10. Large-scale hypothesis testing Flashcards
What problem does Hypothesis testing adress?
Hypothesis testing addresses decision problems (usually about comparisons)
in statistical inference.
What is the standard procedure?
- Vague idea
- Precise hypotheses
- Gather data
- Perform a statistical test to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis
Can you draw a distribution of test statistic under null hypothesis
Explain the two types of errors we can make
Type II error
Null hypothesis should
have been rejected,
but wasn’t.
Type I error
Null hypothesis was
rejected, but shouldn’t
have been.
What can be the problem of running too many tests?
Running thousands of hypothesis tests will give
hundreds of false positives (Type I errors).
What can we then do?
▶ Very common workaround for multiple testing:
Divide significance level α by number of tests N,
test each hypothesis at level α/N.
Under the null hypthesis the p-values have a uniform disutrbution
What is holm’s procedure?
Procedure to control FWER at level α.
Uniformly more powerful than Bonferroni bound.
1. Order the observed p-values from smallest to largest:
Let i0 be the smallest i such that p p(i) > α/(N − i + 1).
3. Reject all null hypotheses for i < i0 and accept all for i ≥ i0.
What is the benjamini-Hochberg procedure
- Order the observed p-values from smallest to largest:
- Let imax be the largest index for which
- Reject all null hypotheses for i ≤ imax, accept the rest.
What the difference between FDR and Fdr
Now compare:
(Frequentist) FDR:
Empirical Bayes) Fdr (hat):
- Is controlling a rate (FDR) as meaningful as controlling a probability?
FDR control does control the Bayes posterior probability
of the null hypothesis being true.