10 Banks vs Bigtech/Fintech vs Bigtech Flashcards
main functions of a bank and nonbank
1) accepting deposits - banks only
2) granting loans - banks & nonbanks
3) providing payments - banks & nonbanks
4) maturity transformation - banks only
a combination of the
exchange of information and money
what a phrase “A bank as a family doctor” means?
maturity transformation
Banks borrow short and lend long, i.e. from short-term depos they provide long-term loans and investments (=positive maturity transformation, unlike insurers that provide negative maturity transformation).
Bank´s balance sheet & maturity transformation
- from deposits to securities
- from deposits to loans
conventional investment management
- bank deposits
- mutual funds
- pension funds
- insurance funds
non-conventional (alternative) investment management
- sovereign wealth funds
- private equity
- exchange traded funds
- hedge funds
Three times ‘New Normal’ in recent banking
1) Qualitative New Normal
2) Regulatory New Normal
3) Quantitative New Normal
Qualitative New Normal (new client´s expectations)
1) Digitalization
✓ New Normal – everything is online and for free
✓ Interaction with clients/importance of feedback
✓ Internet, on-line apps (future of branches)
2) Commoditization
✓ a client considers bank products as commodities and evaluates it based on its price rather than on its quality – importance of price comparators
3) Globalization/fierce competition
✓ Depos: investment platforms, mutual funds
✓ Loans: P2P lending: Zopa, JD Finance
✓ Payments: Google, PayPal, Samsung
Regulatory New Normal (higher requirements) (higher penalties, tighter regulatory capital and liquidity requirements)
Higher regulatory burden on banks (capital requirements,
new liquidity ratios etc.) – 200 changes per day!
USD 345 billion in penalties (fines) paid by TOP 20 global
banks as of 12/2018 and still counting
Quantitative New Normal (lower banks´ profitability)
- Deteriorating financial performance of global banks
- Non-sustainable business model of ‘casino’ banking
Main risks in EU banks in terms of regulation
(measured by risk-weighted assets „RWAs“)
- credit risk
- operational risk
- market risk
- CVA and other
Non-performing exposures
Non-performing exposures “NPEs“ in the EU (90 days past due) – basic measure of credit risk.
NPEs by size class were decreasing in the
2014-2019 period, but NPEs will increase significantly after the COVID-19 crisis.
- Higher NPEs → higher loan loss provisions → lower bank profit → lower Return on Average Equity (ROAE)
- Huge loan loss provisions → bank loss → lower capital → recapitalization (bail-out) needed
- in theory as 1 out of 4 banks’ rescue tools
- in practice: nationalization of banks after the fall of Lehman Brothers (15.9.2008) – privatization of profits and socialization of losses
o small financial-services business that use technologically innovative apps, processes or business models
o Examples: Square, Klarma, Lending Club
o Examples of Czech Fintech companies: Zonky, Twisto, Red Eggs, Budgetbakers