10/28/22 Flashcards
What is transubstantiation?
the term used to describe the changing of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ
What are indulgences?
the remission of the temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven by God
What does it mean to evangelize?
to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to people everywhere
What is papal infallibility?
the divine guarantee that the pope’s official statements of doctrine regarding faith and morals are free from error
What is solidarity?
a virtue calling us to recognize that we are all one human family and that our decisions have consequences that reach around the world
What is a parable?
a short story with a message
What is sanctifying grace?
grace that we receive in the sacraments
What are actual graces?
actual graces are the urgings or promptings from the Holy Spirit that help us to do good and deepen our relationship with Christ
What are the marks of the Church?
the marks of the Church are the four characteristics of the Church: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic
What is a sacrament?
a sacrament is an effective sign given to us by Jesus Christ through which we share in God’s life