1. Stochastic Calculus Flashcards
What are properties of Markov chain?
- A stochastic process and the future values are only dependent on the current values
- has several states together called “State Space”
What is n-step transition probability?
The probability from i => j after n times
P(X_{t+n} = j|X_t = i) = (P^n)_{ij}
What is Vector Probability Distribution and example?
- Let say we have distribution of 2 states at t = 0, x = [p1, p2] (horizontal vector)
- We have transition matrix P
- At t = t, the horizontal vector becomes x * P^t
What is Trajectory probability and example?
Is the probability of a specific state trajectory
1. Let say we have state space (X1, X2, X3) with known probability
2. At t = 0, we have probability of (X1, X2 and X3) = (a, b, c)
3. For a specific trajectory X1 - X3 - X1 - X2, we have:
trajectory probability = a * p(X1X3) * p(X3X1) * P(X1X2)
- What is Absorbing state?
- What is Absorbing Markov chain?
- State j is called absorbing if p_{jj} = 1
- Markov chain is called absorbing if:
- Has at least 1 absorbing state
- From ALL non-absorbing state, ALWAYS can move to AT LEAST 01 absorbing state
- What is periodic state?
- What is aperiodic state?
- What is this checked for?
- Process to check if a state is periodic or not:
- At t = 0: check all p_{ii} of each state, if p_{ii} > 0 => aperiodic
- At t = 0: if any p_{ii} = 0 => do P^2 and P^3. If P^2{ii} != 0 and P^3{ii} != 0 => common denominator of t = {2,3} = 1 => aperiodic
- If t = 2 and t = 4 that P^2{ii} and P^4{ii} !=0 => common denominator = 2 => periodic
- For how long this state is back to this state?
- What is transient state?
- What is recurrent state?
Transient: tạm thời
Recurrent: phản hồi
1. Transient: state i is transient if only exists state j that i => j, but j cannot => i (tồn tại ít nhất state j mà i chỉ cho đi nhưng không nhận lại)
2. Recurrent: the remaining
- What is accessible?
- What is communication class?
- What is a closed class?
- We say i and j is accessible if and only if after moving some states, j will return to i
- Communication class is a group of states that they can access to each other. Communication class is called a subchain
- A closed class is a class which cannot be accessible to other class
- What is a irreducible Markov chain?
- What is reducible Markov chain?
- A irreducible Markov chain is if the chain has ONLY 01 communication class
- Otherwise
- What is Hitting Probability?
- How to calculate Hitting Probability?
- Hitting probability is the probability that first time a given process hit a subset of a Markov Chain?
- Let say a state space S = {1, 2, 3, 4} and a subset A = {1, 2}
- Let H = {h1A, h2A, h3A, h3A} be the hitting probability vector that
hiA = pij * hjA, in which j = {1, 2, 3, 4}
h1A = h2A = 1 - If there is numerous solution, hiA = 0
- What is Expected Hitting Time?
- How to calculate Expected Hitting Time?
- Expected Hitting Time is the time that a process hit A
- Similar to Hitting Time, T = 1 + hiA
for {1,2}, T1 = T2 = 0
How to calculate Condition number?
1. Row
2. Column
- Take absolute value of each element
- K = ||A|| *||A^-1||
- ||A|| = max(sum of each row)
- similarly, ||A^-1||
- Multiply together
What are ways to calculate Det and name them?
- 2x2: ad - bc
- 3x3: triangle, sub-factor, LU decomposition
- 4x4: subfactor
Steps to LU decomposition?
- Find U and elementary matrix E
- For each step of finding U, have corresponding E
- E = E1 E2 U => U = E1^-1 * E2^-1 * U
- E1^-1 * E2^-1 = L
How to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors?
- Eigenvalues
det(A - lamba I) = 0 - Eigenvectors
For each lambda, substitute to the equation (A-lamdba I)x = 0