtime - better paid unskilled work- and recognition of worker grievances (through effective forms of consultation)
Summary of events BS
- 20,000 marchers - families
- carry icons of Tsarism
- sang hymns
- armed troops + Cossacks
- columns of protestors fired upon
Socialist perspective of Bloody Sunday
- '’reddening the snow with their blood’’
- workers begged to see their Tsar whom they loved - father
Police perspective of Bloody Sunday
- workers gathered at separate strategic locations
- 7,000 advanced despite being told to leave by police
- around 31 dead - 10 wounded
What was the significance of Bloody Sunday
- impression of the Tsar and his response to peaceful protest - tremendous
- ministers feared economic impact - loans in France and Germany being negotiated at the time
- Tsar denounced as a traitor - many lost the love they had for the Tsarist system
Reaction of Bloody Sunday (Nicholas)
- met factory owners deemed ‘sensible’
- delegation of owners was regarded distastefully amongst radicals - served only to increase unpopularity
- had very little understanding of events - ‘forgave them’ in a sermon
- Within weeks his uncle Sergei was assassinated
Out of RJW and BS what is more significant / why?
BS more important - display of affection for Tsar during war - need to negotiate rather than fight
- post BS - workers overly dissatisfied with the Tsar + know that peaceful protest is futile - must resort to strike action which culminated into revolution itself - the war was the cause for BS - BS was the cause for the revolution
- RJW = angered radicals
- BS = angered general population - national tragedy