1 WW1 - Alliances Flashcards
What year was the Triple Alliance formed?
Why did Germany want the Triple Alliance?
Felt threatened by French revanchism after taking Alsace and Lorraine
When was the Franco-Russian alliance formed?
Why was the Franco-Russian alliance formed?
Russia’s alliance with Germany ended in 1890 so Russia wanted protection
Threatened by the Triple Alliance
Which pre-WW1 alliances were inherently defensive military?
Triple Alliance 1882
Franco-Russian Alliance 1894
When was the Entente Cordiale signed?
Why was the Entente Cordiale formed?
France and Britian agreed to not interfere with each other’s North African colonies while Britain pursued a military ‘three power standard’
What was the effect of the Entente Cordiale?
Britain’s neutrality in European affairs ended
Germany began to build up its Navy
When was the Anglo-Russian Convention created?
Why was the Anglo-Russian Convention created?
To end their rivalry in Central Asia over India, Tibet and Persia
What was the Triple Entente?
Agreement between Britain, France, and Russia
What was the effect of the Triple Entente?
Germany was encircled
Europe divided into two military camps
Why did Austro-Hungary want the Triple Alliance?
Feared Russia would try and expand into the Balkans
What was peculiar about the Franco-Russian Alliance?
Political differences - France was a republic and Russia was an absolute monarchy
What was Splendid Isolation?
Britain keeping out of European affairs, protected by strong navy and huge Empire
What specific interferences did Britain fear when it came to its Asian and African colonies?
France in North Africa and Morocco
Russia in India, Tibet and Persia
What was the difference between the two European camps?
Triple Alliance was military
Triple Entente was just an agreement over imperialism