1. Stochastic Calculus Flashcards
What are the basic bulding blocks of derivatives?
- Options
- Forwards and futures
e.g., swaps = hybrid of options + forwards/futures
What is arbitrage?
Taking simultaneous positions in different assets so that one guarantees a riskless profit higher than the risk-free rate
Describe the arbitrage theorem and its relevance.
Given two states with a positive probability of ocurrence,
- If StatePrices > 0 can be found such that the asset prices satisfy S = D StatePrices, then no arbitrage opportunities exist
- Conversely, if no arbitrate opportuinities exist, StatePrices can be found
This provides a general method for pricing derivative assets.
What are some uses of arbitrage-free prices?
- Launch of a financial product by derivatives house (new product)
- Measure risks in a portfolio (risk management)
- Marking-to-market assets held in mortfolios to understand MV of iliquid assets (MtM)
- To identify mispriced profit opportunities
How can you price using real world probabilities?
- Modern portfolio theory and utility functions
- Certainty equivalent value under the real random walk:
- Find expected utility under real random walk
- Certaintly equivalent = U-1(Expected utility)
- Real Expected PV of Option Payoff +/- k * Std Dev
What are two arbitrage-free methods to price derivatives?
- Equivalent measures / Martingale transformations
- Tools include:
- Dobb-Meyer decomposition into a trend and a martingale piece
- Normalization by dividing the martingale by another arbitrage-free price (e.g., divide by bond price Bt)
- Equivalent measures through Girsanov’s theorem to derive risk-neutral probabilities and remove predictability of real-world
- Arbitrage on financial assets which are martingales
- Implies converting assets to martingale
- Tools include:
- Partial-differential equations (PDE)
- Construct a risk-free portfolio to obtain an Black-Scholes PDE by the no arbitrage theorem
- e.g., Black-Scholes PDE
What are the main steps in risk-neutral pricing of deriatives?
- Obtain the underlying’s pricing model (e.g., lognormal, skewness/kurtosis,…)
- Calcualte the derivative’s payoffs at expiration w.r.t. the underlying
- Obtain risk-neutral probabilities
- Calculate expected payoffs
- Discount at r.f.r.
Define the three types of convergence
- Almost sure convergence
- Pr( | limn→inf Xn - X | > d ) = 0
- Mean-squared convergence
- limn→inf E[(Xn-X)2] = 0
- Weak convergence
- Xn→X and Pn→P if EPn[f(Xn)] → EP[f(X)]
Define previsible
That the random variable only depends on previous history
Define a filtration
A collection of σ-algebras Ft, 0 ≤ t ≤ T for a positive fixed number T where:
- Ω is a non-empty sample space
- For each t in [0,T], there a σ-algebra Ft.
- If s ≤ t, then every set in Fs is also in Ft.
Define a field and a σ-algrebra
A family or collection of subsets of Ω where:
- ∅ ∈ F
- If A ∈ F, then AC ∈ F
- If A1, A2, … ∈ F, then
- for a field Ui=1 to n Ai ∈ F
- for a σ-algrebra Ui=1 to inf Ai ∈ F
Define a probability measure P on {Ω,F}
- P({∅}) = 0
- P({Ω}) = 1
- If A1, A2, … ∈ F and {Ai}i=1 to inf is disjoint such that Ai∩Aj=∅ i<>j, then P(Ui=1 to inf Ai) = Σi=1 to inf P(Ai)
Define a real-valued random variable X
A function X: Ω → R such that {ω
Define an adapted stochastic process
Let Ω be a non-empty sample space with filtration Ft, where t is between 0 and T; and let Xt be a collection of random variables indexed by t.
The collection of random variables Xt is an adapted stochastic process if for each t, the random variable Xt is Ft measurable.
Define conditional expectation
E(X|G) is any RV that satisfies:
- E(X|G) is G-measurable
- For every set A in G:
- ∫A E(X|G) dP = ∫A X dP
where X is a non-negative, integral RV and G is a sub-σ-algebra of F.
What are the properties of conditional expectation?
