10: Ethics Flashcards
What are the five fundamental principles in the ICAEW Code of Ethics?
Professional competence and due care
Professional behaviour
What are the five threats to compliance?
Self interest
Self review
What are the 8 safeguards against threats?
CPD requirements
Corporate governance regulations
Professional standards
Monitoring/disciplinary procedures
External review
Complaints systems
Explicitly stated duty to report breaches of ethics
What are the steps to follow when resolving ethical conflicts?
- Consider these factors
- relevant facts and parties
- ethical issues involved
- fundamental principles relating to matter
- establish internal procedures
- alternative courses of action - Seek advice in the firm and document advice
- Seek legal advice or advice from ICAEW
- Withdraw
Who can conflict of interest arise between?
Firm and client
Two clients (managed by the same firm)
What steps are there to action a conflict of interest?
- Notify relevant parties
- Obtain consent from relevant parties to act
If they refuse
- cease acting for one party
If they grant permission
- use separate teams
- prevent access to information
- issue guidelines to team members in relation to security and confidentiality
- confidentiality agreements
- regular review of safeguards by independent staff
What is tax planning (best)?
A form of tax avoidance where a tax payer uses legislation legally to minimise tax bills but pay the correct amount of tax
What is tax avoidance?
Using any legal method to reduce an entity’s tax burden, even if method doesn’t follow intent of the law
General anti abuse rule (GAAR) enables HMRC to challenge abusive tax avoidance arrangements
What is tax evasion?
Illegally seeking to pay less tax by deliberately misleading HMRC.
Carries risk of criminal prosecution
Two main forms:
- suppressing tax info
- submitting false info
Three ways someone can engage in money laundering?
Conceals, disguises, etc, criminal property
Enters into an arrangement that they know or suspect might facilitate the acquisition of criminal property
has the criminal property
Three regs on AML?
Money Laundering Regulations 2017
Proceeds of Crime Act 2002
Crime and Police Act 2005
5 AML procedures?
Register with a supervisory body
Appoint a Money Laundering Reporting Officer
Establish internal procedures to reduce risk of being involved
Verify the identity of new clients
- keep docs for 5 years after end of relationship
Maintain records of all transaction for client five years after completion of transaction
What are the penalties for money laundering?
Up to 14 years for main money laundering
Up to 5 years for failure to report an offence
Up to 2 years for tipping off