10 Dermatology Flashcards
Skin cells responsible for protecting against UV damage (2)
Keratinocytes (contain DNA) and melanocytes (cap over the top to protect DNA)
Chronic UV exposure effects skin
Wrinkles, premature ageing, loss of elasticity, fragility
Abnormal pigmentation
Haemorrhage of small blood vessels
Vitamin D deficiency increased risk (4)
Autoimmune - MS
Infectious disease
How is vitamin D absorbed by skin?
UVB photos absorbed (by 7-dehydrocholesterol) by skin and converted or previtD3 -> converted to active vitD3 in plasma membrane
Function and each cutaneous receptor: Free nerve endings Merckel's discs Meissner's corpuscles Ruffini corpuscles Pacinian corpuscles
> Free nerve endings - pain and temperature
Merckel’s discs - light touch
Meissner’s corpuscles - gentle pressure (shape and size)
Ruffini corpuscles - deep pressure and stretch
Pacinian corpuscles - deep touch, deformation, joint position/proprioception
Definition of: Macule Papule Pustule Plaque Vesicle Bulla Erythema Ulceration
Macule - flat change in colour Papule - raised lump Pustule - raised lump filled with pus Plaque - rough and raised Vesicle - small blister Bulla - large blisters Erythema - red rash Ulceration - removal of epidermis
Features required for a clinical diagnosis of acne (3)
Acne grading system
Lee grading system 1-12
Treatment for acne (5):
Unplugging: topical retinoids/ benzoyl peroxide
Reducing bacteria: topical Abs (erythromycin/ clarythromycin), oral Abs (erythromycin/tetracycline), often in combo with benzoyl peroxide (Abx resistance)
Reducing sebum production: anti-androgen hormone therapy = OCP/ Dianette
Dietary modification - limited evidence
Oral isotretinoin - oral retinoid (vic A) which reduces plugging, bacteria and sebum production
Oral isotretanoin:
Side effects
Dose = 1mg/kg
Side effects: dry lips/ skin, nosebleeds, myalgia, liver problems, hyperlipidemia, mood disturbance, teratogenicity
Side effects of acne medications - oral and topical
Oral: GI upset (tetracycline)
Topical: burning/bleaching/irritation/peeling (benzoyl peroxide)
Genetic and immune components of atopic eczema
Genetic: inherited fillagrin gene defect (binds keratin in epidermis) causes defect of barrier - decreased antimicrobial & increased permeability
Immune: type 1 hypersensitivity - alongside asthma, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, conjuctivitis
Complications of atopic eczema
> 2y infection - bacterial (staph A) viral (warts, molluscum, herpeticum)
growth reduction (lack of sleep)
psychological impact
Diagnostic criteria and main treatment for atopic eczema
ITCHY inflammatory skin condition
>Emollient, topical steroids, antihistamines (itch), bandage (scratch)
>Education of patient/parent and avoidance of exacerbation
> antibiotics/antivirals (acyclovir) - 2y infection
systemic immunosuppressant drugs - cyclosporin/methotrexate/biologics (dupilumab)
Describe 2 types of contact dermatitis
irritant - direct noxious effect on skin
allergic - type 4, body builds up hypersensitivity to substance > heightened 2nd response