1. The urinary system Flashcards
What is the urinary tract comprised of?
Urinary bladder
Positioning of the kidneys
Retroperitoneal in upper abdomen
Surrounded by dense fibrous capsule
Capsule surrounded by renal fascia containing peri-renal adipose tissue
Right kidney in relation to left kidney
Right kidney is usually slightly lower than the left
Superior pole of R kidney: level of 11th intercostal space
Superior pole of L kidney: at the 11th rib
Where does the hilum to each kidney lie?
Hilum lies at about the level of L1
R and L- despite them being at different levels
What splits around the kidney to form the renal fascia?
Transversalis fascia
What else is enclosed in the renal fascia?
Adrenal glands
Perinephric fat
Great vessels
Spleen in relation to kidneys
Spleen is superior and lateral to the left kidney
Describe the posterior relations of the kidneys
Superior: related to diaphragm
Lateral: Transversus abdominus
Medially: quadratus lumborum and psoas major
Anterior relations of the right kidney
Hepatic flexure of colon
Hilus lies behind 2nd part of duodenum
Anterior relations of the left kidney
Splenic flexure
How much of the resting cardiac output do the kidneys require?
What drives ultrafiltration?
Blood pressure
How is blood delivered under high pressure to the kidneys?
Abundant blood supply via renal arteries: short, direct branches from abdominal aorta
Where do renal veins drain?
IVC and aorta in relation to midline
Aorta: Left of midline
IVC: Right of midline
Describe the length and positioning of right renal artery
Right renal artery is longer than left
Passes behind IVC
Describe the length and positioning of left renal vein
Left renal vein is longer than right
Anterior to aorta, but inferior to superior mesenteric artery
How would an aneurysm in the aorta impact the kidneys?
Occlude flow from left kidney into IVC
List the branches of the aorta in the abdomen
Celiac trunk Superior mesenteric artery Renal arteries on either side Gonadal arteries Inferior mesenteric artery
How do the gonadal veins drain?
Right: Directly into IVC
Left: Drains into renal vein, which drains into IVC
Where does each lobe of the kidney drain to?
Minor Calyx