10 Flashcards
How did the experimenters collect data of emotions?
Observation through 1 way mirror
Looking through the one way mirror is considered a?
A “semiprivate” index of mood as the subject was unaware that he was being observed.
In the Euphoric Condition what were the three categories?
The P’s Joins activity
The P’s Initiates activity
The P’s Ignores activity
In the Anger Conditon what were the 6 categories?
(1. ) Agrees
(2) Disagrees
(3) Neutral
(4) Initiates agree/disagree
(5) Watches
(6) Ignores
Was there Inter-rater Reliability?
Two raters for inter-rater reliability 88% inter-rater agreement so very high.
What did the Self-Report Likrt Scale ask for?
On how happy or angry they felt
the Self-Report Likrt Scale is viewed as a?
Viewed as a “public” index of emotion as these comments would be available to the experimenters
What were the results on the Self-report Likrt-Scale?
Very few P’s self-reported anger, even when they showed anger type reactions when with the stooge.
It is believed that they felt afraid to reveal their anger because they might forfeit their bonus points)
Why did the P’s not say they felt angry on the self-report Likrt-Scale?
They felt afraid to reveal their anger because they might loose their bonus points)