1-Understanding the Most Anxious Country in the World Flashcards
1-Understanding the Most Anxious Country in the World
He ruled far longer than this guy,
Oo hokoomat kard, besyar toolani rar az….
controlled more territory than this guy,
Ghalamrooye bishtar
Means to confront or deal with something, usually a challenge or problem.
Example: “She faced many challenges during her career.”
Way less
Informal phrase meaning significantly or much less.
Example: “It costs way less to travel by train than by plane.”
Political opposition
Mokhalefat siyasi
and faced way less political opposition than this guy.
“And he dealt with much less resistance from political groups compared to the other leader.”
Now, unlike the other fascist,
Alan, bar خلاف fashiست dige.
Came to power:
Be ghodrat resid (به قدرت رسید)
Ba akrah (با اکراه / بدون تمایل)
Salazar came to power reluctantly.
“Salazar became a leader, but he was hesitant or unwilling to take the position.”
He was a boring bureaucrat.
Burokrat (کارمند دولتی)
No romantic visions:
Hich didgah-e arman-garayane
He sought
Ow Talab Kard(Means he actively searched for, wanted, or pursued something.)
Example: “He sought a better life for his family.”
No cult of personality:
Hich shakhsiyat-parasti (هیچ شخصیتپرستی)
He sought no cult of personality.
“He didn’t want to be idolized or glorified by the public.”
He refrained from grand public displays.
He avoided making big public shows.
He refrained from
He chose not to do something or held back.
Grand public displays
Large, dramatic actions or shows in front of others.
“He refrained from grand public displays”
He didn’t want to do anything flashy or attention-grabbing in public.
He avoided wars and violence whenever he possibly could.
He stayed away from wars and violence whenever it was possible.
Whenever is a word used to mean any time or every time something happens, without a specific time in mind.
He encouraged
He promoted, advised, or supported.
A quiet, traditional lifestyle
A calm and conventional way of living, following old customs and practices.
No drama
No excitement, trouble, or emotional situations; everything is calm and controlled.
No striving
No efforts to achieve or compete intensely; no pushing oneself or others to succeed-Bee koshesh
No politicking
Bee siasat-bazi
and he reiterated them constantly,
And he repeated them all the time.
Repeated, said again to emphasize( baraye ta’kid).
All the time, without stopping or frequently.
the first studies on generalized anxiety emerged
The first research about generalized anxiety began.
“And found that the Portuguese population was teeming with it.”
And discovered that many people in Portugal had it.
Teeming with it”
Full of it; there is a large amount of something.
They found that the class was teeming with excitement.
(They discovered the class was full of excitement.)
The city was teeming with tourists in the summer.
(The city was crowded with tourists in the summer.)
پُر از چیزی بودن (Filled with, overflowing with).
“And numbers rarely seen elsewhere.”
“Elsewhere” = در جای دیگر (In another place).
The forest had numbers of animals rarely seen elsewhere.
(The forest had many animals that are uncommon in other places.)
The team’s success was in numbers rarely seen elsewhere in the league.
(The team achieved a level of success uncommon in the league.)
“In the first large international survey of generalized anxiety disorder in 1990,”
“Survey” = Nazaaar Sanjii (A method of gathering information through questions).
Struggling with
دست و پنجه نرم کردن (Having difficulty or challenges).
Tashkhis Haa (The identification of diseases or conditions).
“I’ve come to Portugal to figure out what the hell is going on here.”
I came to Portugal to understand what is happening here.
To figure out
To understand or solve something.
She needs to figure out how to fix her car.
It refers to finding an answer or understanding something.
What the hell
A casual or informal way to express confusion, surprise, or frustration.
Going on
Etefagh Oftadan (Happening, taking place).
I mean, what the hell is everybody freaking out about?
I want to know why everyone is so upset or worried.
Freaking out
Becoming very upset, worried, or panicked.وحشت زده شدن
She’s freaking out about the exam tomorrow.
It means to react with anxiety or extreme emotion.
I mean
Used to clarify or emphasize what the speaker is saying.
Example: “I mean, I didn’t expect this to happen.”
And as it turns out
This phrase means Hamoon tor ke ma’loom shod “and what I discovered was.” It introduces the result or discovery.
the story of Portugal’s mental health crisis is far deeper
“Crisis” = Bohraaan (A situation of great difficulty or danger).
and more profound than I ever could have imagined.
“Profound” =Amigh Very deep, serious, or significant.
Will take us
Means”Ma ra faratar khahad bord” the story will guide or lead us to something
Example: “This journey will take us to new places.”
It shows the direction or result of the story.
“Beyond” = فراتر از (Further than or outside of).
To think about something carefully, often to make a decision or judgment.
mass migrations,
Large movements of people,
Mosahedat (Acts of seeing something, especially unusual or notable)
Natije Giri (The final judgment or outcome).
Vazeh (Clear and easy to see or understand)
Example: “It was obvious that she was excited about the news.”
