1) Spinal Cord Anatomy - meninges Flashcards
What are the three layers of protection of the spinal cord?
1) bones of skull and vertebrae
2) meninges
3) epidural space containing cerebrospinal fluid
What are the spinal meninges?
3 protective, connective tissues covers that encircle the spinal cord and brain
All 3 meninges cover the spinal nerves up to the point where they exit the spinal column through the vertebral foramina
Where do the 3 meninges exist the spinal column?
intervertebral foramina
List the 3 meninges, superficial to deep.
1) dura matter
2) arachnoid matter
3) pia mater
What is the epidural space? Where is it located?
it is a space between the dura matter and the wall of the vertebral canal that contains a cushion of fat and connective tissue.
The epidural space contains cerebrospinal fluid
What layer of meninges is considered to be the “tough mother”?
What layer of meninges is considered to be “spider-like”?
What layer of meninges is considered to be “delicate”?
What meninx consists of a thick, strong layer of dense irregular connective tissue?
What meninx consists of a thin, avascular covering of cells and thin, loosely arranged collagen and elastic fibers?
What meninx consists of thin, squamous to cuboidal cells within interlacing bundles of collagen fibers and some fine elastic fibers?
What meninx forms a sac from the level of the foramen magnum in the occipital bone tot he S2 vertebrae?
What meninx is continuous with hte epineurium (outercovering of spinal and cranial nerves)?
What is the subdural space?
a thin space between the dura matter and the arachnoid matter that contains interstitial fluid
The subdural space contains cerebrospinal fluid
False - it contains interstitial fluid. The epidural space contains cerebrospinal fluid
What meninx is a thin transparent connective tissue layer that adheres to the surface of the spinal cord and brain?
What meninx contians many blood vessels that supply oxygen adn nutrients to the spinal cord?
What meninx contains denticulate ligaments? What are the functions of denticulate ligaments?
They are triangular-shaped membranous extensions of pia matter that suspend the spinal cord in the middle of its dural sheath.
They function to protect the spinal cord against sudden displacement/shock
What is the subarachnoid space?
the space between the arachnoid matter and pia matter. It contains shock-absorbing cerebrospinal fluid
Which of the following contain cerebrospinal fluid?
a) denticulate ligaments
b) epidural space
c) subdural space
e) subarachnoid space
epidural space and subarachnoid space