1: The Global Interstate Sytem Flashcards
It is the country and government
Exercises authority over a specific population
The practice of conducting negotiations between states
Importance of diplomacy
Prevents conflicts and fosters cooperation
A set of rules and norms governing relations between states
International law
What’s the role of international law
Promotes peace and justice, resolves disputes
What are the 2 power types
Hard power: military, economic
Soft power: cultural, diplomatic
Package of treaties that ended the ____ years European wars of religion
Peace of Westphalia ; 30 years
- The principle of state sovereignty
- The principle of legal equality if states
- The principle of non-intervention of one state in the internal affairs of another
3 core points of the Westphalian Treaty
System of heightened interaction between various sovereign states, particularly the desire for greater cooperation and unity among states and people
Who coined the term “international”?
Jeremy Bentham
It is the law between states
International law
Nationalism and international cooperation complimented each other
Mazzini’s Nationalist Internationalism
Nations were subject to the universal laws of God
Wilsonian internationalism
It’s goal is to maintain world peace through international arbitration
League of Nations
It is the product of the Bolshevik victory in Russia
Communist International
Created to preserve peace after the war
United Nations
29 countries participated in this conference
Bandung Conference
Was established to combat colonialism and neocolonialism by either the US or the USSR
The Bandung Conference
It has a structure of government
Has sovereignty over its territory
It determines a state’s ability to shape international outcomes
Role of power and influence in the interstate system
States are considered _______
Sovereign (independent)
Which international organizations and institutions facilitate relations between states
Organization - UN
Institutions - IMF, WB
The authority of a state to govern itself without outside interference
A state in which the political entity (state) and the cultural (nation) coincide
What is the importance of sovereignty in international relations
Basis of state legitimacy
Who are the primary actors of the global interstate system?
Country/Nation-state is composed of 2 non-interchangeable terms:
Not all ____ are _____ and not all ____ are _____
Not all states are nations and not all nations are states
- a relatively modern phenomenon in human history
- People identified units as small as their village/ tribe or Christendom
An imagined community
Limited, has boundaries: rights and responsibilities are mainly the privilege and concern of the citizens
It facilitates state formation
It allows the creation of nation-states
Ntionalist movements
What happened during WW1
Collapse of empires (ottoman, Russian, austro-hungarian, German empires), creation of new nation-states (creation of countries like Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Poland)
When did WW1 happened?
1914-1918 (4 years )
What happened in WW2
Emergence of the US and USSR as Superpowers: weakening of traditional powers like UK, France, and Germany
When did WW2 happen?
1939-1945 (6 years)
What happened in World War 2?
Bipolar World Order: the world becae divided into 2 spheres of influence, led by the US
Arms Race: both the US and USSR engaged in a massive arm rave, particularly focusing on nuclear weapons
Proxy Wars: regional conflicts
Ideological Conflict: an ideological battle
When did the Cold War happened?
1947-1991(40 years)
Was founded to promote peace, security, and cooperation
United nations
It overseas international trade agreements
World trade organization
It aims to reduce trade barriers and resolve disputes
World trade organization
Who is the emperor of the french empire
Napoleon bonaparte
It’s sought to spread the principles of the french revolution across europe
Napoleon bonaparte
It sought to restore europe to world before french revolution and napoleon
The concert of europe
Alliances of austria, prussia, russian empire, united kingdom agreed to maintain _____
Balance of power
Would support each other if any revolutions broke out
The concert of europe
- Return of the monarchy
- Return of Christian values in Europe
- Repudiation of the Napoleonic Code
- Renewed peace in Europe through great power diplomacy
Tenets of the Concert
What are the Tenets of the Concert?
- Return of the monarchy
- Return of Christian values in Europe
- Repudiation of the Napoleonic Code
- Renewed peace in Europe through great power diplomacy
Westphalian and Concert systems divided the world into separate, sovereign entities/ interstate system
Who said this?
Until now, states are considered sovereign. “great powers” still hold significant influence over world politics
UN’s security council
Who said this?
First states in their relation to each other, there cannot be any reasonable way out of the lawless condition which they, Like individual men, should give up their savage freedom, adjust themselves to the constraints of public law, Enters establish a continuously growing State consisting of various Nations which will ultimately include all the nations of the world
Immanuel Kant
- Agreements among states merely avert war
- nations needed to give up their freedom and subject themselves to a larger systems of law
- a form of global government needed to create and enforce this laws
The birth of liberal internationalism
” the end that a disinterested legislator upon international law would propose to himself would… be the greatest happiness of all nations take together”
Jeremy Bentham
An architect of Italian unification, ardent nationalist and major critic of the metternich system
Giuseppe mazzini
Define liberal internationalism as cooperation and respect among nation- states
Mazzini and Wilson
Find liberal internationalism as the idea of common international principles
Defined liberal Internationalism as promotion of global democracy
Founded in the 1919 Paris Peace Conference after WW1
League of Nations
The birth of task-specific international organizations
League of nations
Organization of labor and socialist parties, mainly in europe
The Socialist International
What are the achievements of the socialist international
8 hour working day, international women’s day, may 1
Collapsed in _____ as its member parties supported the war efforts of their respective states
The socialist international; 1916
Vladimir Lenin’s tool to promote revolution
Communist international (comintern)
It is the central body for all communist parties across the world
Communist international
What was the major challenge to internationalism
He saw both variants internationalism as an attack on the nation
Believed in the primacy of ethnic majorities
Believed in regional spheres of influence
Believed in regional spheres of influence
Reinforced principles of sovereignty and non-intervention
United Nations
After world war 2, cold war divided the world
1st world: NATO and the Western Alliance
2nd world: communist countries
3rd world: those caught in between the superpowers
It was the first time that developing countries have participated
The Bandung conference
“Colonialism is not yet dead. How can we say it is dead, so long as vast areas of Asia and Africa are unfree”
Indonesian president Sukarno at Bandung Conference
- 3rd world solidarity
- cementing the emphasis on national development against “neocolonial intervention”
- regionally driven internationalism
Legacies of bandung
Who developed the concept “imagined community”?
Benedict Anderson