10/2 Test - Satterlee Flashcards
The definition of Sacrament?
A sacrament has been described as “an outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual grace.” (HOD p.269)
PPT #2:
Mystery -The means by which a believer partakes in the “mystery of Christ through symbolic actions.
Council of Trent definition of Sacrament?
A visible sign of invisible grace
What is the definition of transubstantiation?
This is the Roman Catholic Interpretation in which it is believed that during the administration of the Eucharist, the substance (but not appearance) of the communion bread and wine is transformed into the literal Body and blood of Christ.
What is the definition of Consubstantiation?
Martin Luther’s reaction to Transubstantiation resulted in the view that after the consecration of the substances (Bread and Wine/ Body and Blood of Christ) co-exist in union with each other. They are united YET each is intact into itself.
What is the definition of Receptionism?
Through Faith, Christ is spiritually present in the Supper. “Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we gave thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ?”
The definition of Memorialism?
Deny any form of physical or spiritual presence in the substances. See the rite as purely a remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice and suffering on our behalf.
This view comes largely from the teachings of Ulrich Zwingly.
The definition of Charismata?
Charismata: (Spiritual) Gifts (Romans 12:6; 1st Corinthians 12:4
The Greek word Charis means grace
The believers receive gifts of Gods grace
Roams 6:23 (gifts); 2nd Corinthians 1:11 (gracious Favor)
The definition of Pneuma?
The Greek word Pneuma means “spirit”. The Holy Spirit is the source of all Spiritual Gifts.
The definition of Cessationist View?
View held by the Reformers, especially John Calvin.
Gifts ended with the apostles and will never be revived.
What is the main message in Matthew 3:11-17?
John the Baptist is preparing the way for Jesus. He proclaims: “I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I(……) He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. Then Jesus got baptized by John and the Spirit of God came and God spoke from Heaven. #trinitymoment
What is the main message in Acts 10:44-48?
Peter is speaking and then the Holy Spirit came over the Gentile audience. The evidence was them speaking in tongues and praising God. Because of this they got baptized in water as well.
What is the main message in the PPT slide 2, Baptism? (Tip-What is baptism?)
Baptism is a sacramental rite which admits a candidate into the Christian church. The believer is united with Christ when the person participates in Christ’s death and resurrection. In many churches you have to repent and believe to be baptized. Some churches it represents cleansing and for others it is the mean of cleansing.
What does the Powerpoint emphasize from the scripture in Matthew 3:11-17?
- Johns did “repentance-Baptism”, preliminary to “Holy-Spirit-Baptism”.
- Showed Jesus’ complete identification with the people – submission to custom “to fulfill all righteousness”
- The start of Jesus’ public ministry
- The acknowledgement of the Father and of the Holy Spirit
Please explain the development of the early church and acceptance of Gentiles according to Acts 2:38, Acts 10:48, Acts 15:8-9 & Acts 15:28-29?
The initiation of the Churcfh happened on Pentecostal day. It happened in the name of Jesus and include repentance and faith.
Then, while Peter was speaking, the Gentiles was filled with the Holy Spirit before they were baptized.
In the Jerusalem Council they accept Gentiles into the church, since they were already accepted by the Holy Spirit. Rites such as baptism or circumcision was not required for them.
Know the three objections to Women in Ministry which Catherine Booth addressed in her article Female Ministry?
#1 Women’s preaching is unnatural and unfeminine #2 Female ministry is forbidden in the Word of God #3 Female preaching is unnecessary
Reference the article “Female Ministry” of Catherine Booth.
- Woman has natural qualifications for pubic speaking.
- According to God’s Word, public ministry by woman is unforbidden, and absolutely enjoined by both precept and example.
- Arguments against 1. Corinthians 11:4-5 and 1. Corinthians 14:34-35
- In debt study of the word “speak” as it occurs in the scripture. Meaning of the word is an “improper kind of speaking”.
- Woman did use the gift of speaking in the early church, example of Phoebe in Romans 16:1 and Junia in Romans 21:7.
- Phoebe Palmer says preaching and prophesy stands inseparably connected.
- Some say female ministry is unnecessary, Gods word say they SHALL prophesy.
- Scripture in psalm 68:11, Hebrew used the word “female ministry”, translators took away the feminine word.
- Scripture Matthew 28:9-10: Mary & Mary are told to preach to the apostles.
- Holy Spirit have used women mightily, and the spirit and the word cannot contradict each other.
