1: Stats Starts Here Flashcards
What do people around the world have in common regarding information?
They all want to figure out what’s going on.
What is the relationship between the amount of information available and the need to understand it?
As the amount of information grows, so does our need to understand what it can tell us.
What is data?
Any collection of numbers, characters, images, or other items that provide information about something.
What is the primary purpose of Statistics?
To help make sense of the world by finding patterns and relationships in data.
How does Statistics help us understand variation?
By seeing past the underlying variation to find patterns and relationships.
What do personalized ads on platforms like Facebook indicate about user data?
Much personal information has been sold to marketing or tracking companies.
Why does Facebook provide free accounts to users?
Because user data are valuable.
What type of profile might a company build using your Facebook data?
A profile of your interests and activities, including movies, sports, age, sex, education level, hobbies, and friends.
What metaphor is used to describe user data in the text?
User data are compared to gold ore, which can be mined for valuable insights.
Fill in the blank: Statistics helps us to make sense of the world by seeing past the underlying _______.
True or False: Statistics can be used to create a coherent picture from random pieces of information.
What is the ultimate goal of learning Statistics according to the text?
To turn data into a powerful, effective approach to understanding the world.
What is Statistics?
Statistics is a way of reasoning, along with a collection of tools and methods, designed to help us understand the world.
What are statistics?
Statistics (plural) are particular calculations made from data.
What is data?
Data are values along with their context.
What is the singular form of data?
What does Statistics help us understand?
Statistics helps us understand and model variation.
Why do data vary?
Data vary because we don’t see everything, and because even what we do see and measure, we measure imperfectly.
How did texting drivers compare to drunk drivers in terms of reaction times?
Texting drivers responded more slowly and were more dangerous than those who were above the legal limit for alcohol.
What can Statistics help individuals become?
More informed citizens.
What types of real-world questions does Statistics help answer?
Questions about risk assessment, predictions, and effects of interventions.
In a summary of disciplines, what is Statistics about?
Fill in the blank: Statistics is about _______.
What is the purpose of Statistics according to the text?
To give tools to understand, question, and interpret data.