1: Temperature and Heat Transfer Flashcards
What is temperature?
Macroscopic: Temperature is a measure of the degree of hotness of an object.
Microscopic: Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy per molecule in a body
Which properties of substances allow us to indicate temperature?
thermometric properties: temperature-dependent, physical properties. some examples include colour, volume etc.
What are two features of reference points to define a temperature scale?
They are fixed and easily reproducible.
What are the fixed points for the celcius temperature scale?
lower fixed point: ice point (the temperature of melting ice under normal atmospheric pressure)
upper fixed point: steam point (the temperature of steam above boiling water under normal atmospheric pressure)
How is the range between the fixed points divided in the celcius temperature scale?
It is divided into 100 equal divisions with each division being called 1°C.
Express a temperature T (ºC) in Fahrenheit and Kelvin.
T (ºF) = 9/5 T(ºC) + 32
T (K) = (ºC) + 273
How does a liquid-in-glass thermometer work?
The liquid inside expand and contract uniformly when temperature changes. The level of liquid risen up from its bulb indicates the temperature measured by the thermometer.
What is meant by calibrating an unmarked thermometer?
Marking a scale on a thermometer
How do you calibrate a thermometer by using a practical method?
- Put the thermometer into a beaker of melting ice (0°C) and mark the liquid level.
- Put the thermometer into a beaker of boiling water (100°C) and mark the liquid level.
- Divide the length between the two marked points to 10 portions. Each portion stands for 10°C.
How do you calibrate a thermometer by a graphical method?
- Measure the liquid level when the thermometer is put in melting ice and boiling water.
- Draw a graph of length of liquid against the temperature.
- Read from the graph or calculate the calibration from a uniform proportion.
(S4 Test 1) A faulty mercury-in-glass thermometer reads 1.2C at ice point and 99.6C at steam point. What is the actual temperature when the faulty thermometer reads 25C?
Assumption: the length of the liquid column varies linearly with temperature, because mercury’s volume varies linearly with temperature.
Approach: using proportion, uniform ratio, or equation of straight line
(99.6-1.2)/100 = 0.984: for every 1ºC increase shown on the faulty thermometer, the real temperature increase is 0.984ºC.
Starting from 0ºC, where the faulty thermometer reads 1.2ºC, the faulty reading is increased by (25-1.2)ºC. The real temperature increases by (23.8/0.984)ºC, which means the real temperature is 24.2ºC.
What affects the accuracy of a thermometer?
- The length of the liquid column should vary linearly with temperature for a thermometer to be accurate.
The accuracy is guaranteed by uniform cross-sectional area of the capillary tube, and the uniform expansion of the liquid per unit temperature.
What is sensitivity and how can a thermometer become more sensitive?
Sensitivity refers to the ability to record a small change in temperature. For liquid-in-glass thermometer, sensitivity can be increased by using a narrower tube (more variation in column length), increasing the amount of liquid, and using a liquid that expands more when heated.
Can an accurate thermometer be less sensitive, and can a sensitive thermometer be inaccurate?
Yes: an accurate thermometer is less sensitive if the capillary tube is thicker, or there is less liquid.
Yes: a sensitive thermometer can have an inaccurate scale after marking the scale randomly.
What is response time and how can it be shortened?
Response time is the time needed for the reading of the thermometer to become stable. It can be faster if the thermometer has thin walls, or if highly conducing liquid is used.
What are two advantages and a disadvantage of using a mercury thermometer?
advantages: can measure high temperatures up to 357°C, has a quick response to temperature changes
disadvantage: mercury is poisonous.
Give two reasons why water is not used in thermometers.
- It has a non-uniform expansion, in which it contracts when heated from 0ºC to 4ºC, but expands when heated to 4ºC or beyond.
- It has a high specific heat capacity, meaning that it has to absorb a large amount of energy with only a small change in temperature.
What are two advantages and a disadvantage of using an alcohol thermometer?
advantages: can measure low temperatures down to -115°C, is not poisonous
disadvantage: slow response to temperature changes.
How does a rotary thermometer with copper and iron bimetallic strip work? (given: the copper strip is put on the outside)
When heated, copper expands more than iron, which makes the strip in the thermometer bend, displaying different temperatures.
What are the properties, molecular arrangement, and molecular movement in a solid?
properties: fixed volume and shape
arrangement: closely packed fixed in positions
movement: vibrate about a fixed position
What are the properties, molecular arrangement, and molecular movement in a liquid?
properties: fixed volume but unfixed shape
arrangement: closely packed but not fixed in positions
movement: move freely
What are the properties, molecular arrangement, and molecular movement in a gas?
properties: no fixed volume or shape
arrangement: far apart, not fixed in positions
movement: move freely at high speeds
How can we infer how much kinetic energy a body has?
The faster the molecules move in a body, the more kinetic energy it possesses. The molecules move faster at a higher temperature and move slower at a lower temperature. Therefore, the temperature of the body is a measure of the average kinetic energy due to the motion of the molecules in the body.
What determines the direction of heat transfer?
The temperature difference (instead of the internal energy difference)
What is internal energy and what is its unit?
Internal energy measures the amount of total energy stored in a body in joules(J) or kilojoules(kJ)/megajoules(MJ). It is given by no. of molecules x (average kinetic energy + average potential energy).
What are 3 factors that can change the amount of stored internal energy inside a body?
