1. Skull Vault and cervical spine Flashcards
skull vault a.k.a
roof of cranial cavity
norma verticalis
view of skull from above
norma frontalis
view of skull from front
norma lateralis
view of skull from side
normal occipitaris
view of skull from behind
frontal eminence
left and right sides (yellow)
most prominent part of upper forehead
similar curvature to rest of bone - more likely male
frontal bone in young child
young child (2-3 years) is in 2 halves which fuse together by school age
8% have 2 halves for life
metopic suture in between
parietal bones
over the parietal lobes of brain (yellow)
right and left
parietal eminence
sides of skull (orange)
curvature similar to rest of skull - more likely male
more markedly curved - more likely female
fibrous joints join bone of skull together
unossidied parts of membrane
assisting parts of membrane
serrated interlocking pattern
coronal suture
from side to side
separates frontal bone from 2 parietal bones
sagittal suture
front to back - like sagittal plane
midline of coronal suture to occiptal bone
anterior fontanelle
child of 18-24 months has a diamond shaped opening called anterior fontanelle
closes completely at 2 years
metopic suture (between 2 halves of frontal bone) meets coronal and sagittal sutures
soft point
ossification of skull
Bones of skull form a membrane in embryo
- Intramembranous ossification
Membrane forms from mesenchyme
- Mesenchymal differentiate into osteoblasts and lay down the bone
No cartilage precursor in vault of skul
parietal foramen
Carries vein from veins in skull to veins inside head
Venous communication between inside and outside of cranial cavity
lambdoid suture
joins sagittal suture
Upside down V
Like Greek letter Lambda
sutural/Wormian bones
islands of bones seen in sutures
sutures use in fetal life
Grow as new bone being laid on outside and resorbed at inside
- Can occur at sutures
Thin bones at time of birth, sutures allow little movement of skull so baby’s head can pass through birth canal
occipital bone
at rear of skull
Lambdoid suture separates parietal and occipital
Part in vault of skull
- Squamous part of occipital bone
Part in base of skull
- Basilar part
below occipital protuberence
external occipital protuberence
most posterior part of skull
muscles of neck attach below that
frontal bone
Forehead and roof
Gabela – midline front above bridge of nose
Coronal suture separates from parietal bones
temporal bone
Passage of time – hear goes grey at this area first
Squamous part
- Flat piece on side of vault of skull
Zygomatic process
- Comes forward – meets zygomatic bone at suture
- Zygomaticotemporal suture
Mastoid part
- Rear on outside
Mastoid process - behind ear
- Helps differentiate sex – males larger than females in general
- Forms at age of 2
External acoustic metauts with bone on outside tempanic plate
- Styloid process - Long bone process done to mandible
Petrymastoid parts
- Dense bone inside skull
sphenoid bones
butterfly shaped
greater and lesser wings
lies on floor of cranial cavity across midline
extends to side of skull and contributes to normal lateralis - greater wing
sutures join in H shape
Means wing, like Mercury God
Thin area of skull – can be easily broken
- Middle meningeal artery run in grove below this
Extradural haemorrhage risk
temporal process of zygmatic bone
zygomatic process of temporal bone
tympanic plate
superior and inferior temporal lines
For temporalis muscles attachment to inferior line
Dense fascia covers the temporalis muscle to superior line
Lines downwards is temporal fossa where temporalis muscle lies
zygomaticofacial foramen
sensual nerve onto zygoma
point where coronal and sagittal sutures meet
upper jaw
right and left sieds joined by suture
contributes to part of nasal aperture and lower mesial side to oribital margins and floor of orbit
right and left nasal bones
small thin bones
attached to frontal bones maxilla and each other
can be easily broken
nasal aperture
upper edges formed by nasal bones
pear shaped
zygomatic bones
prominent part of cheek
lateral wall of orbit
can feel frontal zygomaticofacial suture on palate
mandible in fetus
in 2 halves - joined by fibrous joint so single by birth
bones inside eye
- sphenoid bone
- lacrimal bone
- ethmoid bones
not part of normal frontalis
supra orbital foramen
Notch or hole
Supraorbital nerve - Sensory nerve to forehead, branch of CNV3 ophthalmic
- Sensation and blood supply in parallel to forehead
infraoribital foramen
infraorbital nerve
sensory nerve to front of cheek, side of nose, lower eyelid and upper lip and gingivae, continuation of CNV2 maxillary division
mental foramen
Coming out of mandible
Inferior alveolar nerve – CNV3 mandibular division – runs in bone and comes out as mental nerve at premolar teeth region
Sensory nerve to skin of chin, lower lip and gingiva