10. Delta debugging Flashcards
General Delta Debugging Algorithm
Divides input into larger blocks and tests all subsets for failures.
smaller and smaller if still failing, remove the passing ones
set of possible inputs
rp E R
corresponds to an input that passes
rf E R
corresponds to an input that fails
Change (represented by a backwards 6)
is a mapping R->R which takes one input and changes it to another input
either P, F or ?
Goal of delta debugging
find the smallest test case c such that test(c) = F
global minimum
a failing test case c of cf if every other smaller size test from cf does not cause the test to output F
smallest set of changes which will make the program fail
can require an exponential number of tests
Find a set of changes that cause the failure but removing any change causes the failure to go away
local minimum: failing test case c in cf
if for all c’ in c, test(c’) != F
c’ is all things not c
n-minimal: failing test case c in cf
if for all c’ in c, |c|-|c’| <= n –> test(c’) != F
if the difference in size between c and c’ is less than n then the test function applied to c’ does not return false
1-minimal: failing test case c in cf
if for all changes in c, test(c-{change}) != F
if we remove a change from c and it doesn’t = false
Naive Algorithm for 1 minimal subset
if for all changesI in c, test(c-{changesI}) != F, then c is 1-minimal
else recurse on c-{change} for some change in c, test(c-{change}) = F
Naive Algorithm for 1 minimal worst case runtime
work is potentially N+ (n-1) + (n-2)…
Minimization algorithms
Start with n=2
partition the set cf into delta1, delta2, …, deltan
define the complement of deltai as updsidedownDeltai=cf - deltai
test each test case defined by each partition and it complement
reduce the test case if a smaller failure inducing set is found, otherwise it refines the partition by n=n*2
minimization algorithm psuedo code
- n=2 and delta as test case
- test each delta and each nambla (upsidedown delta)
- Possible outcomes:
3a. Some deltai causes failure: go to step 1 with delta =deltai and n=2
3b. some namblai causes failure: go to step 1 with delta = namblai and n=n-1
3c. no test causes failure: if granularity can be redefined, go to step1 with delta = delta and n=n*2. If not, Done. Found 1-minimal subset
Example of minimization algo
lesson 10.28
Use case of minimization?
fuzzing input
input find a failure but it is likely huge
so minimize the fuzz input
Delta debugging is fully automatic
Delta debugging finds the smallest failing subset of a failing input in polynomial time
Delta Debugging finds 1-minimal instead of local minimum test case due to performance
delta debugging may find a different sized subset of a failing input depending on the order in which it tests different input partitions
delta debugging is also effective at reducing non-deterministically failing inputs
Delta debugging bad news
probably must be re-implemented for each significant system to exploit knowledge changes
not portable
delta debugging good news
relatively simple algorithm, big payoff
worth reimplementing