10. Consolidated SOFP 2 Flashcards
How do you account for Items in transit
Debit Cash (increase)
Credit Intra-group recievables (decrease)
How do you account for goods recidved by intra group buyer
Debit Inventories (InCREASE)
Credit Intra-group recievables (Increase)
How do you account for unrealised profit (PUP)
Debit Retained Earnings of Seller ( Decrease)
Credit Consolidated Inventories (Decrease)
When is NCI affected due to unrealised profiuts
Unrealised profits should be eliminated from the company whcih sold the good
- If Parent sold goods then all the unrealised profits will be eliminated
- If subsidiary sold goods, only group share of the unrealised profit is eliminated
- The rest will go to NCI workigns
How do you work out mark up on cost
Mark up is added to the total cost incurred
As a percentage of the cost
Revenue x
Cost of sales (x)
Gross profit x
How do you calculate gross margin jk
Difference between revenue and cost of sales divided by revenue
As a [ercentage of selling price
What is calculation of goodwill
Fair value of consideration transferred
Less Fair value of identifiable net assets at aquisitions
= Goodwill
Defie fair value
The price that would be recieved to sell an asset or paid to. transfer liability between market participantd
What is the treatment when consdideration is deferrerd
Discount to present value to measure its fair value
Show aas a liability in SOFP
What is the treatment if consdieration is contingent
Measure at fair value
Show as liability if cash to be paid
Show as equity if shares to be issued
Subsequent measurement:
- Adjust good will if additional information gained
-Any other changes in liability can be measured to P/L
- Any changes to equity is not adjusted
What is continget consideration
Cash or shares to be paid in the future if specific events occur
What is an identifiable asset
According to IAS 38
- Is Separable
- Arises from contractual or other legal rights
How are intangible assets recognised
Internally generated cannot be capitalised
however when purchased in group - it is now external so should be recognised separate to goodwill
What is the proforma for fair value adjustment workign
Intangible assets
(Contingent Liabilities)