- End: A subject of vast importance to the interest of Christ’s kingdom and the glory of God.
Give a biblical response to I Corinthians 14:34-35 (women should remain silent in the churches) and I Timothy 2:11-12 (A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man”?
Give a solid biblical exegesis and hermeneutic of the scripture portions.
OK, need to work on this.
Be familiar with General William Booth’s January 1883 address to the Officers (War Cry Article) – particularly the section on Sacraments.
Highlights from the section on Sacraments:
- The sacraments must and cannot be regarded as conditions of salvation.
- There is a great difference in opinion with regard to the modes of administration and this could have divided The Salvation Army.
- The Salvation Army is a force for aggressive salvation purposes and not a church, therefore it is wise to postpone the settlement of the question to the future.
- We do not prohibit our own people from taking the sacraments.
- We agree to one baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Can you give some highlights from your reading about Sacraments from The Handbook of Doctrine?
- A sacrament is described as an “outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual grace”. Sacraments deal with the extraordinary, that is the “inward and spiritual grace”, experienced through the ordinary, or “the outward and visible sign”.
- Jesus Christ has been described as the one, true, original Sacrament.
- We are a sacramental people because our life, our work, and our celebrations centre on Christ, the one true Sacrament. God use human beings to bring grace to each other. The call to holiness of life is a call to sacramental living - demonstrating the grace of God in the ordinary.
Can you give some highlights from your reading about “The Gifts of the Spirit” from Classic Christianity?
- The gifts are given from God to build up his body.
- Gifts not given to individuals as such, but to individuals on behalf of the whole body. It is given to enhance the community on behalf of the world’s redemption.
- The responsibility of the recipient is to receive the gift profferd so as to develop and exercise it to the fullest.
- No member is wholly lacking in gifts and tasks of ministry and we must remember we are part of the body.
What is it easy to confuse the Gifts of the Spirit with, according to C. Peter Wagnar and class discussion?
a. Natural Talents
b. Roles in the Church
c. The Fruit of the Spirit
d. Counterfeit signs (Matthew 7, Exodus 7)
How do you respond to a fellow believer who believes that the miraculous gifts of the Spirit ceased when the Apostles died?
This is a common view among the Calvinists. John Owen said (Major Calvinist Theologian) ‘that (miraculous) dispensation of the Spirit is long since ceased, and where it is now pretended unto by any, it may justly be suspected as an enthusiastical delusion.’
Stanley M. Horton (Pentecostal Theologian) says: “Because human talent or abilities are not sufficient to do God’s work or change the world, the Holy Spirit provides many gifts to meet the many needs, opportunities, and challenges that we face as Christians in a sin-dominated world”
We believe each gifts is essential to the functioning of the body of Christ. God allows us to bless the body as individuals.
Scripture is clear:
“Do not neglect your gift” (1.Tim 4.14)
“I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you” (2.Tim 1:6)
Paul was an apostle, Timothy not - still Paul said Timothy had the gift from God.
How do you response to a fellow believer who states that unless you speak in tongues you are not filled with the Holy Spirit?
- The Holy Spirit gives gifts as He determines
- Every believer has at least one gift; some may have more then one.
- No one has all of the gifts nor is any single gift given to all believers
- Gifts are meant to for the common good, To build up the church and glorify God.
Scripture: “Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret?” (1. Corinthian 12:20, where the obvious answer is no.)
A Christian friend asks why The Salvation Army does not practice the sacraments of baptism and the Eucharist. What is your answer?
The Salvation Army is not anti-sacramental, we are simply non-sacramental. Early in our beginning, we were lead by God not to observe specific sacraments. This is a reminder of the danger to trust in the external rather than the grace it points to. We are a permanent witness to the larger Church of sanctification without formal sacraments. We are part of the historic Church confessing “One faith, one Lord, one Baptism of the Holy Spirit, one salvation and one Church universal. “ We are a sacramental people because our life, our work, and our celebrations center on Christ, the one true Sacrament (Pan-Sacramental). Our focus on holiness, is a call to sacramental living.
1 Corinthians 1:13-17
Division in the church over whom to “follow” – identification with the baptizer rather than with Christ?
Christ sent Paul, not to baptize, but to preach
1 Corinthians 12:13
All baptized by one Spirit into one body
What is the definition of Anti-Sacramental?
Against the sacraments.
What is the definition of Pan-Sacramental?
The view that for the believer, all of life is a sacrament.