- Conditional probability
- If 1A is an indicator RV for an event A, then E(1A|G) = P(A|G)
- Linearity
- If X1,…, Xn are integrable RVs and c1,…, cn are constants, then E(c1X1 + … cnXn | G) = c1E(X1|G) + … + cnE(Xn|G)
- Positivity
- If X ≥ 0 almost surely, then E(X|G) ≥ 0 almost surely.
- Monotonicity
- If X,Y are integrable RVs and X≤Y almost surely, then E(X|G) ≤ E(Y|G)
- Compute expectations
- E[E(X|G)] = E(X)
- Take out what is known
- If X, Y are integrable RV and X is G-measurable, then E(XY|G) = X E(Y|G)
- Tower property
- If H is a sub-σ-algebra of G, then E[E(X|G)|H] = E(X|H)
- Measurability
- If X is G-measurable, then E(X|G) = E(X)
- Independence
- If X is independent of G, then E(X|G) = E(X)
- Conditional Jensen’s inequality
- If f is a convex function, then E[f(X)|G] ≥ f[E(X|G)]
Define the partial averaging property
∫AE(X|G)dP = ∫AXdP
What is a martingale?
A submartingale? A supermartingale?
Suppose one has information It at time t, i.e., market information.
A RV Xt for all s > 0 is a martingale w.r.t. P if
- EP[Xt+s | It] = Xt
- E(|Xt|) < infinity
- Xt is It-adapted
A submartingale will hold EP[Xt+s | It] ≥ Xt
A superartingale will hold EP[Xt+s | It] ≤ Xt
What are the three martingale ingredients and the three martingale properties?
- Process
- Measure
- Information set
- St is It-adapted
- EP|St| < infinity
- EtP(ST) = St for all t < T
When is a continuous martingale a “continuous square integrable martingale”?
If Xt has finite second moment E[Xt2] < infinity for all t > 0
What is a Markov process? A strong Markov process?
A process {X1, … Xt} is Markov if
Pr(Xt+s <= xt+s|x1,…,xt) = Pr(Xt+s <= xt+s|xt)
that is, only the last piece of information is relevant.
In other words, the conditional distribution of Xt given Fs only depends on Fs.
A strong Markov process is such that Xt+s - Xt is independent of Xt.
State the key Markov and Martingale properties.
Compare and contrast.
- Markov
- The expected value of Si conditional on all past event Ii-1 depends only on its previous value Si-1
- Martingale
- The expected future value of Si is equal to its current value, i.e. Ej(Si) = Sj for all j < i
Define a Wiener process and its properties
For a probability space (Ω,F,P), a stochastic process {Wt: t≥0} is a standard Wiener process if:
- Wt is a square integrable martingale
- Wt is continuous (i.e., no jumps)
- W0 = 0
- “Stationary increments” property:
- Wt+s - Wt ~ N(0,s)
- E[(Wt - Ws)2] = t - s
- “Independent increments” property: Wt+s - Wt is independent of Wt
⇒ Properties:
- Wt has uncorrelated increments
- Wt has zero mean
- Wt has a variance t
- The process is continuous so, in infinitesimally small intervals t, movements of Wt are infinitesimal
Define Brownian Motion
- B0 = 0
- Bt has stationary, independent increments
- Bt is continuous in t
- Bt - Bs ~ N(0, |t - s|)
Describe six Brownian motion properties
- Finiteness - Brownian motion path is almost surely finite
- Continuity - paths are continuous
- Markov
- Martingale
- Quadratic variation
- [0,t] has quadratic variation that mean-square converges to t
- Normality
- X(ti) - X(ti-1) ~ N(0, σ2 = ti - ti-1)
What are the key expectations of Brownian Motion?
- E0(Wt2) = V0(Wt) = t
- E0(Wt4) = 3t2 (kurtosis)
- E0(Wt2k) = (2k)! tk / (2kk!)
- E0(Wtk) = 0, for odd k’s
- E0[exp(σWt)] = exp(.5σ2t)
What is the distribution of Wi - Wj?
N ( µ = 0, σ2 = |i - j| )
Summarize the Levy theorem
Any Wiener process relative to It is Brownian Motion