10/4 Flashcards
What is in the spermatic cord?
- Cremasteric muscle fibers
- Vas deferens
- Testicular artery
- Pampiniform venous plexus
- +/- hernia sac
- genital branch of gen-fem nerve
Causes of Hypercalcemia
Calcium supplementation, Hyperparathyroidism, Immobility/ Iatrogenic. Mets, Paget disease, Addison’s disease/ Acromegaly, Neoplasm, ZE, Excess Vit D, Excess Vit A, Sarcoid
tests to perform in small bowel obstruction
electrolytes, CBC, type & screen, urinalysis
Left Sided Colon Cancer
- change in bowel habits (smaller stools)
- colicky pain
- signs of obstruction
- abdominal mass
- heme(+) or gross red blood in stool
- n/v
- constipation
Lynch Syndrome
Hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer
AD inheritance
Plicae Circularis
circular folds of mucosa in small bowel
Right Sided Colon cancer
- right side of bowel has large lumen so cancer can get large before Sx develop
- Microcytic anemia, occult/ melena
- post-prandial discomfort
- fatigue
Treatment of Small Bowel Obstruction
Initial: NPO, NGT, IVF, Foley
Complete: laparotomy & lysis of adhesions
Colorectal Carcinoma
- Adenocarcinoma
- 2nd most common cancer in US
- Peaks 70-80yo, incidece increases from 40yo
- lifetime risk of 6%
- equally common in men & women
Daily Secretions of gastric, bile, & small bowel
BGS 123
Bile: 1L
Gastric: 2L
Small bowel: 3L
Terminal Ileum
absorbs B12, fatty acids, bile salts
Types of hiatal hernias
Type 1: sliding; stomach & GE junction herniate into thorax
Type 2: paraesophageal; herniation of stomach w/o herniation of GE junction
Meckel’s Diverticulum
remnant of omphalomesenteric duct/ vitelline duct which connects yolk sac to primitive midgut in embryo
located within 2’ of ileocecal valve
true diverticulum (all layers of intestine)
2x more common in men
Borders of Femoral Canal
Cooper’s ligament posteriorly
Inguinal ligament anteriorly
Femoral Vein laterally
Lacunar ligament medially
How many LNs should be resected in colon cancer
12 minimum
Polyp size to cancer risk
>2cm = high risk of cancer
NG Tube Acid Base status
metabolic alkalosis w/ hypokalemia (gets rid of HCl so K+ goes into cells) & hypochloremia
Tx: NS w/ KCl
Littre’s Hernia
hernia involving Meckle’s diverticulum