– is that branch of medicine, in which diseases are treated wholly or in part by manual or operative procedures.
Attributes of a good surgeon:
- Eye of an eagle-
- Heart of a Lion
- Hand of a woman
There is a system of rules by which the art of surgery is practiced. Such rules applies to:
Tissue manipulation
Otherwise known as complete asepsis, it refers to exclusion of all micro-organisms, this degree of asepsis is impossible. (e.g. it impossible to sterilize skin or the environment)
Integral Asepsis
Involves the relative exclusion of micro-organisms and careful handling of tissues to preserve an inherent defenses
Surgical Asepsis
How much less than ideal aseptic tech. can be & still preclude infection depends on:
Species involved
Susceptibility of tissues to become inflamed
The type and number of micro-organisms present
How to protect tissue defenses?
-Limit exposure.
-Minimize imposition of foreign materials (sutures, blood clots etc.).
-Preservation of circulation.
Relative Asepsis
It implies that all practical steps are taken to achieve complete asepsis. In this context, micro-organisms can gain access to surgical wound without resulting an infection.
Sources of Contamination:
Surgical Instruments
Animal patient
: Sterilization can be divided into 2 types:
Cold Sterilization process-
Heat sterilization process
the use of chemical solutions.
Cold Sterilization process-
Other factors that influence wound infection include:
Duration of surgery
Surgical technique
Impaired host resistance
Contamination of the wound
dry heat (oven), autoclave (steam under pressure), moist heat (boiling)
Heat sterilization process
What is the most widely used and efficient method of sterilization
Autoclave -
Items w/c may be sterilized:
surgical instruments
most rubber articles
some plastic goods
Items which may be damaged in the autoclave:
- fibre-optic equipment
- lenses and plastics
- dispossable items like catheters