1 - Urinary Stone Disease Flashcards
Urinary stone disease factoids
3rd MC urinary tract d/o
Male > female 2.5:1
Age 30-50’s
Stone formation anywhere in urinary tract
Stones in the kidneys
Stones in the ureters
Urinary calculi
Polycrystalline aggregates of crystalloid and organic matrix
Stone formation is a result of?
Uninary supersaturation of solute
- low fluid intake -> low urine volume -> high concentrations of stone forming solutes in urine
Most stones are?
Calcium (85%)
- radiopaque
Factors that affect urinary stone formation
- high protein intake
- high salt intake
- inadequate hydration
- Sedentary lifestyle
Stones of our fathers?
A clint eastwood movie
- wait, maybe not
They are genetic though
- calcium based - 50% heritable
- cystinuria - (autosomal dominant d/o) leads to cysteine stones
Urine pH effects on stones?
- uric acid stones
- cystine stones
- UTI (urease producing organisms)
- > struvite stones
5 types of urinary stones?
- Calcium oxalate
- Calcium phosphate
- Struvite (mg, ammonium phosphate)
- Cystine
- Uric acid
Staghorn stones are
- magnesium ammonium phosphate
MC type of stone?
Calcium oxalate (by far MC)
Risk factors for calcium oxalate stones?
Urinary pH 5.5-6.8
High sodium High protein Dehydration Hypercalciuria Low urine citrate
Oxalate stones result from?
Digestion: oxalate is metabolic end product
Excess ascorbic acid (>2g/day)
- H urinary oxalate levels
Strongest promoter of oxalate stone formation?
Urinary oxalate
- it has a high affinity for calcium so calcium follows it into the urine
How does citrate promote calcium phosphate and oxalate stones?
Urinary citrate binds w calcium making it unavailable to bind with phosphate and oxalate
PH effect on citrate?
Acidosis -> L urinary citrate
Alkalosis -> H urinary citrate
Risk for calcium phosphate stones?
- alkaline urine
- high sodium
- high protein
- dehydration
- hyepercalciuria
- low urine citrate
(Pretty similary to calcium oxalate)
MC struvite stone presentation?
Women w recurrent UTI w urease-producing baceria
- proteus
- pseudomonoas
- providencia
- klebsiella
- staph
- mycoplama
High urine pH (>7.2)
Struvite stones are made of?
Magnesium-ammonium-phosphate stones
Struvite stones on radiograph?