10. Adoption (UCCJEA/UAA/UPA) Flashcards
What is required for adoption?
1) Natural parents’ consent
- Unless waiver/withdrawal before adoption decree entered (in child’s best interests) (notice + hearing for Adopting parent)
2) Child’s consent (at least 12 years of age)
3) Father’s consent
- Married
- NO veto (depends on father’s level of involvement re care/regular visits/admit paternity/child support)
4) Investigation + Court consent (most states)
5) Medical costs to natural parents (most states)
What is required for jurisdiction to enforce adoption orders?
Home state jurisdiction
- Child domiciled in state (at least 6 consecutive months before proceedings)
- Child domiciled in state during last 6 months + Parent/Guardian domiciled in state
NO home state jurisdiction
1) NO other state accepts home state jurisdiction/State has jurisdiction + petition already filed in State
2) Child + Parent have significant connection with State
3) Available substantial evidence re child care in State
Uniform Adoption Act (UAA)
- Child + Parent domiciled in state (6 months before proceedings)
- Adopting Parent domiciled in state (6 months before proceedings) + Substantial evidence re child care
- Adopting Agency domiciled in state + Substantial evidence re child care + Parent and Child’s significant connections with state
- Adopting Parent and Child physically present + Child was abused/neglected/abandoned
- NO other child accepting/declining jurisdiction + In child’s best interests
What is required for assisted reproduction/in vitro fertilisation?
Uniform Parentage Act (UPA)
1) Parent intended to act as parent
2) Parent provides gamete/consent => Sperm mixed with frozen embryo
- UNLESS Parent died + NO written consent before Child’s birth
What is required for surrogacy agreements?
Genetic surrogacy
- Surrogate uses own gamete
- Additional safeguards
Gestational surrogacy (UPA + most states) - Surrogate uses other gamete