1. Were the peace treaties of 1919-23 fair? Flashcards
What did Woodrow Wilson want from / think of Germany in the ToV?
- Blamed Germany
- Wanted reparations
- Feared Germany would seek revenge if overpunished
MAIN AIM - Just and lasting peace in all of eastern Europe! (he was an idealist)
What did Woodrow Wilson want in the ToV? (not related to Germany)
- LoN established
- Democracy strengthened
- Self determination in Europe
- The rest of the 14 points
What did Georges Clemenceau want from / think of Germany in the ToV?
- Blamed Germany
- Wanted reparations
- Wanted mass destruction and punishment to Germany so it couldn’t ever attack France again
- Knew the other countries wouldn’t agree to completely obliterating Germany
MAIN AIM - Revenge on Germany for ruining Europe
What did David Lloyd George want from / think of Germany in the ToV?
- Get rid of Germany’s navy
- Don’t punish Germany too harshly - good for trading and jobs and also so they don’t seek revenge…
MAIN AIM - Democratic but stable Germany for trading and jobs - he mostly wanted to benefit the UK
What did David Lloyd George think of self determination in Europe? Why?
- Unreasonable
- Complained to an official that Wilson came to Paris like a “missionary to rescue the European savages with his little sermons and lectures”
- Peoples spread throughout Eastern Europe - difficult to achieve
Clemenceau -> Wilson attitude during peacemaking process - which disputes did he win
Clemenceau thought that Wilson was being too generous towards Germany and that Wilson was ignorant about Eastern Europe and what went on there and how peace worked. Got what he wanted with Germany’s Rhineland and coalfields in the Saar.
Wilson -> Clemenceau attitude during peacemaking process
Wilson thought that Clemenceau was stuck in the past and didn’t get that Germany would be bitter and vengeful if punished too harshly. Got what he wanted with Eastern Europe and self determination.
Clemenceau -> Lloyd George attitude during peacemaking process
Thought Lloyd George should treat Germany more harshly, and that they were being selfish (treating Germany fairly in Europe where they could attack France, but wanting to get rid of the navy where they could attack Britain) - Clemenceau said that “if the British are so anxious to appease Germany they should look overseas and make colonial, naval or commercial concessions”.
- Be more harsh
- Stop being selfish (fair in Europe when France could be in danger, wanted to get rid of the navy so Britain couldn’t be in danger)
- “If the British are so anxious to appease Germany they should look overseas and make colonial, naval, or commercial concessions
Lloyd George -> Clemenceau attitude during peacemaking process
Thought that Clemenceau should make more concessions to the Germans
Lloyd George -> Wilson attitude during peacemaking process
Didn’t like how Wilson wanted to give all nations access to the sea and how he wanted self determination in Europe - this would threaten the British government/empire
Wilson -> Lloyd George attitude during peacemaking process
Thought he was too anxious to preserve his empire to want self determination for colonies
How was Germany doing while the TOV was being drafted?
- Germany had a communist revolt that failed - communists were jailed and murdered
- Weimar republic (democratic) (led by Ebert) struggles to keep control
- Lots of resistance
- Overall trash
What was the Locarno Pact/Treaties?
After France and Belgium left Germany, they signed these - basically saying that they will respect each others’ borders - helped Germany get into LON, signed in 1925
Terms of TOV (B)
BLAME - Germany had to accept the blame for starting the war (though other places were also looked at with suspicion - another term was no anschluss with Austria)
Term of TOV (R)
REPARATIONS - Germany had to pay £6,600 million (6.6 billion) to the allies for war damage - number agreed in 1921.
Term of TOV (A)
ARMS - Wanted to weaken Germany’s armed forces so they couldn’t attack anyone anymore.
- Army limited to 100,000 men
- Conscription banned - soldiers had to be (paid) volunteers
- No armored vehicles, submarines, or aircraft
- Only 6 battleships
- Rhineland (border between France and Germany) demilitarized - no German troops allowed