(10) Conditioning and Learning Flashcards
What is Learning?
Relatively permanent change in behaviour due to experience
What is Reinforcement?
Any event that increases the probability that a response will occur again. The process whereby an event increases the probability that a response will occur again
What is a Response?
Any identifiable behaviour
What is classical conditioning?
- Discovered by accident
- Ivan Pavlov: Russian physiologist studying digestion
- Studied salivation in dogs when they were presented with meat powder
- Food elicited reflex (salivation in this case): Automatic, non-learned, response
- Pavlov’s key discovery: An arbitrary (or neutral) stimulus (e.g., sound of a bell) paired with the meat powder began to elicit the reflex (salivation)
- Known as Pavlovian conditioning
-NS =
Neutral stimulus
-US =
Unconditioned stimulus
-UR =
Unconditioned reflex or response
-CS =
Conditioned stimulus
-CR =
Conditioned reflex or response
What is Spontaneous recovery?
- Reappearance of a conditioned response (CR) following its (apparent) extinction
- Without further pairings of the CS with US, CR not recovered to full strength however
What is Stimulus generalisation?
- A tendency to produce the conditioned response (CR) to stimuli that are similar to the conditioned stimulus (CS)
- E.g. association with playing a note of the piano with pain, playing a similar note will produce some anxiety
What did Rescorla (1967) find about presenting tones and shocking dogs?
- Exposed dogs to electric shock. On some trials, shock (US) was preceded by a tone (CS)
- Two groups (A and B) presented with same number of temporally contiguous US-CS pairs.
- But only in Group A was a shock ALWAYS preceded by a tone
- Group A learned the association quickly, Group B did not
- Shocks were independent of the tone
What is Vicarious Classical Conditioning?
Learning to respond emotionally to a stimulus by observing another’s emotional reactions e.g. child watching parent
What is Desensitisation?
Exposing phobic people gradually to feared stimuli while they stay calm and relaxed
What is Aversive therapy?
-Treatment of abnormal behaviour: Pair an unacceptable response with a punishment to produce a new, ‘acceptable’, response
What did Briggs (1954) find about classical conditioning in humans?
- (Human) participants learned paired associate words (A1-B1, A2-B2…etc)
- Concrete example: ‘pineapple – dog’, ‘desk – cushion’, …etc…
- Then new list of paired associates but first word of previous pairs was presented again i.e., A1-C1, A2-C2,…etc) e.g., ‘pineapple – hammer’, ‘desk – scissors’
- Then presented an A item; participant to say the pair that “came to mind” (-B or -C).
- Due to RI, fewer B item responses than C item responses
- But…24 hours later, participants tested again; now, B item responses more frequent than C item responses (i.e., spontaneous recovery of initial association)