It refers to something that is very clear and easy to recognize.
In the basis of
Bar asas-e
Human nature
Tabi’at-e ensan
Other sports are built around the spectacle of scoring,
Other sports focus on the excitement of scoring points.
The spectacle of scoring:
Namayesh-e emtiyazgiri-
Refers to the exciting or entertaining display of points being scored.
Are built around
Bar asas-e sakhte shodeh-and
Indicates that the foundation or focus is on a particular aspect.
A word used to contrast two ideas, meaning “while” or “in comparison.
Example: “I like tea, whereas he prefers coffee.”
It shows how two things are different.
Dar Hali ke
“Whereas football is about the agonizing anticipation of scoring.”
But football focuses on the painful excitement of waiting to score.
Something very painful or distressing, either physically or emotionally.
Example: “The wait for the test results was agonizing.”
In this context, it refers to an intense or difficult feeling.
The feeling of looking forward to something, often with excitement or nervousness. انتظار با هیجان
Goals are so scarce, so special that every pass,
“Scarce” = Kamyab (Rare or not abundant).
is imbued with an overwhelming significance.
Has a deep and powerful meaning.
Filled with or influenced by a particular quality or feeling. Agheste Shode
Example: “The song was imbued with sadness.”
It means something has been deeply influenced or filled with a particular emotion or characteristic.
غیرقابل تحمل (So strong or intense that it is hard to deal with).
اهمیت (The importance or meaning of something).
Taskin Dahandeh (Helping to release strong emotions).
“And a cathartic release of the game stress.”
A way to let go of the stress from the game and feel better.
Watching a funny movie after a tough day can feel cathartic.
Watching something funny helps you feel better after a hard day.
Exercising is sometimes a cathartic way to release stress.
Meaning: Doing exercise can help you feel better by getting rid of stress.
His emotions started pouring out when he talked about his childhood.
Foraan kardan
In case you’re wondering, football fandom does not correlate to anxiety.
This sentence explains that being a football fan doesn’t cause anxiety, so there is no direct link between supporting football and feeling anxious.
Example: “His football fandom is obvious; he watches every game and wears his team’s jersey.”
(His love for football is clear; he watches all the matches and supports his team by wearing their shirt.)
“But Portugal’s obsession with the sport is actually interesting, because Portuguese football is in many ways, a microcosm of the problems that Portugal faces as a whole.”
Portugal’s love for football is surprising because the problems in football are like a smaller version of the problems in the whole country.
Trails far behind
Meaning: This phrase means it is much less successful, important, or popular compared to others.
the Portuguese football league trails far behind the other European leagues in popularity
The Portuguese football league is much less popular than other European football leagues.
Trails far behind
Aghab Mondan
partly because it is rife with corruption and financial mismanagement.
One reason is that there is a lot of dishonesty and poor handling of money.
Example: “The internet is rife with misinformation.”
“Rife with” = Por az (پر از).
Example: “Corruption in politics is a serious problem.”
“Corruption” = Fesad (فساد).
And this brings us to
This leads us to.(ما را به این میرساند
And this brings us to
Meaning: This phrase is used to connect ideas. It means the previous topic is leading to a new topic.(ما را به این میرساند
“And this brings us to our first theory to explain Portugal’s anxiety, rampant economic insecurity.
رمپ کردن حیوانات مثلا، بیثباتی اقتصادی
Its poverty rate is below average.
The percentage of poor people.
end to be
Usually are
People who exercise regularly tend to be healthier.
Those who exercise Usually are stay healthier.
which raises the question,
This brings up the question
(ke in soal ro be vojood miavare)
We’ll be using this list as our guide to try
We’ll follow this list to try
And we can already cross off a couple of items from this list.
And we can already remove a few things from this list.
(Khat zadan Item ha az List ke darim,Mesle List Kharid)
We started working on the tasks, and we can already cross off a couple of items from this list.
Ma kar ro shoru’ kardim, va mitonim chand ta az items ro az in list khali konim.
And while we’re here, the fact that Portugal has not experienced any major wars in a hundred years
And since we’re talking about this, the fact that Portugal hasn’t had any big wars in 100 years
domestic violence
Khoshonat Khanevadegi
means that we can probably rule out trauma and abuse from this list as well.
This suggests we can remove trauma and abuse from this list too.
According to Sara, there seems to be a disproportionate amount of expectation on people
Bebin, be gofte Sara, be nazar mirese ke entezaar-haa az mardom bishtar az hado khodesh hast.
Balanced, Fair
came across
Saw ,,noticed, Found
by the celebrated social psychologist, Geert Hofstede.
By the well-known or Famous
uncertainty avoidance
Discomfort with unclear situations
hate ambiguity and they’re highly conformist.
They avoid uncertainty and prefer to stick to traditions.
tend to be
Tamayol Dashtan
all claimed to have seen
Hame Edda Kardand ke didand
the pilgrimage