10 Data Types And Structures Flashcards
What is a data type
formal classification of the type of data being stored or manipulated within a program
What are the 6 data types
Integer = a whole number, float/real = a decimal number, Boolean = data that has states (true and false), char = a symbol, letter or digit, String = a word, null = nothing. These values differ from language to language
What is a record
A record is like a list of data but each piece of data differs in type. E.g a record could consist of string data,integers or float numbers
What is a record array
A method of storing many records made of the same veriables
What is an array
An array is a data structure which holds data that is of the same type
What is a 1D array
An array that only consists of 1 row of data and is one dimensional, like a list
What is a 2D array
An array that acts as a matrix/table and is 2 dimensional, it stores 2 data parameters rather then 1
What is required to create a 1D array
- Needs an identifier/ an array name. 2. The amount of items in the array. 3. The postions of each item in the array