1 What is business? Flashcards
What is a business?
Any organisation that is involved in any organised form of trade, industrial or professional activites.
What is profit?
How do you work it out?
Revenue munis toal cost. The amount of money remaining once all costs have been deducted from the revenue.
What is growth?
Increased sales and profit either by value of sales or volume.
What is survival?
To continue to exist as a business.
What is cash flow?
To ensure sufficient cash is available to meet day to day expenses.
What is social?
To behave in a way which benifits society.
What is ethical?
To behave in a way which is considered to be morrally correct.
What is a mission statement?
A brief written statement of the purpose of a company or organisation which is the overall reason for the business’ existance.
What are corporate aims?
The long term targets and plans to fulfil the mission statement.
What does “corporate objectives” mean?
The medium to long term quantitable targets.
What is “corperate stredegy” ?
The action taken.
What are the 5 key points of a business (MOLFH)?
Operational decision making
Leadership decision making
Financial decision making
Human recources
What 4 reasons are there for businesses existence?
To provide goods and services including public services.
To develop a good idea (enterprise).
To provide help and support for others, including most notably charities.
What is the diffrence between a mission statement and objectives?
A mission statement is a declaration of business’s core purpose and focus. An objective are goals the are actionable and measurable, designed to help a business achieve its mission.
What are the three key objectives of a business (PGS)?
What is the hierarchy of objectives (MCC)?
1) Mission statement
2) Corporate aims
3) Corporate objectives
What are the smart objectives?
What three reasons are there for a businesses to set objectives?
To evaluate performance
To provide motivation for those who are responsible
To give meaning to planning and ensure that a business remains focused on its mission
What is revenue?
The money recieved from sales.
What are varible costs?
Costs that vary directly with the level of output.
What are fixed costs?
Costs that dont vary as a result of changes in the level of output.
What are total costs?
Fixed costs plus variable costs.
What is revenue also known as?
Turnover, sales turnover and sales revenue.
How is revenue calculated?
units sold x sales price
Costs are devided into what two categories?
Variable costs and fixed costs.
What is a privet sector?
The section of the economy made up of businesses owned and controlled by indeviduals or groups of individuals.
What are corporate businesses?
Businesses that have a legal identity seperate from that of their owners.
What is limited liability?
Restricts the financial responsibility of shareholders for a company’s debts to the amount they have indevidually invested.
What two categories do businesses fall into in the privet sector?
Corporate businesses and non-corporate businesses.