Mass, temperature, state of matter
When the internal energy of a body is increased, when is the internal energy account for an increase in kinetic energy and potential energy respectively?
increase in kinetic energy: temperature rise
increase in potential energy: change of state
What is the minimum temperature of a body?
Absolute zero (-273°C)
What is the conversion between joules, kilojoules, and megajoules?
What is thermal equilibrium?
Thermal equilibrium occurs when two bodies of different temperature are put in contact, and when the bodies reach the same temperature (heat transfer stops)
What is meant by the conduction of heat?
Conduction is the process where heat is transferred from an object with higher temperature to another through direct contact.
List 3 good heat conductors and 3 good heat insulators.
Conductors: copper, silver, aluminum
Insulators: water, wood, air
How do cooking utensils and food containers utilise the principle of conduction and insulation?
Cooking utensils are made of good hesat conductors to cook effectively, and their handles are made of heat insulators like wood or plastic to allow users to grasp the utensils easily.
Foam food containers are used because of their insulating property.
How do animals and humans utilise the principle of conduction and insulation to keep warm?
Maintaining temperature: feathers, fur, and fat are good insulators of heat. They help to keep animals warm in winter.
A jacket filled with goose-down is a good insulator of heat because there are a lot of air trapped inside the jacket.
How can conduction of heat in non-metallic solids be explained microscopically?
In solids, the particles are packed together closely. When a part of a solid is heated, the particles near the heat source gain more kinetic energy and vibrate vigorously, and they collide with neighbouring particles to make them vibrate faster as well. The process continues and the enery is transferred along to object.
Why are non-metallic liquids and gases worse conductors when compared to solids?
The particles of liquids are packed irregularly, and the particles of gases are far apart, which makes the conduction process inefficient as the vibration of hotter particles cannot induce the vibration of neighbouring particles effectively.
How can the conduction of heat in metals be explained microscopically?
In metals, the outermost electrons in atoms are loosely held, which makes them free elctrons that can move at high speeds when heated. When a part of the metal is heated, both the particles and free electrons move faster. In addition, unlike ions, free electrons can move quickly to the cold region and transfer their energy to the ions there by collision, making it more efficient to conduct the heat to other parts of the metal.
What is convection?
Convection is the process of heat transfer through the movement of the fluid (liquid or gas) itself.
What is meant by a convection current?
The flow of fluid due to temperature difference.
What is the convection current of water when it is heated?
The water at the bottom is heated first. The heated water expands and becomes less dense. Then the cold water sinks because of its higher density, and it replaces the hot water. Therefore, the cold water can also be heated, and the water is heated.
What are some examples of convection in daily life?
The air conditioners are put at the top of the room. Cold air produced by the air conditioner sinks and the warmer air near the floor rises. The air in the room is cooled down rapidly.
How do radiators (heaters) utilise the principle of convection?
Heaters are placed near the floor. The air is warmed up and rises, while cold air near the ceiling sinks, making it heat the whole room effectively.
How can sea breezes and land breezes be explained by convection?
Land heats up and cools down more quickly than the sea due to a lower specific heat capacity.
In the day, the warmer air above the land rises, and the colder air over the sea flows in to take its place. There is onshore wind near the ground, or sea breeze.
At night, the warmer air over the sea rises, and the cooler air over the land flows in to take its place. There is an offshore wind near the ground, or land breeze.
What is radiation?
Radiation is a process in which heat is transferred from one place to another by means of electromagnetic waves. It does not require any medium or particles. (it can take place in a vacuum.) It takes place in all directions.
Why must the heat transfer from the sun to the Earth be done by radiation?
There is a vacuum between the Earth and the sun, meaning that there are no particles and therefore neither conduction or convection can transfer the heat.
What is the common type of electromagnetic wave objects at everyday temperature emit?
Infrared rays (IR)
Does everything emit or receive radiation?
Yes, everything above absolute zero (-273ºC) is both an absorber and a radiator or radiation.
Does a colder object have a net gain or loss of radiation?
It has a net gain of radiation, and therefore its temperature increases. (vice versa for an object hotter than the surroundings)
Does a hotter object have a net gain or loss of radiation?
It has a net loss of radiation, and therefore its temperature decreases.
Under what condition does an object have no net gain or loss of radiation?
When its temperature is the same as that of the surroundings.
Which types of surfaces are poor absorbers of radiation? What other properties do they have regarding emission and reflection of radiation?
Shiny, light-coloured surfaces. They are also poor emitters of radiation and good reflectors of radiation.
Which types of surfaces are good absorbers of radiation? What other properties do they have regarding emission and reflection of radiation?
Dull, black surfaces. They are also good emitters of radiation and poor reflectors of radiation.
How do greenhouses utilise the principle of radiation?
The other radiation waves (eg. visible light) from the sun are converted to infra-red radiation given out by the warm objects inside. Since glass can trap infra-red radiation, it makes the greenhouse warm.
(S4 Test 1) A Bain-marie is used to keep food warm. Water is put in at the lower tray while food is put in the upper tray. There is a heater under the water tray. List three ways how the bain-marie can keep the food warm for a long time.
- cover: The cover reduces heat loss from the hot food to the surroundings through convection.
- shiny, silvery surface: The shiny and silvery surface is a poor emitter of radiation. It reduces heat loss from the hot food to the surroundings through radiation.
- water as a temperature regulator: Water has a high specific heat capacity, so hot water can keep the food warm for longer.
X water reduces heat loss by convection because water is not a part of the food.